Mechanical Overspeed Protection, 6 MW, 97-98

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FEED BACK- 97-98


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HISTORY: At FACT/Cochin, the steam turbine was provided with mechanical overspeed protection. The overspeed trip is the second protective system against unacceptable overspeed. Section through the overspeed trip is shown in the enclosed Sketch. This trip shuts down the turbine when the permissible turbine speed is exceeded by more than 10%. ANALYSIS AND RECTIFICATION: The rated speed of the turbine is 8940 rpm. As per factory test report the oil injection test pressure was 4 kg/cm2 for trip lever action and mechanical overspeed envisaged at 9846 rpm/9854 rpm. The electrical overspeed protection was set and tested at 9570 rpm (107%) and machine was kept on service. During oil injection test at site, the trip lever did not act at 9000/9100 rpm. Overspeed test oil inlet nozzle was found jammed and the same has been attended. After the above rectification, trip lever found acting at 6.5 kglcml test oil pressure during oil injection test at 9000 rpm. However, during actual overspeed test the turbine has not tripped even at 9928 rpm. The tests were repeated and on installing 17 mm length trip bolt pin, oil injection test found successful at 5/4.9 kg/cm2 and overspeed test acted at 9874/9809 rpm (110.4% and 109.7% of rated speed).

CONCLUSION: After the above successful overpseed protection test, machine was released for regular operation.

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Stud 6 CAW Threaded bu&h Guide, bu&h Guide, King OveJUpzed tfUp bolt Pin Guide, bu&h Guide, ling CompfieA&ion HeadleAA &cA.ew

Clearance. betuoe.en the. tnAp bolt and pawl (Level) 16 - 0.85mm

fig. 1

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