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roe Te NES puo ee Dr Ee Feom the indoctrination camps known as schools to the warchouses of industry and incarceration, we are a society of mutes. Human communication js constantly drowned heneath the deafening racket of an inhuman and insane corporate capitalise system. Behind every advertsement—a baton; behind every “new and improved? product—a canister of wear gus; behind every TV show-—a tank; Behind every newspaper—a prison cell, and bichind every texebooke—a graveyard. The classcoom,the chat 100m, the bedroom, the church, the psychiatrist's couch, the cash register, the answering machine, the offic the bas, che jall—these are all spaces in which we are confronted wich ove incapacity co speak But perhaps the most glaring expresion of our voiceless iin the strats More and more the sereets of our cities speak in the ‘monolithic, inhuman brutality of the suburbs. People bustle about like ants confined within mass-produced, lifeless and drab metal boxes amongst_mass-produced, lifeless and drab buildings. We rarely even have the opportunity 0 pretend to acknowledge one another with our robotic Kies of “how are you doing?” and “precty well” ‘The street spel the language of money, an so our official options are either so speah this language as well, or slut our fucking mouths Graf isameans to begin speaking, and co begin liberating space for human use, By writing and creating art on privately-owned buildings, tie MAUS evant noo we give birth to a human language that cannot be owned or exploited for profit. Graft is criminalized because ‘the graffiti artist and the capytalist eannot both be heard at the same time. Graffiti speaks from the darkness where there are no witnesses, and yet it ie nothing if not visible, Grafii vocalizes all ff the thoughts and images locked inside our hheares and minds by an inearcerated sociery. Grafici makes coherent our frantic urges to struggle ageinst the strangulation of our everyday lives. The brilliance of graffi is not so much in the specifie words or Images, or in how many people see them for how long, but more in the process ‘of people coming together, relearning ‘what they want to say and saying it. ‘The crew of grafith atises must each love life—and each ‘other—enough to help keep fone another out of jail, They must leaen tobe close enough to communicate clearly: ip whispers, in just afew seconds, and in code, And so our speaking takes many forms, from the passionate shouts on the wall to the geatle reassurances we share when we have successflly acted and evaded the grasp ofthe police. Ifyou had a wall and plenty of paint what would you say? “This ine anda vastvarety of other incindary and topical literature can be obtained fram us fora song, The CCaimethInc, Workers Collective has offices in Olympia, Salem, Greensboro, Moab, rookings, Bloomington, ‘Yellow Springs, Amherst, Des Moines, Cuemnavacs, Vitoria, Victoria, Sundbyberg, Bordeaux, Pittsburgh, Detr Kodi, Mendoza, Gallup, Mexican Hat, Oventic, Providence, Adanea, Gent, San Sebastian, Vieques and many’ ‘others, but yourest ber for nave sto contact ns at eepcwwctionethine com CrimethIne, Home Office PO Box 1963 ‘Olympia WA 985071993 single copy ofthis zine is available for fie (donations appeeciated. 50 copes are S¥ inchaing portage. Wherever the master spats, the sacs earn to sain de Wa sesh to one anotber through srs on the devas ‘tad eadh and trough anonymous dots don rt tan inl Wespeat throng mac anon eal tt one well ce ‘i morning Sometimes we cn aod let you bone what got In mind Bit a sere letting you no ase Tobiprd This ccrld of cs and masters sing up in Haas sam The covert is coming ik aoa flames ‘ioming from he sy, from the il fom undrerund, from lee We oo the marerFover desing foes ands leon aleery nw shapecand nese names ti tit all bur and rom teases anes rld wil be born. end whisper] "That, Thar the xe Wr ting yo be became youre meted to do soba you can to ving on the fir Woe ‘road bun Wasi ef nour ears Wecal sles firestarters 100 copies are Sis including posage ur projec cto push you over the imaginary lines and oat of the Geiteoastructed and selidecorated) ages ofthis soci: But only on one condiionyou ‘agus with you “The goal isto use literature and other printed ma- terial to disrupt just encugh to create openings—mo- meats—where the chains are revealed, possibilities realized, and the joy of action ensues, We are exited to share and collaborate on projects and totally bored by trying t0 buy and sell our work. We are looking to create networks wich other individuals and distrinators ‘Weill publish new material on a regular basis. We are also aetely looking for other lteratute/marerials ready to spark imaginative ideas ofall sorts to ignite everyay sivations, Please contact a if youee interested fon or dieting fwestarter any of us have beautiful things to say but are continuously drowned out and stepped on, We need each other to speak the voice of seruggle tothe fullest. Again, we are not experts. We are the agitated and the agitators, sharing our knowledge with you so we can begin to break free together, and begin to transfer the screams within our hearts to poetry upon the walls. We will continue to take back our streets; and we encourage you todo the same with yours. We will be watching over you, gaining inspiration from your poetry ‘upon the walls, and kissing you ever so gently upon your head—finding hope within each other to stay afloat inthis sea of hopelessness. Lest we forget, amidst the everinetessing motorization, militarization, privatization, and sterilization of our spaces, the walls are alive! 4 ‘The images in this pamphlet are from Palestine, Northern Ireland, Australia, Canada, England, tal, and the States. We encourage you to photocopy this pamphlet, steal its text and images, share it with nur streets with love and rage. your friends, and covery People who follow authority are dangerous motherfuckers. ‘More crimes are committed in the name of obedience than disobedience. It’s always the people who do what they're told who end up carrying out genocides and gas attacks. So just to be on the safe side I've stopped doing what I’m told, ever. That way you can always be sure. ~Banksy npn ring sn, mit hon gsc The Wie Ae Alpin sare me fate fete rasa Bas TH pastes ops cing tic argacicn eipcapceee lel it fet mle meer! gn ke ~ preparation stencil instructions mapping it out strategy to the streets! your escape 11 post-action regroup wheatpasting Se eee cree eee Se with anger snd oe oes Be ea eee eee eee ee ee eee ReneS Beene fpr in groups and work alone a

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