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Comprehension Sub-skills


Resource 11
Sub-skills we found:

B) Obtain the gist: In the first activity, when students have to look briefly through the sentences. C) Identify specific details: In the second and third activity, when students have to note the differences between the written and oral texts.

Resource 11
Sub-skill we can add:

B) Anticipate or predict the content of the text: This should be the first step. Showing students some pictures related to the sentences in the first activity, so they can relate the words they know to the appropriate context, and they can make their predictions.

Resource 12
Sub-skills we found

C) Identify specific details: In task 2.1 through labeling the schools in the map. B) Obtain the gist: Joint with C, the students manage enough information to do tasks 3 and 4

Resource 12
Sub-skill we can add

E) Recognise the speakers attitude: After task 2 (first reading) What is the speakers attitude? Is he/she making any value judgement? Why do you think that?

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