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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

Puzzle it out activity

This is a problem-solving activity for groups of three to five students. Method 1. Copy the hand-out (page 4 of this document) and give one copy to each group. 2. Copy and cut out the clues and give one set to each group. 3. Explain that there are five people staying at a hotel: Mr Petty, Mr Grove, Mrs Williams, Ms Stevens and Mr Harvey. Using the clues, the students have to complete the missing information in the table, namely each persons job, character, interest or hobby, plus one other item of information. Set a time limit and check orally.

Answers Room 101 Mr Grove traffic warden sociable gardening is a twin. Room 102 Ms Stevens surgeon optimistic painting is Australian. Room 103 Mr Petty plumber conceited amateur dramatics is bald. Room 104 Mrs Williams solicitor mean tennis is bilingual. Room 105 Mr Harvey estate agent bossy bird-watching is a widower.

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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

Puzzle it out (Clues)

Ms Stevens usually looks on the bright side of life.

The man in room 101 loves going to parties and meeting people.

The person who works at a hospital is from down-under. Mr Grove doesnt like telling strangers what his job is especially not motorists.

Mr Harvey sold two houses last week. The person in the room next to him often deals with divorces and wills.

The person who wears a uniform to work has green fingers.

The woman who speaks German as well as she speaks English hates spending money.

The tradesman has a dress rehearsal tonight.

The person who loves ordering people about has an end room.

Mr Harvey has been an ornithologist for nearly twenty years. The estate agents wife passed away last year.
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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

Mrs Williams has an excellent serve.

The person with a tanned scalp has a very high opinion of himself.

The person in the room next to the plumber often visits Art galleries.

Mr Petty is in the room between Ms Stevens and Mrs Williams. The traffic wardens brother was born half an hour before him.

The optimist is staying in room 102.

The solicitor hopes to play at Wimbledon one day.

The person in room 104 never tips.

Mr Harvey is in room 105.

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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

Puzzle it out task sheet

There are five people staying at a hotel: Mr Petty, Mr Grove, Mrs Williams, Ms Stevens and Mr Harvey. Use the clues to complete the chart with the information below.

Room number Name Job Character Interest/hobby Other information






Job solicitor estate agent surgeon traffic warden plumber

Character sociable conceited bossy mean optimistic

Interest/hobby painting bird-watching amateur dramatics tennis gardening

Other information is a widower is Australian is a twin is bald is bilingual

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Online Literacy and Numeracy Resource Centre for Trainers and Assessors Activities

Puzzle it out activity

Trainers notes
Description This is a problem-solving activity for groups of three to five students.

Equipment needed One Puzzle it out task sheet and set of clues per group.

Instructions Refer to method and task sheets.

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