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Tick Tock Roll A Clock

What You Need

Each person will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a pair of dice to share.

To Begin
Each play needs to draw a clock as follows:

The Goal
To be the first to circle all of the numbers on the clock.

Lets Roll
Player one rolls the die and can add or subtract the two numbers on the dice to target any number 1-12.

Player one can circle on their clock, either: 2+5=7 OR 5-2=3 Players can circle only one number per roll. Players alternate rolling the die, analyzing their combinations, trying to be the first player to circle all the numbers on their clock. If a player is unable to circle a number on their turn, it becomes the other players turn.

For older children you can allow them to use multiplication and division. You can also use three dice instead of two and have them use any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Brain Teaser
Do you think there are certain numbers that will be more difficult to circle?

Dice Mystery
What You Need
Each person will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a pair of dice to share.

To Begin
You will need three players to play this game.

The Goal
The goal is to be in the middle of the other two players numbers. When you are in the middle you earn a point. The first person to 10 points wins.

Lets Roll
Each player will take a turn rolling the two dice. They will roll and cover the dice so that the other two players do not see what two numbers they have. Each player will decide what order they would like their numbers to be in. Then all three players will reveal their numbers and take turns saying their number and the correct phrase (Either ____ is the greatest, ____ is the least, or ____ is between).

Player one rolls a 4 and 5 and decides they would like their number to be 45 Player two rolls a 2 and 4 and decides they would like their number to be 24 Player three rolls a 1 and 3 and decides to make their number as 31 All three players reveal their numbers then player one would say 45 is the greatest. Player two would say 24 is the least and player three would say 31 is between. Player 3 would give them self a tally for being in-between.

For older students you can use three dice to create your number. You can also have the students add or multiply the two dice to create their number. For younger students you can use just one dice. You can also play this game with two people by picking the goal to be you want the largest number.

Brain Teaser
What are some strategies that you used when trying to be in-between?

What You Need
You will need a deck of cards 1-10, a piece of paper, and a pencil .

To Begin
You will need two players and one ref and a piece of paper to keep score.

The Goal
The goal is be the first player to guess the card on their own head by seeing the card on their opponents head and hearing the total from the ref.

Lets Salute
The two players will each pick a card and place it on their forehead when the judge says salute, so that the other player and the ref can see what number is on their card. The ref will then add the two numbers together and tell the two players. The players job will be to try and be the first to say the number that is on their head. The player who is able to say their number first and correctly will receive a point. Whoever reaches 10 points wins the game. After each round the three players will rotate.

Player one picks a card and places it on their forehead. Their card is a 3. Player two picks a card and places it on their forehead. Their card is an 8. The judge would say the total equals 11. The two players would then try to figure out what number is on their head and call it out when they know.

This game can also be used for multiplication by having the judge multiply the two numbers on the cards. For younger students it can be used without the speed factor. You can have the students work on getting the correct answer without racing their partner.

Brain Teaser
What strategies did you use to figure out what your number was the quickest? Did one strategy work better than another?

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