Network Groups Curriculum 2013-Daily Schedule 2 4 Thursday

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13 Daily Schedule Week 2 Thursday Activity How Leaders Invoke Change The Power of Cheese: Power vs.

. Influence 1) TTW ask questions about leadership & influence for a group discussion: "Who are you influenced by? Who do you influence? Why do we need leaders? Why do they lead? What is the purpose of leadership? Is there a difference between power and influence? Can an individual lead without power? Can an individual lead without influence?" 2) TSW respond 3) TTW share the PowerPoint about different types of power 1) TSW watch this video about Napoleon: 2) TSW discuss what types of power Napolean used to cause change 3) TSW discuss was this a good use of power? Was it completely negative? 4) TTW hand out Power Cards AND a "mystery object" in a paper sack to small groups. **TTW need to provide mystery items for the sacks - any random items will do! 5) TSW (in small groups) identify a positive and negative use of that type of power. They will create a skit showcasing both a positive and negative use of that type of power. They will incorporate the mystery object into the skit as a metaphor of that type of power. They will have 5 minutes to plan and 5 minutes to present their skit 6) TSW present their skits to the other groups 7) TTW - if time remains, discuss current or past leaders who used each type of power Time 10

Positive & Negative effects of Power


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