Housing Market in Canada

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H o u s i n g a n d M a r k e t I n f o r m a t i o n l e m a r c h d e l h a b i t a t i o n

CHS Housing Costs

SLC Cot du logement

Price Indices - 20 Indices des prix - 20

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation date Released: +VOF 20 socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement Date de diffusion : KVJO 20

Housing market intelligence you can count on. March de lhabitation : notre savoir votre service.

CMHCHome to Canadians
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been Canada's national housing agency for more than 65 years. Together with other housing stakeholders, we help ensure that the Canadian housing system remains one of the best in the world. We are committed to helping Canadians access a wide choice of quality, environmentally sustainable and affordable housing solutions that will continue to create vibrant and healthy communities and cities across the country. For more information, visit our website at www.cmhc.ca You can also reach us by phone at 1-800-668-2642 or by fax at 1-800-245-9274. Outside Canada call 613-748-2003 or fax to 613-748-2016. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation supports the Government of Canada policy on access to information for people with disabilities. If you wish to obtain this publication in alternative formats, call 1-800-668-2642.

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2012 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. All rights reserved. CMHC grants reasonable rights of use of this publications content solely for personal, corporate or public policy research, and educational purposes. This permission consists of the right to use the content for general reference purposes in written analyses and in the reporting of results, conclusions, and forecasts including the citation of limited amounts of supporting data extracted from this publication. Reasonable and limited rights of use are also permitted in commercial publications subject to the above criteria, and CMHCs right to request that such use be discontinued for any reason. Any use of the publications content must include the source of the information, including statistical data, acknowledged as follows: Source: CMHC (or Adapted from CMHC, if appropriate), name of product, year and date of publication issue. Other than as outlined above, the content of the publication cannot be reproduced or transmitted to any person or, if acquired by an organization, to users outside the organization. Placing the publication, in whole or part, on a website accessible to the public or on any website accessible to persons not directly employed by the organization is not permitted. To use the content of any CMHC Market Analysis publication for any purpose other than the general reference purposes set out above or to request permission to reproduce large portions of, or entire CMHC Market Analysis publications, please contact: the Canadian Housing Information Centre (CHIC) at chic@cmhc.ca; 613-748-2367 or 1-800-668-2642. For permission, please provide CHIC with the following information: Publications name, year and date of issue. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no portion of the content may be translated from English or French into any other language without the prior written permission of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

The information, analyses and opinions contained in this publication are based on various sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The information, analyses and opinions shall not be taken as representations for which Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation or any of its employees shall incur responsibility.

La SCHL : Au cur de lhabitation

La Socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement (SCHL) est lorganisme national responsable de lhabitation au Canada, et ce, depuis plus de 65 ans. En collaboration avec dautres intervenants du secteur de lhabitation, elle contribue faire en sorte que le systme canadien de logement demeure lun des meilleurs du monde. La SCHL aide les Canadiens accder un large ventail de solutions de logements durables, abordables et de qualit, favorisant ainsi la cration de collectivits et de villes dynamiques et saines partout au pays. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplmentaires, veuillez consulter le site Web de la SCHL ladresse suivante : www.schl.ca Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec nous par tlphone, au 1-800-668-2642, ou par tlcopieur, au 1-800-245-9274. De lextrieur du Canada : 613-748-2003 (tlphone); 613-748-2016 (tlcopieur). La Socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement souscrit la politique du gouvernement fdral sur laccs des personnes handicapes linformation. Si vous dsirez obtenir la prsente publication sur des supports de substitution, composez le 1-800-668-2642..

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2012 Socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement. Tous droits rservs. La SCHL autorise toute utilisation raisonnable du contenu de la prsente publication, la condition toutefois que ce soit des fins personnelles, pour des recherches daffaires ou dintrt public, ou encore dans un but ducatif. Elle accorde le droit dutiliser le contenu titre de rfrence gnrale dans des analyses crites ou dans la prsentation de rsultats, de conclusions ou de prvisions, et de citer de faon limite les donnes figurant dans la prsente publication. La SCHL autorise galement lutilisation raisonnable et restreinte du contenu de ses rapports dans des publications commerciales, sous rserve des conditions susmentionnes. Elle conserve toutefois le droit dexiger, pour une quelconque raison, linterruption dune telle utilisation. Chaque fois que le contenu dune publication de la SCHL est utilis, y compris les donnes statistiques, il faut en indiquer la source comme suit : Source : SCHL (ou, selon le cas, Adaptation de donnes provenant de la SCHL ), titre de la publication, anne et date de diffusion. dfaut de quoi ledit contenu ne peut tre reproduit ni transmis quiconque. Lorsquune organisation se procure une publication, elle ne doit pas en donner laccs des personnes qui ne sont pas son emploi. La publication ne peut tre affiche, que ce soit en partie ou en totalit, dans un site Web qui serait ouvert au public ou accessible des personnes qui ne travaillent pas directement pour lorganisation. Pour obtenir la permission dutiliser le contenu dune publication danalyse de march de la SCHL des fins autres que celles susmentionnes ou de reproduire de grands extraits ou lintgralit des publications danalyse de march de la SCHL, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre canadien de documentation sur lhabitation (CCDH) ; courriel : chic@schl.ca tlphone : 613-748-2367 ou 1-800-668-2642. Veuillez fournir les informations suivantes au CCDH : Titre de la publication, anne et date de diffusion Sans limiter la porte gnrale de ce qui prcde, il est interdit de traduire un extrait de publication sans lautorisation pralable crite de la Socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement.

Les renseignements, analyses et opinions contenus dans cette publication sont fonds sur diverses sources juges fiables, mais leur exactitude ne peut tre garantie, et ni la Socit canadienne dhypothques et de logement ni ses employs nen assument la responsabilit.

Table 56 Consumer Price Indices - Selected Housing Components and All Items, 2002-2011 (2002 = 100)
Shelter Logement Owned Accommodation Logements de propritaires-occupants Rented Accommodation Logements locatifs Property Taxes Impts fonciers Mortgage Interest Intrt hypothcaire Owner Repairs Rparations la charge du propritaire

Tableau 56 Indices des prix la consommation: certaines charges de logement et indice d'ensemble, 2002-2011 (2002 = 100)

Period Anne

Rent Loyer


Replacement Cost Cot de remplacement

Home-Owners Insurance Premium Prime d'assurance du propritaire


Water, Fuel and Electricity Eau, combustible et lectricit

Housing Habitation

All Items Indice d'ensemble

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 J F M A M J J A S O N D

100.0 101.5 102.5 103.3 104.3 106.0 107.8 109.5 110.8 112.1 111.5 111.6 111.7 111.8 111.9 111.9 112.0 112.2 112.3 112.5 112.6 112.7

100.0 101.5 102.6 103.4 104.4 106.0 107.8 109.5 110.8 112.0 111.5 111.6 111.7 111.8 111.9 111.9 112.0 112.2 112.3 112.4 112.5 112.6

100.0 102.3 105.6 109.9 113.4 117.0 121.3 125.4 130.5 134.6 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 133.9 136.8 136.8 136.8

100.0 99.8 99.9 100.6 102.7 108.9 117.6 118.0 112.8 110.8 111.3 110.9 110.7 110.4 110.7 110.7 110.8 110.8 110.6 110.7 110.8 110.8

100.0 103.4 105.4 107.5 110.0 110.4 109.5 115.9 118.4 120.2 119.7 120.2 119.6 119.2 120.4 120.5 121.3 121.4 121.7 119.6 119.4 119.5

100.0 106.4 113.2 119.1 127.8 135.4 139.4 135.8 140.8 144.2 142.3 142.7 143.1 143.4 143.8 144.4 144.8 144.8 144.9 145.2 145.3 145.9

100.0 111.2 123.3 131.2 140.8 150.2 154.5 160.9 162.1 170.1 168.6 168.7 169.2 169.9 170.5 169.9 170.6 170.8 169.4 170.4 171.3 171.9

100.0 103.0 105.9 109.2 113.7 119.3 124.6 125.9 126.8 128.6 128.1 128.1 128.0 128.0 128.4 128.5 128.8 128.8 128.7 129.2 129.3 129.5

100.0 108.9 112.5 119.8 125.9 126.6 135.5 125.9 131.3 136.6 133.0 132.7 133.0 137.0 135.2 135.7 138.3 139.7 136.8 139.3 137.9 140.3

100.0 103.2 105.8 109.2 113.1 116.9 122.0 121.6 123.3 125.6 124.5 124.5 124.6 125.2 125.2 125.4 125.9 126.2 125.7 126.5 126.3 126.8

100.0 102.8 104.7 107.0 109.1 111.5 114.1 114.4 116.5 119.9 117.8 118.1 119.4 119.8 120.6 119.8 120.0 120.3 120.6 120.8 120.9 120.2

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012).

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012).

Table 57 Consumer Price Indices - Regional Cities Housing Components, 2008-2011 (2002 = 100)
Area Rgion

Tableau 57 Indices des prix la consommation dans les agglomrations urbaines: habitation, 2008-2011 (2002 = 100)





St. John's Charlottetown1 Halifax Saint John Qubec Montral Ottawa Toronto Thunder Bay Winnipeg Regina Saskatoon Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Victoria Canada

125.4 125.8 122.0 121.5 117.7 119.0 119.7 117.4 107.1 119.8 131.1 138.2 150.2 149.6 115.6 112.8 122.0

126.7 121.5 121.7 122.3 119.9 119.5 120.9 117.5 105.2 121.6 138.2 141.2 147.8 145.9 113.7 111.2 121.6

130.3 123.3 122.7 124.9 121.3 120.3 124.0 120.3 106.2 121.1 140.1 142.0 148.3 145.8 115.7 110.9 123.3

137.4 126.0 127.0 127.6 123.0 122.3 125.8 122.2 108.2 124.0 144.3 144.5 153.3 149.2 117.1 111.9 125.6

135.0 125.1 126.1 127.2 122.4 121.6 125.0 120.9 106.6 123.1 143.0 143.9 150.5 147.1 116.5 111.6 124.5

136.6 126.2 127.1 127.4 122.6 122.1 125.4 121.8 108.2 123.8 143.7 144.2 152.5 148.1 116.8 111.8 125.3

138.3 126.2 127.1 127.5 123.1 122.5 126.1 122.8 108.8 124.1 144.7 144.6 153.9 149.6 117.4 112.2 125.9

139.5 126.4 127.6 128.3 124.0 123.1 126.7 123.2 109.1 124.9 145.9 145.3 156.2 152.0 117.6 111.9 126.5

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012). 1 Includes Summerside.

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012). 1 Comprend Summerside.

Table 58 Basic Union Wage Rate Indices for Selected Residential Construction Trades, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)

Tableau 58 Indices des salaires syndicaux de base pour certains mtiers de la construction rsidentielle, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)





Carpenter Crane Operator Cement Finisher Electrician Labourer Plumber Reinforcing Steel Erector Structural Steel Erector Sheet Metal Worker Heavy Equipment Operator Bricklayer Painter Plasterer Roofer Truck Driver Insulator Total

Charpentier Grutier Cimentier applicateur lectricien Manoeuvre (journalier) Mcanicien en tuyauterie Ferrailleur Monteur d'acier de structure Ferblantier Oprateur d'quipement lourd Briqueteur Peintre Pltrier Couvreur Conducteur de camion Ouvrier en calorifugeage

104.4 104.0 104.1 105.4 104.5 105.7 105.5 103.8 103.5 104.6 104.9 104.7 104.4 103.5 105.8 104.6 104.7

108.2 107.6 108.5 110.4 108.3 110.8 108.9 107.1 106.3 108.5 107.1 109.0 108.3 106.4 110.7 109.5 108.8

111.1 110.9 112.1 113.6 110.8 114.4 114.8 111.3 108.8 112.1 110.3 112.2 114.4 109.0 115.5 113.5 112.0

114.1 113.6 113.9 116.1 112.6 116.8 118.2 113.7 111.1 114.9 112.8 114.1 117.9 110.9 119.0 116.3 114.5

112.2 112.3 113.4 114.3 111.7 115.9 117.0 112.5 110.1 113.7 111.4 113.3 117.3 109.8 117.7 115.2 113.3

113.3 113.5 113.9 116.1 112.5 116.6 118.2 113.8 111.1 114.8 112.7 114.1 117.9 110.9 119.0 116.3 114.4

113.9 114.2 114.2 117.0 113.0 117.1 118.8 114.4 111.6 115.5 113.5 114.5 118.2 111.5 119.7 116.9 114.9

116.9 114.2 114.2 117.0 113.0 117.5 118.8 114.3 111.6 115.5 113.5 114.5 118.2 111.5 119.7 116.9 115.5

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012).

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012)

Table 59 New Housing Price Indices - Land Only, by Metropolitan Area, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)

Tableau 59 Indices des prix des logements neufs: composante terrain, par rgion mtropolitaine, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)
2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 2 3 4

Metropolitan Areas Rgions mtropolitaines St. John's Halifax Saint John-Frederiction-Moncton Qubec Montral Ottawa-Gatineau Toronto St. Catharines-Niagara Hamilton Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo London Windsor Sudbury-Thunder Bay Winnipeg Regina Saskatoon Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Victoria Canada

119.6 109.7 103.9 112.9 104.6 101.1 101.6 108.6 102.4 101.7 101.1 100.7 103.4 119.7 119.1 123.8 107.5 109.9 103.2 103.5 104.7

137.1 112.6 104.4 132.4 105.9 101.1 101.8 109.8 102.6 101.8 101.2 100.7 104.5 123.2 129.6 131.1 106.1 95.3 103.3 103.3 103.5

149.3 113.2 106.2 139.2 112.3 102.6 100.5 109.3 102.3 100.3 100.2 99.7 105.0 131.6 149.0 135.5 105.8 89.7 102.8 102.7 103.1

159.3 115.1 108.4 139.7 119.8 103.9 101.6 109.5 103.0 101.9 99.3 100.0 105.2 136.1 163.7 136.0 108.3 91.2 102.3 101.8 104.9

159.3 115.1 107.1 140.5 118.7 103.5 100.5 109.5 103.0 101.4 99.3 99.4 104.8 134.3 157.2 135.9 107.5 91.5 102.1 101.6 104.2

159.3 115.1 107.1 138.9 119.5 103.9 101.0 109.5 103.0 102.1 99.3 100.2 105.2 134.7 164.3 135.9 108.4 91.5 102.5 101.6 104.7

159.3 115.1 109.3 139.2 120.2 104.1 101.9 109.5 103.0 102.1 99.3 100.2 105.4 136.4 166.6 135.9 108.8 91.0 102.4 102.0 105.1

159.3 115.1 110.2 140.2 120.8 104.3 103.1 109.5 103.0 102.1 99.3 100.2 105.4 138.9 166.8 136.2 108.3 91.0 102.3 102.0 105.5

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012).

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012)

Table 60 New Housing Price Indices - House Only, by Metropolitan Area, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)

Tableau 60 Indices des prix des logements neufs: composante habitation, par rgion mtropolitaine, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)
2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 2 3 4

Metropolitan Areas Rgions mtropolitaines St. John's Halifax Halifax Qubec Montral Ottawa-Gatineau Toronto St. Catharines-Niagara Hamilton Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo London Windsor Sudbury-Thunder Bay Winnipeg Regina Saskatoon Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Victoria Canada

119.3 107.7 102.2 102.3 105.1 104.3 104.7 103.0 103.0 103.1 104.1 100.2 106.1 106.8 128.0 119.8 97.5 97.1 101.6 97.7 102.8

131.5 108.5 106.2 105.2 108.0 106.1 104.3 102.0 101.3 103.9 105.9 100.3 106.7 109.2 134.0 105.9 88.3 87.3 90.6 85.5 99.7

137.6 109.6 107.7 107.7 110.1 111.1 109.2 103.3 103.8 106.4 109.8 99.6 105.8 113.5 137.8 108.7 90.9 88.7 96.4 81.3 103.1

141.9 111.4 108.0 109.8 111.7 115.1 116.3 102.5 104.9 110.0 110.5 95.6 105.7 119.6 142.8 110.6 89.5 89.1 96.3 80.0 105.6

142.2 110.9 108.1 109.1 110.9 113.6 112.4 102.3 104.4 108.2 109.5 95.9 105.4 117.6 140.3 110.3 89.9 88.7 96.1 80.9 104.3

142.0 110.9 107.9 109.5 111.9 115.1 115.6 102.4 105.1 109.7 110.1 94.9 105.3 118.9 142.0 110.3 89.5 88.9 96.7 80.2 105.4

141.6 111.5 108.1 110.0 111.8 115.7 117.7 102.4 104.9 110.7 111.2 94.9 106.0 120.4 143.8 110.4 88.9 89.2 96.5 79.9 106.0

141.6 112.1 107.9 110.8 112.2 116.2 119.5 102.8 105.1 111.3 111.3 96.7 106.1 121.6 144.9 111.5 89.6 89.7 95.8 79.1 106.7

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012).

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012).

Table 61 New Housing Price Indices - Total Selling Price, by Metropolitan Area, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)

Tableau 61 Indices des prix des logements neufs: prix de vente total, par rgion mtropolitaine, 2008-2011 (2007 = 100)





Metropolitan Areas Rgions mtropolitaines St. John's Halifax Saint John-Frederiction-Moncton Qubec Montral Ottawa-Gatineau Toronto St. Catharines-Niagara Hamilton Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo London Windsor Sudbury-Thunder Bay Winnipeg Regina Saskatoon Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Victoria Canada

119.6 107.9 102.5 105.3 104.9 103.8 103.6 104.3 102.8 102.4 103.5 100.4 105.5 110.2 126.2 120.6 100.6 101.0 102.3 99.9 103.4

133.3 109.1 105.8 112.6 107.4 105.3 103.4 103.7 101.7 103.0 105.0 100.5 106.2 113.0 133.3 111.4 93.9 89.7 95.8 92.1 101.0

141.2 110.1 107.5 116.3 110.7 109.5 106.1 104.5 103.3 104.3 107.9 99.7 105.7 118.4 140.2 114.6 95.6 89.0 99.0 89.5 103.2

146.9 112.0 108.1 117.9 113.9 112.8 111.0 104.0 104.2 107.4 108.3 96.6 105.7 124.1 147.3 116.2 95.5 89.9 98.7 88.1 105.5

147.2 111.6 108.0 117.5 113.0 111.6 108.3 103.9 103.9 105.9 107.5 96.7 105.3 122.2 144.0 115.9 95.6 89.6 98.5 88.8 104.5

147.0 111.6 107.8 117.4 114.0 112.7 110.3 104.0 104.3 107.2 108.0 96.2 105.4 123.2 146.8 115.9 95.6 89.8 99.0 88.2 105.3

146.7 112.1 108.4 117.9 114.1 113.2 111.9 104.0 104.2 108.0 108.8 96.1 106.0 124.7 148.7 116.0 95.2 89.8 98.8 88.1 105.8

146.7 112.6 108.4 118.9 114.6 113.6 113.6 104.3 104.3 108.4 108.9 97.4 106.1 126.2 149.6 116.8 95.5 90.2 98.3 87.4 106.4

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database (using Conference Board of Canada (distributor) www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/ - May 17, 2012).

Source : Statistique Canada, base CANSIM (en passant par le site Web du Conference Board du Canada [distributeur], l'adresse www.conferenceboard.ca/weblinx/, en date du 17 mai 2012).

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