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The EQ Tips for Creating Safe Built Environment

Dr. J.N.Jha Dean (Testing & Consultancy Cell) Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana Punjab

Latest in the Series of Natural Disasters:

Earthquake in Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004 Generating Huge Tsunami Waves Killing Thousands

Inside the Earth

Long time ago, a large collection of material masses coalesced to form the Earth

Inside the Earth (Contd.)

Large amount of heat was generated by this fusion, and slowly as the Earth cooled down, the heavier and denser materials sank to the center and the lighter ones rose to the top.
The differentiated Earth consists of the Inner Core (radius ~1290km), the Outer Core (thickness

~2200km), the Mantle (thickness ~2900km) and the Crust (thickness ~5 to 40km).

The Circulations
Convection currents develop in the viscous Mantle, because of prevailing high temperature and pressure gradients between the Crust and the Core, like the convective flow of water when heated in a beaker

Local Convective Currents in the Mantle

The Earthquake
Rocks are made of elastic material, and so elastic strain energy is stored in them during the deformations that occur due to the gigantic tectonic plate actions that occur in the Earth. The material contained in rocks is very brittle. Thus, when the rocks along a weak region in the Earths Crust reach their strength, a sudden movement takes place there;

Convergent Boundary

Divergent Boundary

Types of Inter-Plate Boundaries

The convective flows of Mantle material cause the Crust and some portion of the Mantle, to slide on the hot molten outer core. This sliding of Earths mass takes place in pieces called Tectonic Plates.

Transform Boundary

Opposite sides of the fault (a crack in the rocks where movement has taken place)

suddenly slip and release the large elastic strain energy stored in the interface rocks.
For example, the energy released during the 2001 Bhuj (India) earthquake is about 400 times (or more) that released by the 1945 Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima!!

Elastic Strain BuildUp and Brittle Rupture

Elastic Rebound Theory

The slip generated at the fault during earthquakes is along both vertical and horizontal directions (called Dip Slip) and lateral directions (called Strike Slip) with one of them dominating sometimes. Large strain energy released during an earthquake travels as seismic waves in all directions through the Earths layers, reflecting and refracting at each interface.

Arrival of Seismic Waves at a Site

Type of Faults

These waves are of two types -- body waves and surface waves; Body waves consist of Primary Waves (P-waves) Secondary Waves (Swaves), Surface waves consist of Love waves

Rayleigh waves.
- these are restricted to near the Earths surface

Direction of Energy Transmission Motions caused by Body and Surface Waves

(Adapted from FEMA 99, Non-Technical Explanation of the NEHRP Recommended Provisions)

Direction of Energy Transmission Motions caused by Body and Surface Waves

(Adapted from FEMA 99, Non-Technical Explanation of the NEHRP Recommended Provisions)

Earthquake generation along a fault

The earthquake focus is its point of origin along a fault plane Its epicenter is the vertical projection of the focus to the surface

So heres the big picture of what were living on

Schematic of Early Seismograph

Recent Earthquakes
Magnitude 4.0 Wyoming Earthquake of 7 April 2004 M6.6 earthquake of Hindu Kush Region of Afghanistan, 5 April 2004

Magnitude 6.4 Earthquake of North Coast of Morocco, 24 February 2004

M6.6 Earthquake of Southeast Iran, 26 December 2003 M6.5 San Simeon California Earthquake, 22 December 2003

.Recent Earthquakes
M 8.3 Hokkaido, Japan Earthquake of 26 September 2003
M 7.3 Kazakhstan-Xinjiang Border Region, Russia Earthquake of 27 September 2003 M 6.5 Dominican Republic, 22 September 2003 The Boumerdes Algeria Earthquake of 21 May 2003

Some Past Earthquakes in India

Within the last two hundred years, India has experienced five great earthquakes, each with Richter magnitude exceeding 8. The regions where these occurred are as follows:
1819 Kutch, Gujarat 1897 Assam 1905 Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 1934 Bihar-Nepal 1950 Assam-Tibet

What are the Seismic Effects on Structure Inertia Forces in Structures Effect of Deformation in structures Horizontal and vertical shaking Flow of Inertia forces to foundation

What are the Seismic Effects on Structure Inertia Forces in Structures

During EQ building experiences motion at its base Roof has a tendency to stay in its original position Wall and column drag the roof along with them Roof experiences a force (Inertia Force-IF)

IF =M(mass)x a(Acceleration)
Mass is more, IF will be more, Lighter building performs better in EQ shaking

What are the Seismic Effects on Structure Effect of Deformation in Structure

Inertia force (IF) transfer to ground via column Column(Vertical) carry no horizontal EQ Force Band develop internal force(stiffness force) & large deformation(u)

Stiffness force = Stiffness x Displacement

Internal force depends on the size of the column

What are the Seismic Effects on Structure Horizontal and Vertical Shaking

EQ Shaking of ground (X,Y & Z Direction) --Random Shaking back & forth ( - & +) Structure Designed for gravity load (Mg) Vertical Acceleration adds or subtracts g

FOS used in Design Adequate

against vertical Shaking Horizontal Shaking(+ & -)remains

a concern

What are the Seismic Effects on Structure

Flow of Inertia Forces to Foundation

Inertia force(IF) transferred from floor slab to foundation and finally to soil through wall/column Design of structural element and connections betn them must be adequate to transfer this IF

In traditional construction:- Floor Slab and beam receive more attention than wall/ column - Wall/column relatively thin and often made of brittle material

- Poor in carrying horizontal EQ Inertia force along the direction of thickness

Failure of masonry wall & poorly designed RCC Column have been observed in past earthquake.

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld on during EQ

Importance of Architectural Features

Behavior of Bld during EQ depends on overall shape, size and geometry Late Henry Degenkoly noted EQ Engineer of USA summarised the configuration of building If we have a poor configuration to start with, all the engineer can do is to provide a band aid improve a basically poor solutions as best as he can. Conversely, if we start off with a good configuration and reasonable framing system, even a poor engineer cannot harm its ultimate performance too much

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Importance of Architectural Features

Architecture conceive wonderful and imaginative structure which are aesthetic and functionally efficient
Sometimes the shape of the building catches the eye of the visitors and other times the structural system appeals However each of these choices of shapes and structure has significant bearing on the performance of the building during earthquake

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Size of the Building

Horizontal Movement is very large in tall building(Ht /Base) Damaging effects are many in long buildings Horizontal seismic force becomes excessive in case of building with large plan area (force to be carried by column/wall)

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Horizontal layout of the building

Bld. With simple geometry in plan performs well during EQ Bld. With U,V,H & +shape sustains significant damage L-Shaped Building- Can be converted in simple plan into 2 rectangular block using separation joint at the junction column/wall carries equally distributed load in case of simple plan

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Vertical layout of buildings

EQ force travels through the shortest path along the height of the building (Developed at different floor level of the bld.) Any discontinuity in this load transfer path results in poor performance of the bld
Bld. With vertical set backs causes a sudden jump in earthquake force at the level of discontinuity Bld. With fewer column/wall in a particular storey or with unusually tall storey tend to damage or collapse


Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Vertical layout of buildings

Building with open ground story tends to damage during EQ (2001 Bhuj EQAhmedabad)
Unequal height of the column along the slope caused ill effects like twisting and damage is more in shorter column Building with hanging and floating column have discontinuities in load transfer path Building with RCC Walls that stops at an upper level gets severely damaged

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Adjacency of Buildings

Two buildings too close pound on each other during the strong shaking
If Bld. Heights do not match, shorter building may pound at the mid height of the column of the taller one which is very dangerous

Affect of Architectural Features on Bld during EQ

Architectural features detrimental to EQ response of building should be avoided. If not they must be minimised
In case irregular features included in building higher level of engineering efforts is required in structural design

Decision made at the planning stage on building configuration are very important
Building with simple architectural feature will always behave better during EQ

How building twists during Earthquake

Why a building twist

Building too are like this rope swings,
just that they are inverted swings Wall/column are like ropes and flow like cradle All points on the same floor moves horizontally by the same amount


How building twists during Earthquake

Why a building twist

If mass on the floor of the

building is more on one side, then that side of the building moves more under ground moment (horizontal movement & Twisting)


How building twists during Earthquake

Why a building twist

Building with unequal vertical members(column/wall) floor twist about a vertical axis and displaces horizontally Building which have walls only on two/ one sides and thin column along the other twists when second at the ground level


How building twists during Earthquake

Why a building twist

Buildings that are irregular shapes in plan tend to twist under earthquake shaking
Overhanging portion swings on the relatively slander columns under it.

The floor twists and displaces horizonally

How building twists during Earthquake

What twist does to building members

Twist in a building is called torsion by engineers
Different portion at the same floor level move horizontally by different amount during this twist Column/Wall on the side that move more tends to damage more Best to minimise the twist by ensuring symmetrical plan of Bld.

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

Severity of ground shaking at a given location during an earthquake can be minor, moderate and strong. Relatively speaking, minor shaking occurs frequently, moderate shaking occasionally and strong shaking rarely. For instance, on average annually about 800 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0-5.9 occur in the world while the number is only about 18 for magnitude range 7.0-7.9

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

Dont attempt to make EQ proof building (Bld. Will be too robust and too expensive) Engineering intention shall be to make EQ resistant building

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

Earthquake Design Philosophy

Under minor but frequent shaking the
main members of the building that carry vertical and horizontal forces should not be damaged, however the building parts that do not carry load may sustain repairable damage Under moderate but occasional shaking the main members may sustain reparable damage, while the other parts of the building may be damaged such that they may even have to be replaced after the EQ Under strong but rare shaking the main members may sustain severe damage but the building should not collapse

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

Earthquake Resistant Design

Ensure that damage in building during EQ is of acceptable level Damage should occur at right place by right amount eg. RCC Framed Building (with masonary filler wall) cracks betn vertical columns and masonary fillers is acceptable and diagonal cracks running through column is not acceptable

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

Acceptable Damage:Ductility

Identify Acceptable form of damage and desirable building behaviour during EQ EQ resistant buildings (Main Element) need to built with ductility in them

Such building with stand EQ effects with some damage but without collapse

Seismic Design Philosophy for Building

EQ Resistant Design of Building

Seismic Inertia Forces generated at its floor level is transferred through its beam and column to the ground Failure of a column can affect the stability of the whole building Failure of beam causes localised effect Correct building components should be ductile RC building should be designed using strong column weak beam design method

Flexibility of Building Affects their EQ Response

Oscillation of Flexible Buildings

Time taken for each complete cycle of oscillation is same and is called FUNDAMETNAL NATURAL PERIOD (T) of the building (Inherent property of the building)

Value of T depends on the building flexibility and mass

Any alteration made to the building will change its T


Flexibility of Building Affects their EQ Response

Oscillation of Flexible Bld.

Taller Bld. - more flexible and are having larger mass therefore have a larger T T of the building varies from 0.05 to 2 seconds

Flexibility of Building Affects their EQ Response

Importance Of Flexibility
Time taken by the wave to complete one cycle of motion is called PERIOD OF EQ WAVE (0.03 to 33 seconds) In a typical city Bld. Of different sizes and shapes exist ground motion under Bld. Varies across the city Short EQ wave have large response on short period buildings Long EQ wave have large response on long period buildings

Behaviour of Brick Masonary Houses during EQ

Behaviour of Wall

Masonary Bld. Most vulnerable under EQ shaking(Brittle Structure)

Wall is most vulnerable component of the Bld due to horizontal force (EQ)
Wall offers greater resistance if pushed along its length (Strong Direction) Wall topples easily if pushed in a direction perpendicular to its plan(Weak Direction)

Behaviour of Brick Masonary Houses during EQ

Behaviour of Wall

All walls if joined properly to the adjacent wall ensures good seismic performance Walls loaded in weak direction take advantage of the good lateral resistance offered in their strong direction Walls need to be tied to the roof and foundation to reserve their overall integrity

Simple Structural Configuration required for Masonary Building

Box Action in Masonary Bld.

Good interlocking at jn provides good box action Opening too close to wall corners detrimental to good seismic performance

Interlocking hampers the flow of forces from one wall to another wall


Simple Structural Configuration required for Masonary Building

Box Action in Masonary Bld.

Large opening weakens walls from carrying the inertia forces in their own plane


Simple Structural Configuration required for Masonary Building

Box Action in Masonary Bld.

Separate block can oscillate independently and even hammer each other (If too close during EQ) Adequate gap required betn such blocks

Gap not necessary if projections in Bld are small


An integrally connected inclined stair case slab acts like a cross brace betn floors It transfers large horizontal forces at the roof and the lower level (Area of Potential Damage)

Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Roll of Horizontal Bands


Gable Band Roof Band

Lintel Band
Plinth Band (Named after building) their location in the


Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Roll of Horizontal Bands

Lintel Band:----Most important needs to be provided in almost all buildings --- Ties the walls together and creates a support for walls loaded along weak directions from walls loaded in strong directions

--- Bands also deduces the unsupported height of the walls and thereby improve their stability in weak direction Contd

Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Roll of Horizontal Bands

Roof Band:----To be provided in building with flat timber or GI Seats roofs only --- This band is not required with flat reinforced concrete or reinforced brick roofs (Roof slab) Plint Band:---- It is used when there is concern about uneven settlement.

Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Roll of Horizontal Bands

Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Design of Lintel Bands

Lintel bands undergo bending and pulling action during EQ

Construction of band requires special attention to resist these actions Band can be Wooden band or RCC (best) RC bands minimum Thickness is 75 mm. Provide 2 bars of 8mm with steel links of 6 mm at a spacing 150 mm C/C


Horizontal Band necessary in Masonary Building

Design of Lintel Bands

Straight length of the band should be properly connected to the wall corner
This allow the bend to support walls loaded in their weak direction by walls loaded in their strong direction. Adequate anchoring of steel links with steel bar is necessary for RC bands

Wood spacer with proper nailing necessary to make the straight length of wood runner to act together Minimum X-section of runner(mm) is 75x38 and spacer(mm) 50x30

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

Response of Masonary Wall

Masonary building weakened by opening in the wall (Even in the presence of horizontal band)
Masonary wall are grouped into three sub units (Even in the presence of horizontal band) --- Spandrel Masonary(betn Roof & Lintel)

--- Wall Pier Masonary(betn Lintel & Sill)

--- Sill Masonary(betn Sill & Plinth)

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

Response of Masonary Wall

Eg. A hipped roof building with two window opening and one door opening in a wall Inertia force (EQ) causes masonary wall pier to disconnect from the masonary above and below
Masonary sub units rock back and forth (developing contacts only at the opposite diagonals) Rocking of masonary pier can crush the masonary at corners

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

Response of Masonary Wall

Eg. A hipped roof building with two window opening and one door opening in a wall Rocking is also possible when masonary pier are cylinder
Piers are likely to develop diagonal shear cracking (X-type)

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

Response of Masonary Wall

Opening reduces the X-sectional area of the masonary wall

During EQ shaking building may slide -- Just under the roof -- Below the Lintel band -- At the sill level

Exact location of the sliding depends on factors like:-- Building Weight, EQ induced Inertia Force, Area of Opening, Type of Door Frame

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

How Vertical Reinforcement helps

Vertical reinforcement bars forces the slender masonary piers to undergo bending instead of rocking
In wider wall piers the vertical bars enhance their capability to resist horizontal EQ Forces and delay X type cracking Vertical bars also help in protecting the wall from sliding as well as from collapsing in weak direction

Vertical Band necessary in Masonary Building

Protection of Opening in Walls

Most common damage observed after an EQ is diagonal ex-cracking of wall pier, inclined cracks at corners of doors and window opening. A square opening become rhombus during EQ Shaking
The corners that come closer develop cracks, Cracks are bigger when the opening sizes are large

Steel bars provided all around the opening restrict cracks (corner)

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

RCC Building

Structures of complex shapes are possible with RCC Typical RC building consist of horizontal members (Beam & Slab), Vertical members (column & Wall) and foundation resting on ground System comprising of RC Column & connecting beam is RC Frame In any multi-storyed bld, lower stories experience higher EQ induced forces, therefore has to be designed stronger than upper story

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

Role of Floor Slabs & Masonary Walls

Floor Slabs are like horizontal plates facilitating functional use of building Beams & Slabs at one storey level are cast together When Beam bends in vertical direction, thin slab bends along with them When beams moves with column in horizontal direction, slab usually forces the beam to move together with it Geometric distortion of slab (though negligible) is known as Rigid Diaphragm Action, must be considered during design

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

Role of Floor Slabs & Masonary Walls

In fill walls- Vertical space betn columns and floor filled with masonary walls and not connected surrounding RC Columns & Beams Columns receives horizontal forces at floor levels & try to move in horizontal direction Masonary walls tends to resist this horizontal movement Masonary is a brittle material, therefore develops crack once their ability to carry horizontal load is exceeded Placing in fills irregularly in the bld causes ill effects like short

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

Horizontal EQ Effects

EQ loading caused tension on beam and column faces at locations different from those gravity loading Steel bars are required on both faces of beam to resist reversal of bending moment Steel bars are required on all faces of column too

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

Strength Hierarchy
--Column should be stronger than Beam --Foundation should be stronger than Column

Building to remain safe during EQ :--

--Connection betn beams & Column and Columns & Foundation should not fail

Effect of Earth Quake on RC Building

Strength Hierarchy

If this strategy adopted in design & beam detailing done properly

- Building as a whole can deform by large amount despite progressive damage caused due to consequent yielding of beams - If columns are made weaker, it suffer local damage at the top and bottom of a particular storey This localised damaged can lead to collapse of building

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Reinforcement and Seismic Damage

Long straight bars (longitudinal bars) placed along its lengh

Closed loop of small diameter steel bars (Stirrups) placed vertical at regular intervals along its length

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Reinforcement and Seismic Damage

Two basic types of failure in beams:a) Flexural (Bending) failure b) Shear failure

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Reinforcement and Seismic Damage


Beam can fail in two ways a) Brittle failure (b) Ductile failure

Brittle Failure:Relatively more steel is present on the tension face, concrete crushes in compression which is undesirable

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Reinforcement and Seismic Damage

Ductile Failure:Relatively less steel is present on the tension face, steel yield first and the re distribution occurs in the beam until eventually concrete crushes in compression, is desirable Characterised with many vertical cracks starting from the stretched beam face and going towards its mid depth

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Reinforcement and Seismic Damage

SHEAR FAILURE:-- A shear crack, inclined at 45 degree to the horizontal, develops at mid depth near the support and grows towards the top and bottom face - Closed loop stirrups are provided to avoid such shearing action - Shear damage occurs when area of shear stirrup is insufficient - A Brittle failure, must be avoided

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Stirrup helps beam in three ways

It carries the vertical shear force, thereby resist diagonal shear crack
It protect the concrete from buldging outwards due to flexure It prevents the buckling of compressed longitudinal bars due to flexure

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Longitudinal bars

Provided to resist flexural cracking on the side of the beam that stretches
Requires on both faces at the ends and on the bottom face at mid length As per ductile detailing code:-At least two bars shall go through the full length of the beam at the top as well as the bottom of the beam At the end of the beams, the amount of steel provided at the bottom is at least half that at the top

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Longitudinal bars
At least two bars shall go through the full length of the beam at the top as well as the bottom of the beam At the end of the beams, the amount of steel provided at the bottom is at least half that at the top

As per ductile detailing code:--

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Requirements related to stirrups in RC Beams

of Stirrups 6 mm minimum
of Stirrups 8 mm , if beam>5m. Both ends of a vertical stirrups should be bent into 135 degree hook and extend sufficiently beyond this hook to ensure that stirrups does not open out in an earthquake

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Requirements related to stirrups in RC Beams

Max. spacing of stirrups is less than half the depth of beam

For a length twice the depth of beam from the face of the column, the spacing should not be more than one fourth the depth of beam

How do Beams in RC Bld resist EQ

Requirements related to stirrups in RC Beams

At the location of the lap, the bars transfer large forces from one to another
Laps of the longitudinal bars are:a) Made away from the face of col. b) Not made at locations where they are likely to stretch by large amounts and yield (eg. Bottom bars at mid length of the beam) At the location of laps, vertical stirrups should be provided at closer spacing

How do Columns in RC Bld resist EQ

Possible EQ Damage

Column can sustain 2 type of damage:a) Axial Flexural (Combined Comp. Bending) failure

b) Shear Failure (Brittle Damage) & must be avoided by providing transverse ties at closer spacing Minimum width of the column = 300 mm, and if the unsupported length of column <4 meter and beam length< 5 m., width up to 200 mm is allowed

How do Columns in RC Bld resist EQ

Possible EQ Damage
a) Carry horizontal shear force induced by EQ and thereby to resist diagonal shear crack b) Hold together the vertical bars and prevent them from buckling
c) Contain the concrete in the column within the closed loops

Purpose of horizontal ties

The ends of the ties must be bent as 135 degree. The length of the ties beyond hook bend must be atleast 10d of steel bar ( close ties) but not less than 75 mm.

How do Columns in RC Bld resist EQ

Possible EQ Damage

In column where spacing between the corner bar exceeds 300 mm

Additional links with 180 hook ends for ties to be effective in holding the concrete in its place and to prevent the buckling of vertical bars

Lapping Vertical Bars

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

EQ behaviour of Joints

Column beam joint have limited force carrying capacity when forces larger than these are applied during EQ, joints are severely damaged
Repairing damage joints is difficult, so damage must be avoided

Under EQ shaking, the beam adjoining a joint are subjected to moments in the same direction

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

EQ behaviour of Joints
Under these moments, the top bar in the beam-column joint are pulled in one direction & the bottom one in opposite direction. The forces are balanced by bond stress developed between concrete and steel in the joint region
If there is insufficient grip of concrete on steel bars in such circumstances, the bar slip inside the joint region, the beam loose their capacity to carry load

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

EQ behaviour of Joints
Under this pull- push forces at top and bottom ends joint undergo geometric distortion

One diagonal length of the joint elongates and the other compresses. If the column crosssectional size is insufficient, the concrete in the joint develops diagonal cracks

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

EQ behaviour of Joints

Problem of diagonal cracking & crushing of concrete in the joint region can be controlled by
a) Providing large column size

b) Providing closely spaced closed loop steel ties around column bars in joint region

Ties hold together the concrete in the joint and also resist shear force.

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

EQ behaviour of Joints

Three stage procedure for providing horizontal ties in the joints

How do Beam Column Joins in RC bld Resist EQ

Anchorage of beam bars in exterior joints

Anchorage of beam bars in interior joints

Why are Soft storey building vulnerable in EQ

Basic Feature
Relatively flexible in the ground storey, also called Soft storey.(Relative horizontal displacement is much larger as compared to the above storey)
Relatively weak storey in ground storey (Weak Storey) Such buildings are extremely vulnerable under earthquake shaking

Why are Soft storey building vulnerable in EQ

EQ Behaviour
Presence of walls in upper storeys make them much stiffer than the open ground storey
Upper storeys move almost as a single block and most of the horizontal displacement occurs in the soft ground storey itself

Why are Soft storey building vulnerable in EQ

Basic Feature

Why are Soft storey building vulnerable in EQ

The Problem

In the current practice, stiff masonry walls are neglected and only bare frames are considered in design calculation
After 2001 Gujrat EQ , IS : 1893 (Part 1)- 2002 has given special design provisions related to soft storey buildings Special higher design forces for the soft storey as compared to the rest of the structure Beam and column in the open ground storey are required to be designed for 2.5 times the forces obtained from bare frame analysis

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

Short Column Behaviour

Bld resting on sloped ground consisting of short & long column, when shakes, all column move horizontally by the same amount along with floor slab at a particular level

Short column effect also occurs in columns that support mezzanine floor or loft slabs that are added in between two regular floors.

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

Short Column Behaviour

A tall column & a short column of same cross section move horizontally by same amount during EQ Short column is stiffer than long column(Stiffness of column means resistance to the deformation)
Larger is the stiffness, larger is the force required to deform it

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

Short Column Behaviour

If a short column is not adequately designed for such large force, it can suffer significant damage during EQ

Short column attracts several times larger force and suffer more damage as compare to taller ones. This behaviour of short column is called short column effect and often the damage is in the form of X shaped cracking (Shear Failure)

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

Short Column Behaviour

If a short column is not adequately designed for such large force, it can suffer significant damage during EQ

Short column attracts several times larger force and suffer more damage as compare to taller ones. This behaviour of short column is called short column effect and often the damage is in the form of X shaped cracking (Shear Failure)

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

Short Column Behaviour

Special Confining reinforcement is to be provided over the full height of column that are likely to sustain short column effect Special confining reinforcement must extend beyond the short column into the column vertically above and below by certain distance

Why are Short Columns more Damaged During EQ

The Solution
In new building, short column effect should be avoided to the extent possible during Architectural design itself

For short columns in the existing building retrofit solutions can be employed to avoid damage in future Earth Quake
The retrofit solution should be designed by a Qualified structural Engineer with requisite background

Why are Bld with Shear Walls preferred in Seismic Regions

What is a Shear Wall Building

Reinforce concrete (RC) Bld often have vertical plate like RC walls called Shear walls Shear walls are generally start at foundation level and are continuous throughout the building height Thickness range; 150 mm to 400 mm Shear walls are usually provided along both length and width of Bld Shear walls are like vertically originated wide beams that carry EQ load downwards to the foundation Shear walls are efficient both in terms of const. Cost and effectiveness in minimizing EQ damage in Structural & Non-Structural Member

Why are Bld with Shear Walls preferred in Seismic Regions

What is a Shear Wall Building

Shear walls in building must be symmetrically located in

plan to reduce ill effects of twist in building

Shear walls are more effective when located along exterior

perimeter of building

Why are Bld with Shear Walls preferred in Seismic Regions

Different possible geometries of Shear Walls

Why are Bld with Shear Walls preferred in Seismic Regions

What is a Shear Wall Building

spaced vertical &

Steel reinforcing bars are to be provided in

walls in regularly horizontal grids

Vertical and horizontal reinforcements in

the wall can be placed in one or two parallel layers called curtains
Horizontal reinforcements needs to be

anchored at the ends of wall

Minimum area of reinforcing steel to be

provided is 0.0025 time the cross sectional area (Along each of the horizontal & vertical directions)

How to reduce EQ effects on Buildings

Why EQ effects are to be reduced

Lifeline structures like hospitals etc are remain to be functional in the aftermath of EQ Special techniques are required to design such life line structures which usually cost more than normal bld do

Two basic technology are a) Base isolation device

b) Seismic Dampers

How to reduce EQ effects on Buildings

Why EQ effects are to be reduced

a) Base isolation device - Idea behind base isolation is to detach (isolate) the buildings from the ground in such a way that EQ motions are not transmitted up through the building or at least reduced

b) Seismic Dampers
- Special devices introduced in the building to absorb the energy provided by the ground motion to the building

How to reduce EQ effects on Building

a) Base isolation device - Idea behind base isolation is to detach (isolate) the buildings from the ground in such a way that EQ motions are not transmitted up through the building or at least reduced b) Seismic Dampers - Special devices introduced in the building to absorb the energy provided by the ground motion to the building

How to reduce EQ effects on Building

Several commercial brands of base isolators are available A Careful study is required to identify the most suitable type of device for a particular building Base isolation is not suitable for all types of buildings Most suitable building for base isolation are low to medium rise building rested on hard soil underneath High rise buildings or building rested on soft soil are not suitable for base isolation

How to reduce EQ effects on Building

Several commercial brands of base isolators are available A Careful study is required to identify the most suitable type of device for a particular building Base isolation is not suitable for all types of buildings Most suitable building for base isolation are low to medium rise building rested on hard soil underneath High rise buildings or building rested on soft soil are not suitable for base isolation

How to reduce EQ effects on Building

Base isolation in real buildings

Over 1000 blds across the world have been equipped with seismic base isolation In India base isolation technique was first demonstrated after 1993 Killari EQ Two single storey bld (one school and another shopping complex bld) were built with rubber base isolators resting on hard ground The four storey bhuj hospital bld was built with base isolation

How to reduce EQ effects on Building

Seismic Dampers

Another approach for controlling seismic damage in bld is by installing seismic dampers in place of structural elements such as diagonal braces These dampers act like hydraulic shock absorbers and absorbs part of the seismic energy transmitted through them, thus damps the motion of the building Commonly used seismic dampers are shown in figure 18 storey RC framed structure in Gurgaon (Friction dampers provided)


The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge with thanks the various sources cited in the references which have greatly aided and enhanced the quality of presentation of the material either in the form of information, data, figures or tables The author also wishes to gratefully acknowledge with thanks to Mr. K.K.Sareen,Lecturer Department of Mech. & Prod.Engg. G.N.D.E.C. Ludhiana for rendering his help during the preparation of this presentation

Resource Material

EERI, (1999), Lessons Learnt Over Time Learning from

Earthquakes Series: Volume II Innovative Recovery in India, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland (CA), USA; also available at

Hanson,R.D., and Soong,T.T., (2001), Seismic Design with

Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland (CA), USA.

Skinner,R.I., Robinson,W.H., and McVerry,G.H., (1999), An

Introduction to Seismic Isolation, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

IITK & BMTPC Earthquake Tips; available at

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