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Kanata North Community Design Plan

What is a Community Design Plan?

The City of Ottawa's Official Plan guides the physical development of the City and manages growth over a 20-year planning horizon (2031). The Plan provides strategic direction on a wide range of matters, such as intensification, compatibility, affordable housing, greenspace networks, walking/cycling, and designing for compact and mixed-use development. Community Design Plans (CDP) translate the general, City-wide direction of the Official Plan to the local community. A CDP is a land use plan that provides more detailed land use policies and designations for a more specific area than found in the Official Plan. A CDP identifies where new roads, schools and community facilities will be built, what types of dwellings future residents will live in, and where parks and greenspace will be located. A CDP is essentially a blueprint to guide the development of a healthy and vibrant community. CDPs are developed alongside other plans and studies for the community. These plans include the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Master Servicing Study (MSS), and Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The recommendations and conclusions of these plans help formulate and are integrated into the final Community Design Plan (CDP). Together, these plans and studies ensure that future residents will move on a safe and efficient transportation network; be served by reliable water, sanitary and stormwater infrastructure; while protecting important environmental features in a sustainable matter.

Public Open House Number 1 - June 26, 2013 PANEL # ___ 4

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