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Name: ______Arjun Rajan______________ Ancient Greece Webquest Look up answers to these questions on 1.

. Sports and Games Who were able to compete in the first Olympic games? Only men competed in a short foot race._ 2. Architecture The temple for gods were built in which style? The temple for gods was built in mostly Doric style. 3. Government a. Why did the Ancient Greeks have many forms of government? The Greeks had different forms of government because there were many different city states and they each had their own government.

b. Who divided the Greek governments? __Aristotle divided the Greek governments.___ c. In 510 BC, which city-state created the first democratic government? __Athens created the first democratic government. 4. Art What are the four forms of Ancient Greek art? Tell one sentence about each. Write on back if you need to. The four forms are architecture, sculpture, painted pottery, and music.________________________________ Architecture - buildings like temples and tombs, and lots of public buildings.___________________________________

Sculpture statues of all sizes big and small and also religious as well. Painted pottery - Pottery was made for daily use but was very beautiful and had geometric design. Music was created with the lyre, pipes, and singing, and was also used in ke Greek plays. Pick any one of the selections on the Webquest and write 3 sentences about what you read. The first buildings that were built in Greece are small houses or huts, and wooden walls around them. After that there are bigger houses with stone walls around the villages. The houses got fancier with bigger stone walls. The ancient Greeks also started building stone tombs, roads and dams.

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