Battle of The Books Rubric

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Battle of the Books

CATEGORY TeamworkCooperation: Listens, shares ideas and work, supports team Beginning-10
Did not act as a team player. Did not listen to others. Did not share ideas or resources. Did not help other team members.

Was not always a team player. Did not always listen to team members or share ideas and resources. Did own work but did not help other team members.

Was a team player. Did own work and helped other team members. Listened to team members and shared own ideas and resources.

Was a team player. Always listened carefully to what others said. Shared ideas and resources. Finished own work on time and helped other team members.


WritingOrganization: Has a beginning, a middle, and an end and follows Friendly Letter format Writing- Spelling and Grammar: Correct grammar and spelling

Writing did not have a beginning, middle, or end and is not in friendly letter format.

Beginning, middle, and end were not clear and parts of the friendly letter format were missing.

Writing had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Writing had transitional sentences. No more than one part of the friendly letter is missing.

Writing had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Writing had transitional sentences and flowed smoothly. All parts of the friendly letter are present.

Made more than 8 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Made more than 7 mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Made less than 5 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Made only one or two spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.


Titles and labeling are not present.

The graph has a title, Graph is logical with but has no labels for the appropriate title, axis. symbols and labels for both the x and y axis.

Graph is clear, logical, attractive, and creative with appropriate title and symbols, and labels for both the x and y axis.

Research and Genre Choice

Does not collect any information that relates to the topic.

Collects very little information--some relates to the topic. Includes at least 1-2 types of genre.

Collects some basic information--most relates to the topic. Includes at least 3-4 types of genre.

Collects a great deal of information--all relates to the topic. Includes at least 5 types of genre.

Survey Format

Format is sloppy, margins, layout is inconsistent, and many typing errors.

Format has some inconsistencies and missing areas, and/or more than 4 typing errors.

The format is correct, title is appropriate, and has no more than 2 typing errors.

The format is correct, title appropriate, and laid out wisely, with no typing errors.

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