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UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE BUSINESS SCHOOL ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK FORM To the student: You must submit one printed copy of your work and one electronic version via StudyNet unless instructed otherwise. Please complete the grey box.
Other Names: Student Registration number: Module Title: Module Code: Module Leader (Lecturer):

Family Name:

1 2 3 4 5

Programme Code Assignment Title:


I(we) have submitted one printed copy of my(our) assignment bound together (tick) AND One electronic version via StudyNet (tick) I(we) certify that this piece of in-course assignment is my(our) own work, that it has not been copied from elsewhere, and that any extracts from books, papers or other sources have been properly acknowledged as references or quotations. In addition, I(we) agree that the electronic version of this assignment may be subject to electronic analysis for the detection of collusion, plagiarism and other forms of unfair advantage.

Signed by all students:

NB Not all perspectives may be appropriate

To be completed as appropriate by the lecturer: Knowledge and Understanding Application of theory Clarity and Cohesion Evaluation and Analysis Use of supporting data/sources Structure Referencing

N/A Poor


Alignment to the task set Overall Comments (to support annotated comments on script):

Points for improvement/feed-forward for future work

Seek academic support with the UHBS Academic Skills Unit OR Learning and Information Services Referral % mark: Penalty: % mark*:

M012 01707 281237 LRC Helpdesk


Marker's Signature:

Second marker comments (sample only)

*Provisional until confirmed by Board of Examiners

Instructions to the lecturer: The bottom yellow copy to be returned to student with the mark assignment Top white copy of this form should be retained for Examination Board purposes by the module leader


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