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While the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 provides for the overarching framework on the peace and security aspect, the AFP Campaign Plan IPSP Bayanihan provides for the detailed plan on how to achieve the lasting peace. For instance, the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 would like to ensure the attainment of peace, public order and safety through the cessation of armed conflict and prevention of crimes. The AFP Campaign Plan IPSP Bayanihan outlines the means by which these strategic goals will be achieved. The two plans both gives emphasis on a multidimensional approach to achieving peace and security. The Philippine

Development Plan strategic framework is hinged on the guiding principles: a) full respect, promotion, and protection of human rights and human security; 2) primacy of the peace and process at all times; and 3) acceptance of social diversity and promotion of a culture of peace. As stated in the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016, while the governments ultimate aim is to win peace, the goal for the medium term shall be to bring all armed conflict to a permanent and peaceful closure. In pursuit of this goal, reservist can be utilized through the specific strategies. Since there are a number of reservists in the political arena, they can be utilized as negotiators and advocates of peace in their areas of responsibilities. Reservists especially the local government officials can help in the complementary track by facilitating development in their localities. As to ensuring national security, the goal is that throughout the Plan period, the government shall create and sustain a safer and more secured environment conducive to national development. Reservists can help in achieving this goal by taking part in the fulfillment of the specific strategies. Reservists can specifically help in the achievement of the highest standard of capability and preparedness against natural and man-made calamities and disasters. Reservist in the legislature can also be potent partners in achieving the legislative agenda of the said plan.

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