Megan Miles Between Us': Treatment

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FOR A Music video

Megan Miles between us


Joshua Churchill

Attack Promo 20 Roundolf rd


It is proposed that the music video will be of 4:01 duration, filmed at a house and a street and edited at our Sutton facility.

The music video will be aimed at the artists fans to link with the artist.

The music video will show the artist preparing to leave and waits for a friend that never arrives and how you can spend your whole life waiting for something that wont ever arrive and to get on with your life. This I feel works really well as the narrative because some of the lyrics in the song including the chorus have lines such as miles between us and time against us. These would match the images and clips seen on screen allowing the audience to link well with the artist and song making it more successful.

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up: Suggested locations are: Home: Front room, Windowsill. Street: The walkway. Drama room: Used as the backdrop to the performance side of the music video. The music video will include the following: a) Close ups b) Long slow motion shots c) Some time lapses

d) Mid shots e) Performance shots f) (etc.)

These sequences will link together by cuts and possibly some fades if it suits the moods.

Structure The music video will be in colour and in PAL (aspect ratio). The music video will start with a close up of all the instruments then Cut to The artist will then be shown in time with the music track in the background, which will be intercut with a narrative. This will mean that the audience get to see the artist perform and therefore create a link between the audience and the artist appealing to them more. I have chosen to intercut this with narrative to make the music video more exciting and therefore creates a enjoyable video for the audience to watch.

Budget 70 Planning meeting

900 Filming Camera and tripod (maybe fig rig) 1,800 Editing Me and free equipment to use on computers free access 2,770 Subtotal

277(3047) Production Contingency @10% 5.60 Travel Expenses @40p per mile

Total production budget Schedule


The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our shooting and editing schedules. Attack Promo will ensure that all location filming is carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the general public and any production contingencies. The finished music video will be available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any changes to be made before the suggested release date.

Sources of requirements My filming equipment will be supplied for by the school and with the cast being friends or family it is a lot easier for me to get it filmed to a low budget and during times tat they are easily accessible. Guarantee of Satisfaction Initial discussion on the music video content will take place. Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all times. Music video is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of 1,000,000. A copy of all rushes (camera original material) will be supplied on request in DVD format. A rough cut (initial trial edit) version of the music video will be supplied for inspection and discussion. A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a focus group of interested parties. The completed music video will be provided on DVD for inspection. The completed music video will not be released until the client is completely satisfied with technical quality and content.

Attack Promo 12/11/2012

Attack Promo asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any unauthorised copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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