Billionbeats 3

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beaten track
L et us talk about creativi-
ty. In a knowledge soci-
ety, we have to make inno-
vations continuously.
Innovations come through
creativity. w w w . a b d u l k a l a m . c o m
Creativity comes from
beautiful minds. It can be
anywhere and from any DECEMBER 26, 2007 T H E P U L S E O F I N D I A
part of the world. It may
start from a fisherman ham- When you wish upon a star, it makes
let or a farmer's household
or a dairy farm or it may no difference who you are. Anything
emanate from classrooms or
labs or industries or R&D your heart desires will come true.
centres. IT’S POSSIBLE
The creative mind has the
ability to imagine or invent
something new by combin-
ing, changing or reapplying
existing ideas.
The creative person has an
attitude to accept change
He runs after a dream
By Vinaya Hegde When he got an architect to work out the costing, he
and newness, a willingness discovered that the temple work alone would require
to play with ideas and pos- Nagpur, Dec 12: Only he who can see the invisi-
ble can do the impossible. at least Rs 20 lakh. He began to collect donations for
sibilities, a flexibility of out- his project. And vowed to give up one meal a day
look, the habit of enjoying - Frank L. Gaines
Sharad Bhagwatkar has probably not heard till his dream came true. But the trickle of
the good, while looking for funds seemed too thin. At this point someone
ways to improve it. of this quote. But that doesn't matter. He
lives it anyway. suggested, why not run a marathon to publi-
The important aspect of cise the project.
creativity is: seeing the same This 66-year-old retired accountant
from the Police Commissioner's office, Bhagwatkar tightened his shoe laces and
thing as everybody else, but began to run. He was 62 then. And he ran
thinking of something dif- Nagpur has been running marathons for a
cause. For four years now. All for a project that and he ran. Seven international marathons, in
ferent. Let me quote a beau- Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore. And
tiful thought from was firmly imprinted on his mind's eye.
No big deal? Read on. Bhagwatkar was abroad, the Chicago Distance Classic
Alexander Graham Bell. Marathon. Every time he ran, he wore a small
"Don't keep forever on the bedridden for four years from 1993 to the mid-
dle of 1997 after a horrible accident, which left notice pinned to his chest, saying that he was
public road, going only running for the Pusla Jain temple. People soon
where others have gone. him with broken bones in his right leg and
hip. He had to undergo seven surgeries, and began noticing this thin, earnest man, who com-
Leave the beaten track occa- pleted almost every run in record time.
sionally and dive into the still has 40 % deformity in the right leg.
It took him a whole year to learn to walk again. Publicity for the project grew, and funds
woods. You will be certain began coming in. Now, though some more
to find something you have And most of this while, his family suffered with
him, there being no income to speak of. money is still needed for the temple proj-
never seen before. It will be ect, a good part of the work has been com-
a little thing, but do not The trauma he had gone through, seems to
have fired Bhagwatkar's zeal rather than plunge pleted. And the Panchkalyanak and Viswa
ignore it. Follow it up, Shanti Yagna at the renovated temple are planned
explore all around it; one him into self-pity. He set his heart on renovat-
ing an ancient, but significant Jain shrine in the from Jan 19 to 24, 2008. Around 30,000 people are
discovery will lead to expected to attend the event. There are plans to tele-
another, and before you tiny village of Pusla, about 90 km from
Nagpur, and almost on the Madhya Pradesh cast the event live and arrange for video streaming
know it, you will have too, so that people who have donated money can
something worth thinking border. The temple, built in 1878, houses an idol of
Parshavanath Bhagwan dating back to 1545 AD. actually see how their funds have been spent for the
about." betterment of the community.
Bhagwatkar didn't see just a renovated temple there.
There are plans to invite heads of 25 neighbouring
He envisioned a much bigger picture: initiatives to bet-
villages to the event and start annual community
ter the life of youth in Pusla and neighbouring villages.
programmes in these villages. The idea is to set off a
Schools, arts and crafts centres, and scholarships to the chain reaction which will sustain itself. "I want to
needy were part of the big picture. In all, the larger uplift Jain children in rural areas and develop a
plan was to help at least 100 village communities. strong base for their education," says Bhagwatkar.

He is Kutty, the Santa in Karnataka forests

By Joseph Hoover tates. Since we trust him, we don't
even maintain an account. But we
K unja Mohammad Kutty. The
name may not ring a bell. But
ensure that we pay him as soon as

we receive our salary," said

to forest staff of the Nagarhole
National Park, his name means
But why does Kutty do a Santa
succour, hope, love, trust. For Claus? "I have also struggled in
seven years, this small-time gro- life. So I understand their plight.
cer has sustained 25 families of Moreover, I want the forest and
these guards and watchers, who wildlife to be protected. If they
get their salaries once in six don't eat and worry about their
months, or even later. families who will guard the for-
Reason: The Karnataka Forest est? Somebody needs to help
Department is perennially short of them," said the 50 year old, who
money as the government fails to did wholesale business in orange
release funds on time. And being and pepper before setting up his
attached with the forest depart- shop at Kutta, on the fringe of the
ment as temporary staff for 12-15 pristine wildlife habitat.
years, they hang on with the hope SAVIOUR: Kunja Mohammad Kutty at his grocery shop in Nagarhole National Park. "I believe that those who borrow
that they would one day be to eat will never cheat. Nobody
absorbed by the department. “We rever him. He means more And their trust is mutual. has done this to me so far. Though
Intriguingly, this has been the case to us than the DCF (deputy con- "Though we don't pay him for they pay six months later, I never
for over 15 years now. And servator of forests). For, it is he months, he doesn't make a fuss. charge them extra. It would be
nobody seems to have addressed who keeps us going. Without him, And even if were to send a slip against my belief to do so," said
their woes. Their only solace is that some of us would have perhaps with someone asking for rice, dal Kutty, who has two young sons. "I
their daily wages has been died or been on the streets," is the or sugar, he delivers it. Sometimes will continue to help them as long
increased from Rs 75 to Rs 121.73 refrain of the PCP (petty cash pay- when we are in need of money, as I live," signed off Kutty.
since April, 2007. ment) and MR (muster roll) staff. we turn to him. He never hesi- (Courtesy: The Times of India, Bangalore)
S U C C E S S U N L I M I T E D DECEMBER 14, 2007



literate India
t was a nail biting, but also an
exciting moment for our space S PA C E TA L K
who had their eyes glued
to their computers in January 2007
in a hi-tech control room at the
BY SRINIVAS LAXMAN T o regard India's
105th rank in the
fight against illitera-
Satish Dhawan Space Centre in
Space Talk will be a regular feature capturing cy as a tragic aberra-
Sriharikota, and Isro's telemetry, success stories from the skies. Aimed at creating tion is to forget that
tracking and command network at awareness on our space programmes amongst UNESCO's just released Global
Bangalore. Minutes were ticking youngsters, you can make this column interactive and Monitoring report, evaluating
away. The mood was one of nervous update yourselves on the latest happenings out there. 127 countries, crowned India
anticipation, and some of them had with the 112th position with a
their hands clasped in a silent always knew they could do it,'' he for embarking on a human space
dismal 'Education for All'
prayer. If this particular mission suc- added. flight to the low earth orbit in 2014
The complicated mission was suc- and possibly even a manned mis- development index. No one
ceeds, the country would rocket into denies the fact that India's edu-
the Big League of space faring cessful and history had just been sion to the moon in 2020. When the
made. At that moment an important capsule was in orbit, two experi- cation crisis needs thorough
nations like the US, China, Japan reform and huge public expen-
and Russia. India's highly successful international economic conference ments were conducted under micro
was in progress at Davos, and the gravity conditions. diture, but money can buy
space programme would cross an
foreign participants told the Indian The present series of Indian rock- books, not knowledge. We
important milestone and zoom into
delegates that there could not have ets, the PSLV and the Geo- already have a lot of ongoing
The fate of the mission will be been a better brand image for India Synchronous Satellite Launch programmes such as 'Sarva
known in just a few minutes and than the success of this mission. The Vehicle are known as expendable Shiksha Abhiyan', mid-day
the scientists who had gathered in capsule was recovered by the coast rockets because they cannot be meals, etc., but of hardly any
the control rooms that morning guard, taken to Sriharikota for analy- reused once they are launched. A consequence. What is needed
were anxiously waiting for the sis and was subsequently shifted to a reusable launch vehicle on the other more is their implementation,
important moment. Then following museum at Thiruvanathanapuram. hand can be flown a number of which can't be achieved till the
a signal flashed from the telemetry, It was on display at the International times. The basic advantage of this is whole system is redefined and
tracking and command centre, a Astronautical Congress at that it will go a long way in cutting overhauled.
550-kg India-made space capsule Hyderabad in September. down the launch costs and also the The thing to be understood is
started descending towards the What was the significance of this number of flights can be increased. that the crux of insoluble prob-
earth while it was orbiting over flight which had attracted global Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam has always lems like corruption, violence,
South America at a whopping attention? For the first time, India expressed the need for developing moral bankruptcy and poverty
hypersonic speed of 29,000 kmph. It had got back a satellite after placing resusable launch vehicles. He has is illiteracy. If the whole India
started zooming towards India and it in orbit. It was carried on by the been quoted as saying: ``There is is literate, the masses them-
a few minutes later--after 46 min- highly-proven Polar Satellite definitely a need for space faring selves would be concerned
utes--splashed into the Bay of Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on January nations to work together to develop about their problems and fight
Bengal, 140 kms off the coast of 10,2007 and recovered on January RLVs which can bring down the cost back. India, then, would never
Sriharikota. Scientists who were wit- 22,2007. The space capsule was of payloads in orbit from the present be swayed by communal
nessing the dramatic re-entry of the placed in orbit along with three $ 20,000 per kg to $ 2000 and eventu- forces. The India of my dreams
capsule on their computers, broke other satellites, including the ally to $ 200.'' would be fully literate and so,
into an instant applause. They Cartosat-2 satellite. As more such flights have been free from all trifling problems.
embraced each other and exchanged With the successful recovery of the planned in the near future, scientists The enlightened group of edu-
congratulatory handshakes. satellite, designated as the space and engineers at the Vikram cated people can take India to
After touchdown the mission capsule recovery experiment (SRE- Sarabhai Space Centre in
1), India had moved a step closer in the peak of glory and success.
director A. Subramoniam Thiruvanathanapuram are working
realising its plan of designing and Though it is easier said than
remarked: ``The mission was on the design of a regular RLV
extremely successful and operated operating what is known as a done, remember that where
which is slated to make its maiden there's a will there's a way.
as per the design specifications,'' ``reusable launch vehicle (RLV),'' flight around 2010. Let us wait for
Director of Isro's telemetry,tracking which will take off like a rocket, that big day. Amit Ranjan, Class 11, Delhi Public
and command centre, Srirangapatna complete its mission and land like School, RK Puram, New Delhi
Shivak-umar, reacted to the success an aircraft. It will be something like The writer is a Special Correspondent
India of My Dreams is open
by saying: ``What was a plan yester- Nasa's space shuttle, but with with The Times of India, Mumbai
to schoolchildren. Shoot off
day is a reality today.'' India's first enhanced safety standards. Also, the and is the author of the book Dr
Abdul Kalam: Dreams to Reality. your thoughts along with a
spaceman, Rakesh Sharma, stated: data obtained from this SRE mission
``The successful touchdown is an will help in planning future manned You can reach him at: passport-size photograph to:
affirmation of Isro's potential. We missions. India is working on plans

 I am a retired Prof of English, Jamal  I am really glad we have youngster like

Mohamed College, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
I was touched by N. Priyanka's 'I want a disci-
plined nation'. A hit on the nail - a repeat, in
her own words, of what Dr S Radhakrishnan
And, India reacts...
2. Offer avenues like an online B2B platform every individual does this and works towards
Priyanka who dreams of a disciplined nation. I
feel ashamed when I see even well educated
middle-aged people behaving in a very
where success stories you publish in bil- the country's development without bothering uncouth manner and showing complete lack of
was alleged to have said, "India, a nation of
dishonest people." Ethics has really taken a lion beats can be picked up by influential about what the other person is doing, then, respect for everything, even simple traffic
back seat. Instead of fixing responsibility for people to be extrapolated on a national, even if your fellow beings don't emulate you, rules. Is policing the only solution?
this sordid affair, let's pledge to rebuild the perhaps an international scale; young children will definitely get influenced by
- Nagendra Kumar.M
nation. Let's resolve to answer three questions 3. Conduct periodic conferences wherein emi- your good deeds.
before embarking on saying or doing any- nent Indian / international personalities can - Gowtham Pitchuka  billion beats is a great opportunity to mil-
thing: Is it fair? Will it be balanced? How will put forth ideas; (Class 12, Modern Senior Sec School, Chennai) lions of Indians to share their concerns and
it make me feel about myself? Any con- 4. Undertake activities to further the ideals  billion beats would indeed help all those experience with others without any inhibition.
science-conscious person would think twice if that you and many others wish all of us people who are working hard to make India a It also brings unsung heroes to the fore. It is
he/she gets a negative answer. should practice collectively practice. better place, but whose efforts go unnoticed. the time for India to reduce the disparity
- R. Panchanadhan - Sanjay Mathur This paper would help them to get the credit between haves and have-nots by ensuring the
 I'm a 3rd B.Tech student of Karim Nagar. I  Thanks for such a positive effort. The only they truly deserve.
percolation of the fruits of development to the
attended the ceremony of Dr Kalam at Karim problem which I could find was the paper is - Sapna Kale
bottom of the society.
Nagar. U have started a good programme. I very congested. This might keep people from  It is really commendable that you are
assure u that all the youth of the country will going thru it. Could u do something about it? associated with such a noble mission. May - Ramesh.Y
surely give their full hearted co-operation to u. - Yashowardhan Chaturvedi God give you strength to achieve higher goals
- A. Mahesh  Thanks to N. Priyanka for a great write-up: in life. billion beats will get billions of wishes Proverb
 Congratulations Dr. Kalam! A billion of our 'I want a disciplined nation'. I promise to from billions of people who really appreciate Pocket
heart beats go for you. You can install a news- actively participate in making her dream come such noble gestures.
feed system to enable users to get to your site true. - Vijay
whenever it changes. Please create a fund col- - Girish S. Darak  I am sure billion beats will become the
lection system including an Abdul Kalam  We want a disciplined nation. It's in our heat beat of every Indian. As a Kenyan proverb
Fall seven times,
Foundation which can: hands to achieve it. Let us follow the idea of urges, "May you rise as the sun each day". As
I write this note from USA, my heart beats for
stand up eight.
1. Set up a think-tank of eminent people on self-discipline. Let us start following rules/reg- — From Japan
various issues affecting all of us, including ulations before we start blaming/advising oth- the billions in India.
the world as whole; ers. We must stop complaining about others. If - Tom Thakady
billion beats is designed and uplinked to from Bangalore every fortnight. Chief Editor Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, National Affairs Editor Anantha Krishnan M,
Content Editor V. Ponraj, Copy Curator Vinaya Hegde, Data Coordinator Neelima V, Creative DesignV. Jayaprakash, Stills Robert, INSPIRATION The Bold Billion

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