Eddy Dependent: Elzuent Analysis of

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the unknown measurable current and v(t) is the known voltage as shown in figure 1. To approximate the time variation in the system of equations (l), (2), and (3), we apply the Crank-Nicholson central difference method, followed by a Galerkins projection in space. Then we integrate the resulting equations in space and obtain the following finite element equationr :

J. Weiss
Mentor Graphics Corporation 8600 S. 1 . Creekside Place Beaverton, OB 97005

V. K. Garg
Research and Development Center Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pittsburgh, PA 16236

This paper presents a new finite element formulation for the solution of transient electromagnetic problem in multiply-excited magnetic aystems with arbitrary time dependent voltage and/or current excitations. The technique presented in this paper consists of obtaining a solution t o Maxwells equations in the magnetic circuit and Kirchhoffs voltage and current equations in the electrical circuit given the terminal voltage and external impedances. To ensure a unique definition of the terminal voltage the terminal pairs is arsumed to be in a region where the rate of change of magnetic flux density is negligible. The formulation given here consists of treating the time dependent variables such as the magnetic vector potentid, the electric field, and the total measurable currents as unknowns. We apply an implicit time integration technique to Maxwells equations, and Kirchhoffs current and voltage equations, followed by a Galerkins projection in space and obtain r time dependent system of differential and algebraic equations. It also is observed that this procedure when included in the finite element discretisation process preserves the synmetry of the resulting coefficient matrix. This provides a mimple and elegant one step method for solving this class time dependent eddy current field problems with arbitrary voltage and/or current inputs.

where 9, T, Q and 0 are are real finite element coefficient matrices and are given in reference [a]. The superscripts (n+l) and n denote the (n+l)At and n(At) time levels, respectively. At represents the time interval between two consecutive time instants i. e., n and (n+l)

Finile Element Region


Consider a magnetic circuit in series with an external resistance E, inductance L, and excited with a time varying voltage v(t), as shown in Figure 1. From Maxwells equrtions and Kirchhoffs laws, one writes the following equations for the circuit shown in Figure 1, [l, 21. -(l/p)V2A +

Tip I-A mayneltc circuit with an edernal impedance

and terminal voltage V


-UE ,



- U BA/&

E ,






(Bext+ Lext)I(t) = V(t)

Weiss, J. and Garg, V. K., Steady State Eddy Current Analysis in Multiply-Excited Systems with Arbitrary Terminal Conditions, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, November 1989. Garg, V. K. and Weiss, J., Finite Element Solution of Transient Eddy Current Problems in Multiply Excited Systems, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Hag-22, September 1986, pp. 1267-1259.

Where A is the rector potential, p is the permeability, E is the electric field intensity, U is the conductivity and J is the current density. 1 is the u i a l length of .the magnetic in the direction of the current flm,f i s

2 .


- 8/89/0000 - HC-6 $01.OO

1989 IEEE


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