Unit - 7: Statistics and Measurements

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Statistics and Measurements

Introduction Statistics: Definition and Uses Statistical Measures Need for Tourism Statistics
Understanding the Perspectives Development and Planning Evolving Marketing Strategies Facilitating Investment Decesions

Problems of Measurement Methods of Measurement World Tourist Arrivals and Receipts

Tourism statistics in India

International Tourist Arrivals Duration of Stay Indians Going Abroad Domestic Tourist Statistics Foreign Tourist Surveys Ad hoc surveys

Estimates of Foreign exchange Earnings Glossary: Accrue: to come naturally Dispersion:- Scattering Encompass:- To bring within the fold Fractions:- Parts of a whole Fructify:- bear result Harmonic:- Quantities which are in arithmetical progression Magnitude:- Amount Parameter:- Measurable feature Perspective:- View from a particular point Regression:- backward movement Variable:- That can be Adapted

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