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Community Meeting:

Second Unit Implementation Strategy

June 2013

Housing Choices: Components

Summary of Housing Needs Vision and Framework

Second Units
Rental Housing Protection
Incentives and Implementation

Second Units
What are Second Units?
self-contained dwelling units kitchen sanitary facilities bedroom(s)/sleeping area Sometimes have a separate entrance

Bill 140 requires municipalities to allow second units

Stakeholder Forum

Five Public Consultation Workshops

Design Workshop

Statutory Public Meeting

Principles for Second Units

Preserving Neighbourhood Character Ensuring Safety
Community Centres Water Supply Garbage Collection




Maintaining City Services

Implementation Strategy
Official Plan Policies Zoning Regulations Licensing Requirements

Education Program

Official Plan Policies

Currently second units are permitted city-wide in detached Expand policies to permit in detached, semi-detached and townhouses

Zoning Regulations

Parking Entrances and setbacks

Licensing Requirements
Compliance with: Zoning By-law regulations Ontario Building Code Ontario Fire Code
Annual Licensing Fees
Owner Occupied Dwelling Initial Fee Renewal $500 $250 Investment Dwelling $1,000 $500

Applicable municipal bylaws

Education Program

Web page Mail-out Media Information Sessions Printed Material

Renovation assistance Rent subsidies Referrals Property management

Other Professionals
Real Estate Builders Insurance

Next Steps
Strategy for Council approval July 3, 2013 Education Program Summer 2013 Licensing By-law September 2013

Licensing begins Fall 2013


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