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The Challenge

Beloved, I haven given myself to intensive study of various subjects since childhood. Wherever there were books you could find me. I was not really interested in a lot of the games that other children liked to play. My brothers would be with dad helping him do the things that seemed to be normal for boys but I was not interested. Even as a child, I felt that there was more to life than woods and fishing. At the age of 12 years, my pastor said that I should go to Bible College and become a pastor. Little did I know that God was using him at that time to speak a prophetic word to me - but at 18 God called me to the preaching of His Word. Since yielding to that call, I have tried to be faithful, even though I have failed many times. Thank God that He never fails! I and my family have planted three churches, rebuilt others that the devil had all but destroyed, spent ten years in evangelism, became the president of National Native Bible College. For several years, while my wife and I both worked, I paid my way through Bible College and earned three theological degrees. Since that time, I have kept studying via Distance Education and have earned four additional degrees and have also been privileged to receive the Honorary Doctor of Divinity and Honorary Doctor of Pastoral Counseling degrees. I thank God for all of that but no amount of education or ministry experience could have prepared me for losing my health and becoming unable to walk but a few yards. For several years, I struggled with this and thought that my ministry may be over (Preaching ministry, that is), until early 2012 when God touched me while in Trinidad doing evangelistic services. I have since continued to travel and proclaim the good news that God still saves and heals the sick. So, I trust that this booklet will be a great help to you if you are struggling in any area of your life. Remember, God REALLY loves you!

Find and fulfill your FULL potential in Christ

Dr. Terrance Jenkins

Dr. Terrance Jenkins

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