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1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

Accurate Real Time Drill Bit Wear Prediction by Combining Rock Energy and Drilling Strength Concepts
Behrad Rashidi Master of Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Well Construction Petroleum University of Technology, University of Calgary Mohamad Rastegar Master of Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Well Construction Petroleum University of Technology, University of Calgary Dr. Alireza Bashari Head of Iranian Offshore Oil Company Research and Development Department Research and Development Department

Abstract: In todays drilling operations there is a constant push for drilling cost reduction. A central element to reduce cost is to improve drilling operation by analyzing real-time data. To do so, advanced real-time analysis tools needs to be developed. Two approaches currently in use for optimizing the actual rotary drilling process are Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) and inverted ROP models. MSE is calculated as the work needed to destroy a given volume of the rock. It can act as tool during drilling operation to detect change in drilling efficiency thus providing a method to optimize the drilling parameters to enhance ROP. ROP models, on the other hand, can be used to calculate formation drillability with considering the effects of drilling parameters; bits design and bit wear. Drilling optimization using ROP models is then done by changing the drilling parameters or bit design. In this project wells from offshore Middle East is analyzed by comparing MSE and drillability. Formation MSE and drillability are comparable for individual bit runs. However, they differ when the mud weight is changed and they deviate when bits are worn. These two differences are due the fact that MSE does not include bit wear as well as mud weight effects. To overcome the model constraints we combined both methods and modified the MSE equations to be able to incorporate these effects and use MSE as a real-time trending tool for Bit wear estimations. The field results are very encouraging in that the Bit wear for both Rollercone and PDC bits can be predicted with good accuracy. The field application of this new approach is that a sound decision can be made regarding the pulling of bit while it is in the hole during drilling and improving overall economics of the drilling operation. Key Words: Mechanical Specific Energy, Rate of Penetration Model, Rock Drillability, Drilling Optimization, Fractional Bit Tooth Dullness, Bit Dull Grade State 1- Introduction: For any given drilling operation, several drilling technologies are available to optimize the process of producing of usable borehole. The intent of this process is to conduct the drilling safely and in the most cost-effective manner possible. The way to do that is to asses drilling performance continuously during drilling operation. The operators drill rate management process is designed maximize rate of penetration in every foot of hole drilled which is contributed to all phases of drill well process. [1], [2]

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

1.1- Rate of Penetration (ROP): The manner in which the important drilling variables that have been discussed to affect penetration rate is quite complex and only partially understood. Thus, the development of an accurate mathematical model of the rotary drilling process is not yet possible. However, several mathematical models that attempt to combine the known relationships have been proposed. These models make it possible to apply formal optimization methods to the problem of selecting the best bit weight and rotary speed to achieve the minimum cost per foot. Many authors have reported significant reductions and increase in drilling cost and rate of penetration through use of these approximate mathematical models: [3] Moore Maurer Bingham Cunningham Eckel Galle ROP = aWN ROP = a (W+b) 2N ROP = aW bN ROP = aWN b ROP = aW bN c ROP = a (W-b) N c

In these equations, W is weight on bit and N is the rotary speed. To determine the constants (a, b and c) for each model, the Multidimensional Powells Method and the Brents Method in One-Dimension were applied. The function to be minimized is as follows:

i =1

z (ri ; a1 ......a m )

.... (1)

In this equation, n is the number of data points; m is the number of constants to be determined; z1 the actual rate of penetration; ri the drilling parameters (W and N); and ai the constant values to be determined. [4] 1.2- Bourgoyne & Young ROP Model In this model, penetration rate is a function of several variables such as sediments compaction, pore pressure, bit weight, rotary speed, impact force, bit hydraulics, teeth wear. [10] The model can be mathematically expressed by:

Tx = e

( a1 +

a j j)

.. (2)

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

The drilling model selected for predicting the effect of the various drilling parameters (x1) on penetration rate ( dD ) is given by: dt
8 dD = EXP ( a1 + a j x j ) ........... (3) dt j =2

Where Exp (z) is used to indicate the exponential function ez. The modeling of drilling behavior in a given formation type is accomplished by selecting the constants a1 through a8 in Equation 3. [5] 1.3- Mechanical Specific Energy: The concept of Mechanical Specific Energy as formulated by Teale [4] in 1965 in bit mechanic lab, for rotary drilling under atmospheric condition is used today to improve performance in real-time operation and leads to increase more than 200% of whole system efficiency. Its defined as the work required destroying a given volume of the rock. MSE surveillance process provide the ability to detect changes in drilling efficiency which can help the driller to optimize operating parameters and identifying the system constraints which is a key feature in well planning and operational practice and by definition can be defined as input energy to output ROP which is the same ratio of Drill-Off test curve specially in linear part that could be the sign of efficient condition during drilling operation.[1] MSE in terms of drilling parameters can be shown as: [1], [2]

... (4)

In above formula AB is bit surface area (inch2), N is rotary speed (Round per minute), T is measured torque (lbf ft) and MSE in psi. It is recognized that the specific energy can not be represented by single accurate value during drilling operation by wide variables changes due to dynamic and homogenous rock nature; whereas approximate mean value can help us to detect any change in drilling efficiency. Equation (4) use measured torque as main variable in MSE calculation formula. Torque at the bit can be measured by MWD system in the field, also the majority of field data are in the form of surface weight on bit, RPM and penetration rate (ROP). Moreover; some torsional friction may cause significant errors in real torque measurements. For this reason bit specific coefficient of sliding friction () is introduced to express torque as a function of WOB and let the MSE to be calculated in the absence of reliable torque measurement as shown below:
T = DB WOB 36

... . (5)

So new form of MSE which is called as modified MSE in terms of bit sliding friction coefficient can be written as: [12] 1 13.33 N

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

. (6) Where Exp (z) is used to indicate the exponential function ez. The modeling of drilling behavior in a given formation type is accomplished by selecting the constants a1 through a8 in Equation 3. [5] 1.3- Mechanical Specific Energy: The concept of Mechanical Specific Energy as formulated by Teale [4] in 1965 in bit mechanic lab, for rotary drilling under atmospheric condition is used today to improve performance in real-time operation and leads to increase more than 200% of whole system efficiency. Its defined as the work required destroying a given volume of the rock. MSE surveillance process provide the ability to detect changes in drilling efficiency which can help the driller to optimize operating parameters and identifying the system constraints which is a key feature in well planning and operational practice and by definition can be defined as input energy to output ROP which is the same ratio of Drill-Off test curve specially in linear part that could be the sign of efficient condition during drilling operation.[1] MSE in terms of drilling parameters can be shown as: [1], [2]
MSE = WOB 120 N T + ... (4) AB AB ROP

In above formula AB is bit surface area (inch2), N is rotary speed (Round per minute), T is measured torque (lbf ft) and MSE in psi. It is recognized that the specific energy can not be represented by single accurate value during drilling operation by wide variables changes due to dynamic and homogenous rock nature; whereas approximate mean value can help us to detect any change in drilling efficiency. Equation (4) use measured torque as main variable in MSE calculation formula. Torque at the bit can be measured by MWD system in the field, also the majority of field data are in the form of surface weight on bit, RPM and penetration rate (ROP). Moreover; some torsional friction may cause significant errors in real torque measurements. For this reason bit specific coefficient of sliding friction () is introduced to express torque as a function of WOB and let the MSE to be calculated in the absence of reliable torque measurement as shown below:
T = DB WOB 36

... (5)

So new form of MSE which is called as modified MSE in terms of bit sliding friction coefficient can be written as: [12]
MSEMod = WOB ( 1 13.33 N + ) (6) AB DB ROP

Bit sliding friction coefficient is a constant dimension less number which is used around 0.21 for Roller cone bits and three to five time more for PDC bits as simplicity and that could be better to obtain the exact value using measured Torque and WOB in laboratory measurements. [6]

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

2- MODEL DEVELOPMENT: As mentioned in Burgoyne and Young rate of penetration model which defined ROP as the effect of eight pertinent functions (See Appendix 1); ROP value can be calculated in terms of formation drillability noted as f1 function in ft/hr. One can use drilling data from offset wells such as ROP, WOB, RPM, flow rate, mud weight, Pore pressure and etc in each meter or foot of drilled hole to estimate rock drillability value with calculating f2 trough f8 as below:
f1 = ROP (7) f 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 f 6 f 7 f. 8

Also fractional bit wear is assumed as linear decreasing trend vs. depth using equation 8.
h= ( DepthCurrent Depthin ) DG ( DepthOut Depthin ) 8

....... (8)

DG in above equation is stands for dull grade bit wear state which is reported by service drilling company when bit is pulling out of the hole and is a number between 0 and 8 (See Appendix 2). On the other hand; Mechanical specific energy uses ROP value directly in its formula, so it could be easy to find a relationship between MSE value and rock drillabity in bottom hole condition as a new model during drilling operation in each meter or foot of a well. However, proper adjustment should take in to account regarding balancing the units either in oil field or SI systems. Thus, new model is proposed in power form as shown in equation 9.

MSE = K1 (

1 K2 ) f1

. (9)

2.1- Field Data Model Analysis: Off set drilling data from offshore wells in Salman oil field located in Persian Gulf has used to determine K1 and K2 constants in each drilled. However, all chosen bit run sections should have same bit type and diameter regardless of formation type and bit specifications which have basically taken in to account in both MSE and rock drillability calculations. To do so; Mechanical Specific Energy and inverse of Rock Drillibility was obtained for each meter of off-set bit run sections with having all drilling parameters and for the sake of convenience draw them versus each other in log-log scale to obtaine K1 and K2 constants for entier section in power form as depicted in figures 1 to 6. The accuracy of these two sets of data points which correlate MSE and inverse of rock drillibility were so encouraging in all bit run sections as obvious from figures.





1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

Figure 1: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (3724m-3850m).

Figure 2: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (3850m-3991m).





Figure 3: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (3991m-4116m).

Figure 4: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (4116m-4169m).





Figure 5: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (3280m-3314m).

Figure 6: MSE vs. Inverse of Rock Drillability for Well A in Salman oil Field (3314m-3510m).

. In all bit run sections it is observed that K2 value calculated as almost one for entire bit run sections as shown in Table 1. So we can take K2 value as one in a model and as a matter of fact it implies the Mechanical Specific Energy and inverse of Rock Drillability have linear relationship with K1 as constant of proportionality.

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

Also; bit sliding friction coefficient () is obtained in each bit run section and observed that there exists no much difference between overall 0.21 and 0.84 values for Rollercone and PDC bits [12] respectively that is used here for simplicity relative to actual calculated bit sliding friction coefficient as shown in Table 2.
Table 1: K2 Values for Each Section with and without Mud Weight Effect

Well # Well A (3724m-3850m) Well A (3991m-4116m) Well A (4169m-4315m) Well A (4315m-4453m) Well B (3280m-3314m) Well B (3510m-3543m)

K2 (With mud weight effect) 1.0608 0.8349 0.8212 1.0225 0.9538 0.9024

K2 (Without mud weight effect) 1.0189 0.9777 0.9696 0.9969 0.8815 0.9004

Now the only thing which remains as a mystry is how possible to use the calculated K1 value in each meters of drilled section in bit wear analysis. Figures 7 and 8 show the K1 constant behaviour against depth. An increasing trend is observed in all sections coming with abrupt discontinuity in some regions. Manipulation with all including drilling parameters have done in order to get rid of such an unwanted and discontinus trend. It is observed that the effect of great change in mud weight during drilling will lead to scatter the data points and reduce the accuracy value in MSE vs. inverse of rock drillability as well as an abrupt K1 trends discontinuity. Therefore; neglecting this parameter and its pertinent functions effect in Burgoyne and Young rate of penetration model (Put f4 = 1) to obtain new rock drillability. Figures 9 and 10 show the accuracy improvement besides having a smooth K1 trend against depth.
Table 2: Calculated Bit Sliding Friction Coefficient for each bit run section

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

Figure 7: K1 vs. Depth for Well A in Salman Oil Field.

Figure 8: K1 vs. Depth for Well A in Salman Oil Field.





Figure 9: Well A in Salman oil Field (3280m-3314m) Figure 10: Well A in Salman oil Field (3280m-3314m) (Accuracy improved from 0.9096 to 0.995) (Accuracy improved from 0.9495 to 0.9992)

2.2- Real - Time Application of Developed Model: Based on what discussed so far; one can use K1 constant in real time application for wear function estimation when bit is in the hole. Although; ROP inherently contain all drilling parameters effect specially bit wear and use it directly for rock drillability calculation in ROP model; but MSE model doesnt include bit wear in its formula. So; combining these two models can help us to use their difference to calculate bit wear in real- time application. Also; MSE is highly affected with drilling deficiency and use as trending tool for drilling crew to keep the operation in efficient status. Any kind of drilling deficiency can cause an increase in MSE value as well as decrease in rock drillability, so does to change K1 value during drilling a well. Moreover; in real-time operation there exist no recording data regarding bit wear status (Cutters Wear) during drilling. So neglecting this parameter as well as relating function in B&Y rate of penetration formula ( Put f7 = 1) and use new inverted ROP model to calculate rock drillability in each meter of section being drilled. Also bit wear grade in terms of cutter wear has increasing trend relative to depth, in other words bit wear will increase as bit is penetrating through the formation depending upon rock confined compressive strength. If we are able to correlate these two increasing K1 and bit wear trends versus depth, it would be easy to calculate bit wear grade in real time analysis when bit is in the hole. K1 value can be obtained in real time drilling operation with having all drilling parameters from mud logging unit. In this work it is assumed that all drilling deficiencies are due to bit limiters specially bit cutters wear and other drilling problems have neglected like bit balling,

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

vibration, bottom hole balling and etc as well as their effects to change MSE value. Since both balled bit and dull bit exhibit similar level of deficiency.[2] The existence of these ROP limiters depend on formation type, bit type, mud type, cuttings removal and the way in which drilling proceed in terms of drilling parameters adjustment. In this study, drilled sections is not deep enough, whereas no recorded data exist regarding these problems to happen like bit balling, bottom hole balling, pipe stuck and etc. So it could be a good assumption to consider only bit wear grade for drilling deficiencies and new model can be used to evaluate bit condition when bit is in the hole. To adjust the bit wear grade trend and K1 value versus depth, Normalized is correlated against bit wear in such a way that both side start from one with decreasing trend as below:

Norm (

1 B (10) ) = 1 A h K1

Next step is using offset well data to obtain A and B constants for each oil field and find relationship between Normalized value and fractional bit wear grade (0< h <1). Moreover; some model constraints must take in to account in order to properly chose the most convenient constants value. Consider the condition which uses Green bit type (Not used); as a matter of fact, fractional bit wear would be zero and in all drilled section Normalized value should start from 1, in case of completely worn bit; fractional bit wear is 1and at this condition, Normalized value should tend to zero. So the only way to reach to Normalized value equal to zero at the end of the section is A constant should be a value of 1. Small software is used to obtain most accurate B constant with having all drilling parameters and reported fractional bit wear as well as above constraints for each drilled section as shown in Table 3. In fact the equation No .10 will change to below form:


1 ) = 1 h B.... (11) K1

Table 3: A & B Values Obtained for Different Bit Run Sections

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

Well # 2SKD-1 (3724m-3850m) 2SKD-1 (3991m-4116m) 2SKD-1 (4169m-4315m) 2SKD-1 (4315m-4453m) 2SKA-3 (3280m-3314m) 2SKA-3 (3510m-3543m)

A 1 1 1 1 1 1

B 3.68 4.65 3.9 1.9 3.45 1.1

Error Less Than 2% Less Than 1% Less Than 2% Less Than 1% Less than 10% Less Than 6%

DG(Bit Wear Grade) 4.5 5.5 5 2 5 1

Figure 11 shows the functional behavior of each drilled section Normalized function relative to different bit wear using obtained A and B constants. Last step is to find a relationship between calculated B constants and reported fractional bit wear in each drilled section and extend it to entire field as its governing equation for real-time bit wear prediction. The constants B is drawn against fractional bit wear for each bit run section as shown in Figure 12 The graph shows a good agreement along with high accuracy (R2= 0.9558) as shown below. It is obvious that using more bit run sections will lead to more accurate result.

B = 5.6392 h + 0.4212


Finally; Equations 11 and 12 are coupled and use as governing equation in Salman oil field in real time bit wear estimation.

Figure 11: Functional behavior of wear function against different wear grade for each section with known A and B with model constraints.

Figure 12: B values V.S fractional bit wear in each drilled section.

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

3- CONCLUSIONS: 1) MSE surveillance is one of the key element in operators fast drilling process (FDP) which is a work design to drill every foot of the hole with highest possible ROP and economic way as well. 2) Using log data and MSE value can act as trending tool for drilling crew to detect any change in drilling efficiency (i.e. Benchmarking Technique). 3) Bit performance is highly related to the condition which Bit is used. consequently, Real-time analysis of Mechanical Specific Energy help the drilling crew to adjust proper drilling parameters like WOB, RPM and hydraulics that will achieve the most efficient Bit performance. [4] 4) ROP is the most governing factor in relationship between MSE and BurgoyneYoung ROP model; also it is inherently include all drilling parameters effect like WOB, RPM, Bit Wear, MW, etc. 5) Sudden change in Mud weight and Bit wear are two most dominant factors which 1 depth. cause an irregularity in normal descending trend against ( ) 6) The Rock Confined Compressive Strength is equal to K measured MSE adj value, 1 along with linear relationship between WOB and ROP. 7) In K1 calculation procedure; MSE is dominant factor and more sensitive, relative to inverse of rock drillability value for each specific Bit run section which cause increasing K1 trend from top to the bottom. 8) That would be a good idea to consider Bit wear linear trend against depth in each drilling section for simplicity regardless of rock compressive strength changing with depth. 9) The developed model highly affected by changing Bit specifications like Bit diameter, number of cutters, cutter diameter, back rake and side rake, etc which came in to account in ROP value and MSE calculation as well. 10) The more section used to figure out relationship between constant B and reported bit wear grades will lead us to get more accurate result in each oil field.

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

4- ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I wish to acknowledge and express thanks to Dr. G. Hareland ; Dr. R. Nygaard and Dr. A. Bashari for their advice, cooperation and providing drilling data. 5- REFERENCES: 1) Dupriest. F. E., ExxonMobil Development Co., Comprehensive Drill-Rate Management Process To Maximize Rate of Penetration., SPE paper No. 102210, presented at the 2006 SPE annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A, 24-27 September 2006. Dupriest. Fred. E., SPE, ExxonMobil and William L. Koederitz, SPE, M/D Totco, a Varco Company, Maximizing Drill Rates with Real-Time Surveillance of Mechanical 1) Specific Energy, SPE paper No. 92194, presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23-25 February 2005. 2) Teale, R. The Concept of Specific Energy in Rock Drilling, Intl, J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. (1965) 2, 57-73. 3) R. V. Barragan, O. L. A. Santos, E. E. Maidla, Optimization of Multiple Bit Runs, SPE paper 37644. 4) Bourgoyne A. T., Young F. S., A multiple Regression Approach to Optimal Drilling and Abnormal Pressure Detection, SPE paper 4238. 5) Pessier. R. C., Hughes Tool Co, and Fear. M. J., BP Exploration, Quantifying Common Drilling Problems With Mechanical Specific Energy and Bit- Specific Coefficient of Sliding Friction, SPE paper 24584, presented at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineering held in Washington, DC, October 4-7, 11992. 7) Pessier. R. C., Hughes Tool Co, and Fear. M. J., BP Exploration, Quantifying Common Drilling Problems With Mechanical Specific Energy and Bit- Specific Coefficient of Sliding Friction, SPE paper 24584, presented at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineering held in Washington, DC, October4-7, 11992.

Appendix1:Burgoyne&young Rate of penetration Model

ROP = f1 f 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 f 6 f 7 f 8

1st National Iranian Drilling Industry Congress.

f1 = e 2.303 a1 = K

Rock Drillabili ty Effect

Depth Effect

f 2 = e 2.303 a 2 (10000 D )

f3 = e
f4 = e

2.303 a3 D 0.69 ( g p 9 )
2.303 a 4 D ( g p Pc )

Pore Pr essure Effect OverBallanceEffect

w w ) ( )t dB d B a5 ] f5 = [ w 4 ( )t d

WOB Effect

f6 = (

N a6 ) 60

Rottary Speed Effect

f 7 = e a7 h
F f8 = ( j )a8 1000

Bit Wear Effect

Jet Im pact Force Effect

Appendix2:Schematic Show how PDC and Roller cone bit types Catters have measured

PDC Bit:

Roller cone Bit:

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