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A recurrent childhood pattern of developmentally inappropriate levels of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward au h

Oppositional Defiant DSM-IV-TR definition: Disorder

Rather than one risk factor operating in isolation, research indicates that the accumulation of many factors may be critical to the onset of ODD.

Co morbid Disorders
Symptoms of ODD that typically appear at the following ages: Acts stubborn (3 years) Defies adults (5 years) Has temper tantrums (5 years) Irritable (6 years) Argues (6 years) Blames others (6 years) Annoys others (7 years) Spiteful (7 years) Angry (8 years)

rity figures.

Behaviors: temper out- bursts; persistent stubbornness; resistance to directions; unwillingness to compromise, give in, or negotiate with adults or peers; deliberate or persistent testing of limits; and verbal (and minor physical) aggression.

These behaviors are almost always present in the home and with individuals the child knows well, and often occur simultaneously with low self- esteem, mood lability, & low frustration tolerance.

Presented by Caitlin Foran Karen Zwicker Jennifer Cochrane Angela Chiasson

Disruptive behavior such as ODD has historically been considered a male problem.

Conceptual Framework.

Proposed Profile of ODD

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