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Photoshop CS5 / Bridge CS5 PDF

Slide Show

Instructions for Photoshop CS5 (PC or Mac), though most applies also to CS4 The PDF Slide Show component of Photoshop was moved from Photoshop CS5 into Bridge CS5 This Slide Show preserves Adobe RGB (1998) color space, whereas PowerPoint mangles color Photoshop is NOT needed to view the slideshow, instead just a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader

1) Create a folder of resized & compressed JPEGs (1024x768 pixels for projection, 1680x1050 pixels for higher res monitors; images need not be named in numerical order as in past 2) PDF Slideshow NO LONGER is listed under FILE menu Automate PDF Presentation INSTEAD: File Menu Browse in Bridge OR: open BRIDGE CS5 on your own initiative 3) BRIDGE CS5 window at center on bottom CONTENT window locate your folder of images open your folder thumbnails of your images distribute across Content window you may redistribute images by clicking & dragging into new positions you must select individually (Command/Control + click each), or highlight, or select All (Command/Control + A) of the images you wish for the slide show, which then will appear in the PREVIEW window 4) BRIDGE CS4 window on right OUTPUT tab at upper right corner scroll down to Output (Command/Control + F4) select PDF icon on left (not WEB GALLERY icon on right) Template: scroll to Maximum size or to Custom to Save Custom template, Click Save icon between Template pull-down menu & Trash icon Save Template , name it 1024x768 (or: 1680x1050, etc) Save 5) Document section Page Preset: Custom Size: Custom Width: 1024 pixels Height: 768 pixels Quality: 72 ppi or 96 ppi Quality Slider: 60 (or 70 or 80) Background: Black 6) Layout section Columns:1; Rows: 1 un-checkmark: Rotate for Best Fit checkmark: Repeat One Photo per Page 7) Overlays & Header & Footer sections leave un-checkmarked & blank 8) Playback section checkmark: Open in Full Screen Mode un-checkmark: Automatic advance to the next page checkmark: Loop after Last Page Transition: Box Direction: Out Speed: Medium continued on next page

9) Watermark section leave blank

10) checkmark: View PDF After Save 11) click Save 12) Save As dialog box File name (Mac: Save As): Whatever.pdf Save in (Mac: Where): scroll to Desktop click Save 13) images are processed; then PDF folder loads to desktop; after long pause, slideshow opens if does not open in Slide Show mode, in ADOBE READER: Window menu (or View menu) Full Screen View 14) (Mac only) Full Screen dialog box checkmark Remember my choice, then choose Yes 15) to navigate while viewing in ADOBE READER: FORWARD: Left-Click mouse or Right Arrow key REVERSE: Right-Click mouse or Left Arrow key EXIT slide show: ESC (escape) key RETURN to slide show: Window menu (or View menu) Full Screen View 16) or return to BRIDGE CS5 to view in BRIDGE: View menu Slideshow Options for further tweaking Slideshow Options dialog box opens select your options, then click Play

for PDF of this document, see: Copyfright? [ Not] Permission granted for reproduction with attribution: Mark M. Braunstein -- Connecticut College

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