Cup Scoreboard - 20130708

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2013/2014 CUP TRIP SCOREBOARD : Q1 7.8.

2013 TEAM NAME LEGEND on 2nd page (sorry can't fit them in the space below) BASESHOP
FNA PREMIUM LOAN SECURITES RECRUITS Avengers - 5 Destiny - 2 Fanatics - 2 Mike D - 2 Lisa - 2 CSF Fanatics - 129,922 Duane - 113,072 Andrew - 61,332 Destiny - 51,973 Sibylle - 46,012 PTS 2 3 1

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Fanatics - 48 Destiny - 39 Mike D - 34 Ownership-23 Visionaries - 19

Destiny - 16,618 Joanne-236,747 Fanatics - 347,728 Fanatics - 6187 Rob - 96,000 Destiny - 289,772 Ownership -4521 Vision - 167,533 Visionaries - 4428 Darlene - 127,554 Avengers - 3731 Duane - 113,072

FNA PREMIUM Dave - 12,118 Scottie - 4294 Lubo - 3301 Vanessa - 3036 Adam - 2606 LOAN SECURITES Scottie - 258,967 Dave - 212,599 James - 197,520 Lubo - 181,238 Vanessa - 157,184 RECRUITS Adam - 4 James - 4 Lubo - 2 Lisa - 2 Dave - 1 CSF Duane - 113,072 Lubo - 62,954 Andrew - 61,332 Scottie - 48,115 James - 25,115 CASH P

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Vanessa - 18 Lisa - 17 Bernie - 15 Dave - 14 Anne M - 13

James - 25,374 3 Dave - 18,584 2 Lubo - 14,631 1 Anne W - 14,057 Scottie - 13,978

FNA PREMIUM Phillip - 3000 Mike D - 2411 Ben - 2252 Rob - 2117 Thomas - 1500 LOAN SECURITES RECRUITS Mike D -2 Rob - 1 CSF Janet - 45,337 Dean - 29,098 Stan - 27,515 Ben - 26,350 Rob- 22,806 CASH Cindy - 1950 Ben - 1476 Thomas - 1415 Wendy - 1380 Joanne - 1359 P 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5

Mike D - 34 Ben - 19 Phillip-10 Sandi - 9 Rob - 6

Joanne - 236,747Cindy - 87,147 Rob - 96,000 Janet - 45,337 Dean - 36,368 Stan - 27,515 Ben - 27,202

TEAM NAME LEGEND Destiny = Team Destiny - Dave and Terra McKinnon Fanatics = Team Freedom Fanatics - Wolston and Karen Ayoung Fighters = Team Freedom Fighters - Lubo and Maureen Invincible = Team Invincible - Anne Mendenhall LLB = Team Legacy Builders - Scottie and Bob Leduc Ownership = Team Ownership - Nathan and Kina Martin T Builders = Team Builders - Ben and Savannah McLaren Warriors = Team Debt Warriors - Joanne Hamill Vision = The Visionaries - Vanessa and Jay Nent Harmony = Team Harmony - Sibylle Rose Avengers = The Avengers - Adam and Sheryll Martin

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