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Time Management Skills As I read through the mind tools, I saw several very effective tools that I can incorporate into my daily schedule to help make more time available for myself. 1 Procrastination I find that I procrastinate all of the time. I know there things that need to be done and I put it off, thinking that I will get to it later, Sometimes I never do. This can create a very stressful situation. So I see that if I just stop putting things off and just do it, I would be a lot better off and better able to manage my time. 2. Along with Procrastination goes Delegation. I find that a lot of the chores and cooking can be done by other family members, This takes up a big portion of my night. I will start making a chore list and allowing my family to share in more of the responsibilities around the house. This will free up time for me to use for my studies. 3. Then there comes Prioritization. I do not take the time to put things in order. I just do what has to be done. I have learned that if I take time to put things in order, ( after delegaton, of course) from most important to least, I can manage to have more time to do and accomplish the most important things on my list and be able to create an environment suitable for my studies. I think that with the use of this tool combined with the other two I have chosen to use, that I can create a less stressful and organized environment, in which I will be able to accomplish all of the goals I have set for myself. II. Q

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