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Lesson 125

Tea for two

• water v. 浇水
• terribly adv. 非常
• dry adj. 干燥的
• nuisance n. 讨厌的人
• mean v. 意味着 (meant 过去时; meant 过
去分词 )
• surprise n. 惊奇
• Can’t you come in and have tea now,
• Not yet. I must water the garden first.
• Do you have to water it now?
• I’m afraid I must. Look at it! It’s terribly

• Can’t you …? 你难道不能…… ?

• come in 进来
• have tea 喝茶
• have to 不得不,必须 [ 强调客观 ]
• must 必须 [ 强调主观 ]
• What a nuisance!
• Last summer it was very dry, too. Don’t
you remember? I had to water it every
• Well, I’ll have tea by myself.

• What a nuisance! 真讨厌!

• last summer 去年夏天
• Don’t you remember? 你难道不记得了么?
• had to have to 的过去时
• by oneself 某人自己,独自
• by myself; by yourself; by himself; by herself;
• That was quick! Have you finished
• Yes. Look out of the window.
• It’s raining! That means you don’t need to
water the garden.
• That was a pleasant surprise. It means I
can have tea, instead.

• look out of the window 朝窗外看

• don’t need to do 没有必要做某事
• That/It means …
• 这意味着……
• You have to leave early.
• Do you have to leave early?
• You don’t have to leave early.

• She must leave early.

• Must she leave early?
• She needn’t leave early. []
• 1. She has to decide immediately.
• 2. She must decide immediately.
• I must go now. What about you?
• I have to go, too.

• 1. I must telephone him. What about

• 2. I must wait for him. What about
• She has to wait for him, too.
• 3. I must meet her. What about Jim?
• 4. I must travel by ship. What about
• I must go now.
• Do you really have to go now?

• 1. I must telephone him.

• 2. Mary must wait for him.
• I must go now.
• Do you really have to go now?

• 1. I must telephone him.

• 2. Mary must wait for him.

• I must go now. What about you?

• 你同意说:我也必须要走了。

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