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Post Graduate Students-Supervisory Committee Study Meeting

1 2 9.30 AM- 9.45 AM 9.45 AM 10.15 AM 10.15 AM 10.45 AM 10.45 AM 11.0 AM 11.0 AM 11.30 AM 11.30 AM 12.30 PM Prayer Introduction and Briefing Presentation of PhD study progress report - by Mr.Senthil Kumar ii. Q & A Morning Tea Break Presentation of PhD study proposal - By Mrs.Deepa Discussion/Q & A on the PhD Project Presentation of "Research Product Analysis Report" based on the concept of "Meaningful research innovation and commercialization Presentation of the concept "Research & Academic Entrepreneurship - What do our research team think" by Mr. Leonard Joseph, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, FSK, UKM Closing Remarks and Lunch i. ii. i.

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12.30 PM 1.0 PM

1.00 PM

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