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Job: Sharon Hills

Sheet No. 1 of 1
Calc by: SCS Date 11/7/2008
Check by: Date
De Minimus Calculations
80% TSS removal must be achieved on an average weighted basis from the site as a whole using the
"Weighted Average Method".
(from Vol. 3, Ch. 1, Page 35, Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook)

Weighted Average %= (Area1)(TSS1%)+(Area2)(TSS2%)+(Arean)(TSSn%)


Drainage Areas
Area Size (ac) TSS Removal (%) (AreaXTSS)
Re2 0.34 97% 0.3298
Re3 0.07 97% 0.0679
P33 0.21 78% 0.1638
SUM= 0.62 SUM= 0.5615

Weighted Average %= (Area1)(TSS1%)+(Area2)(TSS2%)+(Area3)(TSS3%)+(Area4)(TSS4%)….

(Area1+Area2+Area3 +Area4+...)

= 0.5615

= 0.91 91% Meets Deminimus for Treatment

2 Year Q (P33) = 0.65 cfs Meets Deminimus for Discharge
(<1 cfs)

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