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Page 7 of & Tor Steven Snyder Ce bobearescottco com; Robert Padmore; Noe Jensen Subjoc: Urgent Mtg Request Me. Snyder, “Thanks fo the email response to the Mayor today. These are important mates and its important we share ‘perspective. As clrficaton | have asked you to arange a meeting time when you ang your team were Interested and avaiable. | have called and emaled you ‘You have placed no apparent priory into folowing trough with us an our requests of you to help your corporaton, Penn National Gaming Corporation, dscuss te very important extension ofthe City land lease required for Penn Natoral Gaming Corporation to continue to operate and stayin business here n Sioux City past January 2013 AND to discuss potental new development plan thatthe lowa Racing and Gaming Commission requires Penn National Gaming Corporation to complete within just afew short weeks, November 41, 2012. You have not sent ttrs oc emais specticaly regarding the Issue or worked to schedule ‘conversations with Penn Natenal Gaming Corporation and the Cy. ‘We current have a lotto contrast with, You have by mest appearances and commen measures demonstrated ‘ery ite iterect. The lack of fallow through an your part and Pann National Gamng Corporation to get together and work trough these pros is astounding to all involved. You havent followed trough. Your ‘Atiomey Cart Sotlosanti hast folowed trough. Your accountants haven' flowed through. Your Sr. Vice President Tom Burke hasn' folowed through. Your President Tim Wimotthas'tfolowed through. In my ‘opinion, anyone assessing the facts regarding your lack of communication would be potentially surprise, ‘especialy since Penn Nabonal Gaming Corporation has, by most appearances, the most at stake. We have ‘contacted you and waited for you to act. We have contacted you again [At his point ask you to please email or send a letter as soon as possible with the dates you wil be in Town or “wish to hold conference call. We wil make ourselves avaiable day or right. Please have your senior ‘menegement, engineers, designers, accountng folks, and legal onthe ine or present and we will do the same. [A his point, personal conversations or emals appear to be les productive than a largor group conversaton ‘would potentially yield. “Thanks for your assistance. We value our relationship with Penn Gaming Corporation. We look forward to ‘working through these issues and elevating the conversations and outcomes, Sincerely, Paul Eckort Page 8 of 8 Page 1 of 3 Nicole Jensen - Re: Thank you - Conference Call From: Poul Eckert timwimott@ pagaming com 11/8/2012 809 AM, Subject Re: Thank you - Conference Call CC: Jensen, Nicole; carsottosanti@pogaming com Greetings Mr. Wilmot, Following up on my email on Monday. As larication, we wl telephone conference at 8:00 am central to1:00, ‘am central on Wednesday. We wil hve a conference cal-in information inthe net few days ‘We also intend to send some terms on Monday of Tuesday. Thanks, Paul >> Paul Eckert 11/5/2012 216 PM >>> {Greetings Mr. Wilmott, ‘We appreciate your silingnee to telephone confarenes nest week. Its been neatly 3 month of effort tn get tn this point. Weve requested the meeting on numerous other occasions. Again ths morning we requested the ‘meeting and specie Tuesday, Wecnesday, or Thutsday of ext week. Cal responded this morning and got it ‘accomplished for next Wednesdoy, November Iéth. We appreciate it! We will work together to get the details ‘arranged. We wil also work to get more species before the meeting ‘Again thanks for your ongoing engagement and participation with this call Poul Eckert, Sioux ity >> Paul Eckert 11672012 11:12 AM >>> Mr, Sottosantt {As sharod previously, our preference isto meet Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of next week with Mr. Wilmott and Mr. Burke and out leadership. Those are the datos that appear to work for us and it would ‘seem to give your team, Including Mr. Wimott and Mr. Burke, enough time to prepare ther schedules to all into the meeting Please pick the dates and callin. We will chat for a few hours. We are confident we can positively move consistently been engaged and ther active 9 efficiently. We iso very busy and ‘that he rales on Mr. Wilmot for the Sioux Gity/Woodbury County facility. fileIC:/Usersinjensen/AppData/.ocal/Temp/XPgrpwise/S09B689DWCICCWCICC PO... 11/8/2012

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