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How Leaders Invoke Change Forms Of Power Positive & Negative Effects of Change

Who are you influenced by? Who do you influence? Why do we need leaders? Why do they lead? What is the purpose of leadership? Is there a difference between power and influence? Can an individual lead without power? Can an individual lead without influence?

Coercive Power Coercive power is based upon a leaders ability to invoke fear in people. The leader has the ability to take away privileges or punish those who do not cooperate.

Connection Power

Connection power is based upon who the leader knows. People see the leader as having power because of his or her connections or relationships with influential or important people.

Expert Power Expert power is based upon a leaders expertise, skill, and knowledge. People respect the leaders expertise and are Influenced by it.

Information Power Information power is based upon a leaders control of or access to information that is perceived as valuable.

Legitimate Power Legitimate power is based upon a leaders position. People see the position as one that gives the leader power.

Referent Power Referent power is based upon a leaders likeability. People often are willing to do as the leader asks because they like or want to be like that person.

Reward Power

Reward power is based upon a leaders ability to give reward and positive consequences if people do what is asked of them.

Video Reflection Questions What types of power did Napolean use to create change? Was this a good use of power? Was it completely negative?

Create a metaphor for your type of power using the mystery object Brainstorm a positive use of your form of power Brainstorm a negative use of your form of power Create a skit showcasing both a positive and negative example of your form of power, utilizing your mystery metaphor item. You have 5 minutes to plan and 5 minutes to present!

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