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TUR PROGRAMI 1.GN/STANBUL>SARAYBOSNA: Yerel rehberimiz tarafndan karlanma ve genel bilgilendirme yaplarak otelimize transfer, odalarmza yerleme.

Bonak halknn unutulmaz lideri Aliya Izzetbegoviin ant mezarnn bulunduu ehitlii ziyaret, Avrupann en mstesna ars Ba ar'da gezinti. Osmanl dneminden beri eitimine ara vermeden devam eden Kurunlu Medresesi, Kanuni Sultan Sleymann halasnn olu Gazi Hsrev Beyin Camii ve medresesi , Fatih Camii'ni ziyaret. Akam yemeinin ardndan konaklama otelimizde. Tour Schedule 1st Day/stanbul>Sarajevo: Arrivals Accommadition (to Hotel) 1st stop: The Grave of Aliya zzetbegovi 2nd stop: Visiting of one of the most exceptional bazaar Bascarsija 3rd stop: A madrasa visit which continues to operate since Ottoman Empire Kurunlu Madrasa 4th stop: Visit of the Mosque and madrasa of Gazi Husrev, Fatih Mosque 5th stop: Dinner then Go back to hotel

2.GN/MOSTAR>POTEL>BLAGAY: Otelde alnan sabah kahvaltsndan sonra Mostar'a hareket. Unesco korumas altnda olan tarihi Trk ky Poitelinin gezilmesi. 550 yllk Tarihi (Alperenler ) Blagaj Tekkesini ziyaret. Mostar'a gei. 2005 ylnda Dnya Miras Listesine alnan Mostar Kprs, 1566 ylnda Mimar Sinann rencilerinden Mimar Hayreddin tarafndan yaplm ve 456 adet kalp ta kullanlmtr. 1992de Srplarn, 1993de de Hrvatlarn top ateleri sonucunda dev talar Neretva Nehrine gmlen kpr, 23 Temmuz 2004 ylnda Prens Charles tarafndan Trkiye`nin de aralarnda bulunduu birok devlet temsilcilerinin katld bir trenle tekrar almtr. Mostar ars, Behram Bey medresesi, tarihi Koski Mehmet Bey Camii ve Karagz Camiini ziyaret. Jablanitsada mehur kuzu evirme ziyafetinin ardndan otelimize dn. 2nd Day/Mostar>Poiteli>Blagay: Breakfast at Hotel Moving through Mostar 1st stop: Visit of the historical Turkish Village Poiteli which is protected by UNESCO 2nd stop: Visit of historical Alperens Lodge (550 Years old) Blagaj Lodge Going to Mostar 3rd Stop: Visit of The Mostar Bridge (in the world heritage list) The Mostar Bridge: The stone bridge, the Old Bridge (Stari Most), was erected in 1566 on the orders of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman ruler. Later becoming the city's symbol, the Old Bridge (Stari Most) is one of the most important structures of the Ottoman era and perhaps Bosnia's most recognizable architectural piece, and was designed by Mimar Hayruddin, a student and apprentice of the famous Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan. The Bridge is reconstructed and reopened in 2004 by participation of Prince Charles and many other Government am bassadors since its bombed and collapsed During the Bosnian War. 3rd stop: Visit of Mostar bazaar, Madrasa of Bahram Bey, historical Koski Mehmet Bey Mosque and Karagoz Mosque 4rd stop: Roasted Lamb feast

Go back to Hotel

3.GN/TRAVNK: Otelde alnan sabah kahvaltsndan sonra vezirler ehri olarak bilinen Travnike hareket. Sava srasnda birok insann ehit edildii Ahmi Kyn ziyaret. Tarihi dokusu korunmu Travnik sokaklarnda gezinti. Tarihi Osmanl Kalesinden ehir manzaras ve 300 yllk brahim Paa Medresesi'nin gezilmesi. Fatih Sultan Mehmetin su itii (Gksu) Plava Voday ziyaret Lutfina kahvede kahve ve baklava ziyafeti. Akam yemei yresel bir restoranda. Saraybosnaya dn ve konaklama otelimizde. 3rd Day/Travnik: Breakfast at Hotel Go to Travnik(known as the city of viziers) 1st stop: Visit of the village of Ahmi where many people killed during war 2nd stop: Walking around the Travnik streets where historical textures protected perfectly. 3rd stop: Visit of Townscape from the Ottoman Castle and Madrasa of Ibrahim Pasha (300 years old) 4th stop: Visit of Plava Voda, Baklava-Cofee Time at Lutfina Cafe Dinner at a regional restaurant Go back to Sarajevo and Hotel

4.GN/SARAYBOSNA>STANBUL: Otelde alnan sabah kahvaltsndan sonra, Birinci Dnya Savann kt Latin (Hnkar) Kprsn grme, Osmanl kalesi Beyaz Tabyann gezilmesi. Sava zaman iki buuk yl ehrin btn ihtiyalarnn karland ve ehre giri klarn yapld tneli ve mzeyi ziyaret. Saraybosnann su kayna gman Dann eteklerindeki Vrelo Bosnada gezintinin, ardndan havalimanna hareket. 4th Day/Sarajevo>stanbul: Breakfast at Hotel 1st Stop: Visit of the Roman Bridge (Hnkar Bridge) where the I. World War started. 2nd Stop: Visit of the Ottoman Castle (White Bastion) 3rd Stop: Visit of the Tunnel which used to supply sarajevos all needs during the Bosnian war and which is also used the enterance and exit of the city during that period. 4th Stop: A Ride at naturally perfect Vrelo Bosnia Go to airport

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