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BY A.V. ACHYUTA KUMAR REGD. NO. 08761E0057 Under the Guidance of Dr. L. SRINIVAS M.B.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Associate Professor






CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project report entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION (A CASE STUDY OF APHMEL,KONDAPALLI.) is a bona fide work done by Mr. A.V.ACHYUTA KUMAR , MBA IV Semester, Regd. No. 08761E0057 and submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada as per the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION.

Place: Mylavaram Date: Associate Professor Department of Business Admn.

Dr. L. Srinivas Project Guide

Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engg. Mylavaram-521 230


I here by declare that this project report entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION (A CASE STUDY OF APHMEL,


Is an original and independent work done by me

and has been submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. This report has not been submitted earlier to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate.

Place: Mylavaram Date :

(A.V. ACHYUTA KUMAR) Regd. No.: 08761E0057


I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my project supervisor Dr. L. Srinivas, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering for his valuable guidance through out the period of this research work.

I am thankful to Dr. L.S.S. Reddy, Director, Dr. A. Adisesha Reddy, HOD and other members of the Faculty, Department of Business Administration, Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering for giving me the opportunity to do this project work.

I am grateful to Mr. Rama Rao, Senior HR Officer, APHMEL, Kondapalli for according permission and providing guidance during the period of the study.

















INTRODUCTION The human resources represent the qualitative and quantitative measurements of work force needs in an organization. The most significant resource of any organization is its human resources. Human resources are the most precious of all resources. In a general way, human resources are the people and their characteristics at work either at the national level of organizational level from the national point of view human resources are knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitude obtained in the population.

Human resources are a paramount important for the success of any organization. It is a source of strength and aid. Human resources are the wealth as an organization which can help it in achieving its goal. HRM is concerned with the human beings in and organization. It reflects a new outlook which views organization man power as its resources and assets. HR is the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talent and attitude of an organization work force. The values, ethics, beliefs of the individuals working in an organization also from a part of human resources. The resourcefulness of various categories of people and other people available to the organization can be treated as human resources. In the present complex environment no business or organization can be exist and grow without appropriate human resources. So human resources have become the focus of attention of every progressive organization. HRM is that process of management which develops and manages the human elements of an enterprise. The term job satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hop Pock. He reviewed 32 studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933. He observed that job satisfaction is a combination of psychological, and environment circumstances that causes a person to truthfully say I am satisfied with my job This description indicates the variety of variables that affect the job satisfaction but does not indicate us the nature of the job satisfaction . Job satisfaction refers to a persons feelings after performing a task .It meets his needs and is consistent with his expectations and values the job will be satisfying. It is not self contentment. Happiness or self-satisfaction but satisfaction on the job. MEANING OF JOB SATISFACTION: Jobs require interaction with co workers and bosses, following organizational rules and policies meeting performance standards living with working conditions that are often less than ideal and like. DEFINITION:

Job satisfaction is different from the morale and motivation. Morale refers a general attitude towards work and work environment. It is a group phenomenon whereas job satisfaction is an individual feeling. Job satisfaction on the other hand refers to positive emotional state. Motivation implies to Locke defines job satisfaction as: A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences In India pesto gee developed as S-D (satisfaction-dis satisfaction) inventory consisting of co interrogatory statement the items leading to yes-no type responses. There are four areas including both on-the job and factors. Each area comprises 20 items some of which are explained below. JOB: Nature f work, working hours, fellow workers overtime regulations, physical environment, machines and tools, interest I work opportunities for promotions and advancement etc. MANAGEMENT; Reward and punishment praise and blames leaves policy, favorable participation, supervisory treatment etc. SOCIAL RELATIONS: Friend and associate, caste barriers, participation in social activities, attitudes. Toward people in community etc. PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT; Health, home and living conditions, finances, relations with family members. Emotionalism, etc JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK BEHAVIOUR: Job satisfaction is an integral component of organizational health and important element in industrial relation. The level of job satisfaction seems to have some relation with various aspects of work behaviors such as absenteeism, accidents, productivity and turnover. Several studies have reveled varying degrees of relationship between job satisfaction and these factors of work behavior.

Research on the relationships between both satisfaction and accidents generally shows hat satisfied employees cause fewer accidents. Studies on the relationships between job satisfactions that low absentee employees were more satisfied with their jobs. Research also DETERMINATTS OF JOB SATIOSFCTION The various factors influencing job satisfaction may be classified into categories; Environmental factors Personal factors ENVIRONMENT FACTORS JOB CONTENT: Herzberg suggest that job content in terms of achievement, recognition ,advancement, responsibility and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but their absence not cause dissatisfaction. Where the job is less repetitive and there is variation in job content, job satisfaction tends to be higher. OCCUPATIONAL LEVEL; The higher the level of the job in organizational hierarchy the greater the satisfaction of the employee. This is because positions at higher levels involucel better pay more challenge and provides greater freedom of operation. Such positions carry greater prestige self control and job satisfaction. PAY AND PROMOTION; All other things being equal higher pay and better opportunities for promotion leads to higher job satisfaction. WORK GROUP: Man is social animal and likes to be associated with others ion interaction in the work group help to satisfy social and psychological needs and therefore isolated workers tend to be dissatisfied. Job satisfaction is generally high when a worker is accepted by his peers and e has a high need for affiliation. SUPERVISION;

Considerate supervision helps to improve job satisfaction of employees. A considerate supervision takes persona; interest subordinates and encourages them to participate in the decision making process. However, authoritarian people may more satisfy under the supervision of high status and strongly directive leaders. Employee satisfaction from supervisory behavior depends upon the influence, which the supervisor exercises. On his own superior PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Personal life exercises a significant on job satisfaction. The main elements of personal life are given below: AGE; Some research studies reveal a positive correlation between age and job satisfaction. Workers in the advanced age group tend to be more satisfied probably because they have adjusted with their job conditions. SEX: one study revealed that women are less satisfied than men due to fewer job opportunities for females. But female workers may be more satisfied due to their lower occupational aspiration. MARITAK STATUS: Generally the married employees having more dependent are more dissatisfied due to on their greater responsibilities. But such employees may be more satisfied because they value their jobs more than unmarried. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: Generally more educated persons tend to be less satisfied with their jobs due to their higher job aspiration. However research does not yield conclusive relationship between these two variables. EXPERIENCE: Job satisfaction increase with increasing years of experience. But it may decrease after twenty years of experience particularly among people who have not realized their job expectations.

THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION The main theories of approaches to job satisfaction are as follows; Need fulfillments theory

Two factors theory Equity theory Equity discrepancy theory Discrepancy theory 1). NEED FULFILMENT THEORY; According to this theory a person is satisfied when he gets from his job what he wants. The more he wants something or the more important it is to him the more satisfied he is when he received it. In other words Job satisfied is actually satisfied. The fulfillment theory suffers from a major drawback. 2). TWO FACTORS THEORY: Fredrick Herzberg and his colleagues developed the two factors theory. According to this theory satisfaction and dissatisfaction are interdependent of each other and exist on a separate continuum. One set of factors knows as hygiene factors (company policy and admin, supervisory pay working conditions and interpersonal relations0.act as dissatisfied. Their presence does not result in positive satisfaction 3). EQUITY THEORY: According to this theory a persons job satisfaction depends upon his perceived as determined by his input output balance in comparison with the input output balance of theory. Every employee compares his reward with those of a reference. 4). EQUITY DISCREPANCY THEORY: This is a combination of equity and discrepancy theories. Lawler has adopted the different approaches of discrepancy theory rather than the ration approach of theory From equity theory the concept of comparison has been selected to serve as an intervening variable. Under this theory, satisfaction is defined as the different between the outcomes that one perceives he actually received and outcomes that one feels. 5).SOCIAL REFERENCE GROUP THEORY


Reference group divines the way an individual looks at the world. According to this theory job satisfaction occurs when the job meets the interest desires and requirements of a persons reference group. FACTORS INHERENT IN THE JOB 1. Type of work 2. Skills required FACTORS CONTROLLED BY MANAGEMENT 1. Security. 2. Participation. 3. Motivation. GENERAL SETEMENTS More important factors conductive to job satisfaction are mentally challenge work equitable reward supportive colleagues. 1). MENTALLY CHAMMENGE WORK: Employee tent to perfect jobs that given them opportunities to use their skills and abilities and offer a variety of tasks freedom and feedback o how well they are doing. These characteristics make but too much challenges creates frustration and feeling of failure. Under conditions of moderate challenges most employees will experiences pleasure and satisfaction. 2). EQUITABLE REWARD: Individual who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fail and just manner therefore are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs. 3). SUPPORTIVE WORKING CONDITIONS; Employees are concerned with their work environment for both personal comfort and facilitating doing a good job. 4). SUPPORTIVE COLLEAGUES;


OX tangible we people get more out of work than merely and a for social achievements. For most employees, work also fills the increase job interaction. Having friendly and supportive co- workers lead to increase of job satisfaction. The behavior ones also a major increased satisfaction. Studies generally find that employee satisfaction praise for when the immediate supervisor understands and friendly a personal good performance, listen to employees opinions and interest in them. DETERMINENTS : Type of work Working conditions Pay Co-workers Ease of commuting to work Advancement opportunities Security Supervision Company prestige, Working hours IMPORTENCE OF JOB SATISFACTION: Reduces absenteeism and turnover Job satisfaction has some relation with mental health of people; Spreads good will about the organization: Job satisfaction has degree of positive correction with physical health of individual; . BENEFITS OF JOB SATISFACTION A). IDENTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES ATTITUDE


Survey reveals how employees feel about job, what parts of their jobs these feelings are focused and which department5 are particularly affected a d whose feelings are involved. Survey also indicated specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The survey is a power. B). SATISFACTION SURVEYS IMPROVING ATTITUDE For some employees the survey is a safety values on emotional realize, a chance to get things off their chest, For other the survey is tangible expression of managements interest in employee welfare which gives employees reasons to fed better towards management. C). IMPROVES COMMUNICATION; Communication flows horizontally, vertically, upwards and downwards. As people want the survey talk and discuss its result particularly beneficial to the company is the upward communication when employees are encouraged to comment about what they really have in their minds. D). JOB SATISFACTION IS THAT THEY HELP MANAGEMENT TO ASSESS TRAINING NEEDS; Employees are given an opportunity to report how they feel the supervisor perform certain parts of jobs such as deleting work and giving adequate job instructions. FACTORS: Various factors while managers can satisfy employee. A review of the evidence has identified 4 factors conducive to high levels of employee job satisfaction. Mentally Challenging Work Equitable Reward Supportive Working Conditions Supportive Colleagues 1). MENTALLY CHALLENGING WORK;


People prefer jobs that given then opportunities to use their skills. abilities and offers a variety of tasks freedom and feedback on how well they are doing. these characteristics make work mentally challenging. 2). EQUITABLE REWARD; Employee want [pay system and promotions policies that they perceive as being just, unambiguous and in line with their expectations. When pay is scan as fair based on job demands individual skill level, community pay standards and satisfaction is likely to result, Similarly employees seek fair promotion policies and practices, promotions provide opportunities for personal growth, more responsibilities in a fair and just manner, therefore are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs. 3). SUPPORTIVE WORKING CONDITIONS: Employees are concerned with their work environment for both personal comfort and facilitating doing a good job. Studies demonstrate that employees prefer working close to home in cleans and relatively modern facilities and with adequate tools and equipment. 4). SUPPORTIVE COLLEAGUES; People get more out of work than merely money or tangible achievement. For most employees work also fills the need for social interaction not surprisingly therefore having friendly and supportive co-workers leads to increased job satisfaction. the behavior of ones boss also is a major determinates of satisfaction. Studies generally find that employee satisfaction is increased when the immediate supervisor understands and friendly offer praise for good performance listen to employees opinions and shows personal interest in them. WHAT MANAGEMENT CAN DO PROMOTE JOB SATISFACTION? 1).Job Rotation: Many organizations are seeking a solution on the job satisfaction

boredom through systematically moving workers from one job to another. This practice gives more variety and provides an employee a chance to learn additional skills and abilities.


2). Job Enlargement: To check the harmful effects of specialization, the engineering factors involved lines in each individuals job must be carefully analyzed. Perhaps the assembly lines can be shortened so that there will be more lines and fewer employers on each line. Moreover instead of assigned one employee to each job, a group of employees can be assigned to a group of jobs and then allowed to decide for themselves how to organize the job. 3). Scheduled Rest Periods; Researchers on the impact of rest periods reveal that they may enhance both productivity and morals. Scheduled rest periods bring many advantages; (A). they provide variety and relives monotony. (B). they counteract physical fatigue. (C). they provide opportunities for social contacts and interactions. 4). Change Of Peace; Anything that will give an employee a chance to change his pace when he wishes will lend a variety to his work. Further if employees are permitted to changes their pace that would give them a sense of accomplishment. 5). Automation; The effect of automation on job satisfaction depends on the degree of automation that is introduced. Clearly automation means different things in different situation and it is difficult to say that it either increase or decrease job satisfaction. Thus it is a belief that a satisfied employee is a good and efficient employee. 6). Greater Autonomy: The most effective way of promoting job satisfaction is to give employees more freedom to perform their job in their own way. People will work harder and derive satisfaction if they are provided more freedom and independence to make their own decisions in respect of their jobs. THE JOB SATISFACTION PEOPLE WANT;


An opportunity to do worthwhile and praiseworthy. Recognition as an individual. Good wages and incentives for meritorious performance. Job security for himself and his family members. Opportunity for advancement and growth. Adequate benefits and perquisites. Satisfactory working conditions and living conditions. Competent leadership bosses whom he can admire and respect as persons and as bosses No arbitrary action a voice in matters affecting him. Job satisfaction is of utmost significance from the standpoint of employee morale. It is a complex of different attitudes possessed by an individual. These attitudes relate to several aspects of the job such as wages, supervision, steadiness of employment, conditions of work, opportunity for advancement, job security, working hours, fringe benefits, recognition and allied factors. In addition to these job-related factors, individual adjustment and group relationship outside the job also form major determinants of job satisfaction. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction: a) THE WORK ITSELF: The content of the work itself major source of satisfaction. For, example research related to the job characteristics approach to job design, shows that feedbacks form the job itself and autonomy are two of the major jobrelated motivational factors.


b) PROMOTIONS: Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on the job satisfaction. This is because promotions take a number of different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards. For example, individuals who are promoted on the basis of seniority often experience job satisfaction but not as much as those who are promoted on the job performance. Additionally, a promotion with a 10 percent salary raise is typically not as satisfying as one with a 20 percent salary raise. This helps explain why executive promotions may be more satisfying than promotions that occur at the lower levels of organizations. c) SUPERVISION: Supervision is another moderately important source of job satisfaction. It can be said that there seem to be two dimensions of supervisory styles that affect job satisfaction. One is employee centeredness. This is measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest in the employee's welfare. It commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the subordinate is doing, providing advise and assistance to the individual, and communicating with the worker on a personal as well as on official level. d) WORKING CONDITIONS: Working conditions are another factor that have a modest effect on job satisfaction. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive the surroundings, for instance), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their roles. If the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings for example), personnel will find it more difficult to get things done. In other words, the effect of working conditions on job satisfaction is similar to that of the work group. If things are good, there will not be a job satisfaction problem; if things are poor, there will be.



Since job satisfaction is an attitude, it cannot be directly observed and therefore must rely on the employees' self reports. These surveys are receiving renewed interest in the practice of human resources management as seen in the accompanying application. For ex. There are a number of ways of measuring job satisfaction. Some of the most common are rating scales, critical incidents, interviews, and action tendencies. a) RATING SCALES: The most common approach for measuring job satisfaction is the use of rating scales. One of the most popular is the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). This instrument (MSQ) provides a detailed picture of the specific satisfactions and dissatisfactions of employees. b) CRITICAL INCIDENTS: Frederick Herzberg popularized the critical incidents approach to the measurement of job satisfaction. He and his colleagues used this technique in their research on the two-factor theory of motivation. Employees were asked to describe incidents on their job when they are particularly satisfied and dissatisfied.. One of the major benefits of the critical incidents approach is that it allows the respondents to say whatever they want. The individuals are not restricted by predetermined categories or events as on a structured questionnaire. On the other hand, the approach is time-consuming and there is the interviewer what they think the interviewer wants to hear or something that makes them look good such as, "I like it best when my supervisor gets out of my hair and lets me do the job my way. No one knows how to do this work better than I do." c) INTERVIEWS:


Another method of assessing job satisfaction is through the use of personal interviews. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of job attitudes. If the respondent says something that the interviewer does not understand or would like to learn more about, the interviewer can follow up with additional questions. On the negative side, responses can be misinterpreted and thus lead to erroneous conclusions. A second problem is the possibility of interviewer bias. The way in which the individual asks the questions or the types of information the person chooses to record can affect the outcome. Finally, there is the cost factor. Interviews are a relatively time consuming and thus expensive way of gathering information.


CHAPTER-2 INDUSTRY PROFILE AND COMPANY PROFILE Industry profile: The engineering industry plays a crucial role in the economic development of the country. It meets the increased needs of the capital goods, construction, power and mining sectors of the economy besides catering to achieve a high rate of industrial growth of late, it has emerged as an export sector too through engineering goods were not regarded as traditional export items of our country. The achievement of the engineering industry are impressive particularly in the case of export of services several Indian firms have won in the face of still competition from giant concerns from the development world, prestigious contracts for turnkey jobs. History: The genesis of Indian engineering industry can be traced back roughly to mid nineteenth century starting with wagon building and structural activities. However, it developed in the sense only after independence; it gained momentum after the adoption of Prof. P.C.Mahalnobhis model of heavy capital goods based growth strategy in the second five year plan and subsequent plans. Since then Indian has not only become self reliant in a variety of engineering equipment, but is also exporting engineering goods the country is currently producing power generating transmission an distribution equipment, plant and machinery for steel, chemical and fertilizers, cement plant and machinery, electrical and construction machinery; machine tools railway rolling stock, earth moving equipment and a large number of other industrial goods and consumer durables.


The Indian engineering industry is engaged in setting consultancy services and technical know-how to a number of African and Arab states, as well as joint venture as an equal partner with developed nations several countries. In the post independence era the industry not only achieved significant enlargement of production capacity, but also has attained a high degree of technical competence and product diversification. Government measures: A welcome policy change towards giving a boost in the machine tools production was the inclusion of machine tools in. appendix I of the industrial policy announced in February 1983 and as refined in April 1983. This has thrown open machine tools manufacture to MRTP and FERA companies, providing item is not reserved for small scale industries. In addition the important policy of 1983-84 was designed to help machine tools production. The provisions included (1) those small-scale units, which exported at least 25% of their output, would be allowed to improve prototype up to Rs. One lakh. (2) all schedule industries will be allowed the facility of important of drawings and designs once in a year for value not exceeding Rs. Ten lakhs, (3) a technology development fund was created to cover foreign exchange requirements for import of balancing equipment technical know-how foreign consultancy service etc., All these steps are designed to encourage fresh investment expansion and modernization in the domestic machine tool industry.

Engineering exports: Our engineering industry has been making considerable progress on the export front. From around Rs. 21 crores in 1965-66, the value of exports of engineering goods rose to over Rs. 105 crores by the end of 60s and continued to show an encouraging trend during the 70s.


A various export promotion drive launched in the face of the oil crisis when import needed to be stepped up. During this period engineering exports witnessed a great spurt, thanks to various promotional measures. In the period 1971-75 the value of exports more than treble and nearly doubled in the next three years. By the year1982-83 Rs. 1250 crores was reached. The engineering industry has now emerged as one of the leading foreign exchange of the country. Project exports: Project exports are the main plank of the strategy drawn up by the effects for achieving the export, target set the industry. Against our engineering exports of Rs. 1060 crores in 1981-82 project report totaled Rs. 570 crores. Project exports are double benefit. Besides the foreign exchange earnings by way of labor management shill and so on. They generate further exports because orders for equipment are generally give to the country where the consultancy form is based. Broadly project exports fall under the following four categories (1) Turnkey project viz., supply of service such as design, erection commissioning and supervision of the facility for the client besides the supply of the goods. (2) Engineering contracts involving the supply of services as for instance, including the capital equipment. (3) Consultancy services-the preparation techno as well as advice on purchase of finance and construction contacts. Through Indias Projects have been successful, it is felt that the level of exports dont match our capabilities. India has a vast pool of trained manpower. According estimated India has well over 250 consultancy firms, which can offer over 5 million man-days year. For project right from conception and design to execution, supervision and management thereafter. Thus in relation to the potential and in the background of the total number of contracts backed by world bidders. The contract secured by Indian project export has not been impressive.


Also over the past one year international development have been providing unfavorable to exports. The falling oil prices have affected the revenue and therefore the development expenditure of the problem exporting countries of west Asia. There were cutbacks in the expenditure of south-east Asia and African nations too. Which were surfing from adverse terms of trade? The problem will be compounded by the competition from contractors currently operating in Latin America countries whose debt problems would hamper their old-financed development programmes. Thus the major market for project export seems to be weakening in potential. Our project exports during 1982-83 were therefore hit hard both in terms of fresh order and payments for orders fulfilled. In the recent move to set up an institute for project exports would be welcome.

COMPANY PROFILE Profile of APHMEL: The chapter gives a brief profile of the company. APHMEL stands for Andhra Pradesh Heavy Machinery and engineering Limited, which is located at Kondapalli, A small village famous for toys and which is located on the bank of River Krishna professionalism is the Hallmark of this company from the beginning. APHMEL The beginning:


It is well known that a countrys advancement mostly depends on industrial growth and it is an index of development of any country realizing this some of the prominent citizens of Krishna District witch in the year 1976 have decided to establish a heavy industry in the District which was Agriculturally rich and lagging behind industrially with this initiation by some of the prominent citizens of the District about 47,000 citizens have contributed Rs. 208 lakhs towards share capital and approached the government of Andhra Pradesh. The Government appreciated the interest shown by the citizens and sanctioned required funds for starting APHMEL project in Kondapalli. NIDS (National Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.,) the reputed consultants were asked to prepare the APHMEL project report. Product and consumer mix were signed in record time. Machines were purchased form world famous manufacture like Homma, Skoda, HMT (Hindustan Machines and Tools) and Hec (Heavy Engineering Corporation). The companies become A Government Company and on 9th November 1983 the factory was dedicated to the people by the Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr.N.T.Ramarao. Thus APHMEL is truly a peoples project. APHMEL is in 206 acres with all infrastructure facilities like railway lines, Road, Water Facilities, Power Supply Etc., With Great Foresight of APHMEL, at the early state It Self set Up Man power Development programmers. To this end a training cell established at autonagar, Vijayawada. From here emerged a vast Reservoir of skills in various disciplines. OBJECTIVES OF APHMEL: APHMEL have to design, Engineer and Develop, Manufacture and market heavy industry machinery, plants and equipment including Components and spares and services for power, Coal mining, Steel Chemical petrochemical, shipping Space and Engineering Industries Etc., To Actively Cooperate with the Government the economic programme. To utilize the capacity installed effectively.


To develop exports markets from the point of view earning foreign exchange needed to maintain imports. To Develop and maintain technological leadership. To develop components managerial personnel capable of meeting project and growth objectives of company. Hito continuously strive for the economic success of the enterprise so that the obligation to share holders, Employees, customers, Suppliers, Government and Society is discharged. To strive for greater self reliance through import substitution and research and Development. To develop personnel policies that give quality of opportunity and fair pay to all. Inspiring Confidence in and respect for management. To Develop Employees attitude and skills for constitute achievement for economic performance and technology growth. PHILOSOPHY OF APHMEL: APHMEL has show very good track record. The primary focus has an engineering and technology. The function of marketing was somewhat depressed having come into focus in the recent past. This companys philosophy is eagerly to provide the market technological and economic utility. APHMEL believe that the only indication for marketing technology is to provide. Project Range: The Company is producing multi products and the types of the range are: Bulk material handling equipment All types conveyors Various capacities of haulages Sinking Minches Strackers and recliners


Gear Boxes. Mining Equipment Tunneling equipment/road headers (Market Leader) Long wall roof conveyors Armored face conveyors Mining Haulages Chemical Equipment Pressure Vessels. Heat Exchangers, Detractors. Mini Cement plants Textile machinery Leather Machines Pollution Control Equipment general fabrication Foreign Collaboration:The Company has the following foreign collaborations. M/S Environment has the following element like electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and dusts collectors. M/S Voest-Alphine, Austria for the manufacture of road headers. M/S crane and Co, USA for water-pollution control Equipment. M/S Robert Jenkins Ltd., U.K for chemical Equipment. M/S JJ Harvey, U.K for embossing plates. M/S License Intorg, U.S.S.R. for long wall roof supporting.


Customers: Product 1.

The important customers of the company are Customer Coal India limited

Material handling equipment

Singareni Coal Collieries. Ltd.,(Sccl ) Neyveli Linigite Corporation Ltd. Western Coal Fields Ltd., Madras Port Trust Ltd., National Mineral development Corporation. Visakhapatnam Steel Project 2. Size Reduction Equipment Ltd (Bhel) 3. Chemical Equipment Bharat Heavy Electrical., Bharat Heavy Electrical

Bharat Heavy plates and Vessels Nagarjuna fertilizers and chemical Ltd., 4. Silk reeling machine Director Sericulture of Andhra

Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Manipur. 5. Leather machinery Competitors:The Competitors of the company are: Mc Knally Bharat Kali material handling Elecon Hindustan Mame(Mining And Machinery Corporation) Hec(Heavy Engineering Corporation) Voest-Alpine Tenneries in various states.


Production Plan:The production plant has 5 sections namely Heavy machine Shop Light Machine Shop Fabrication Assembly Painting The Production is carried on 3-shift base. Human Resource Element:Salary and Wages Administration:The Wage structure of the employee in government by Memorandum of settlement entered into between the management and the unions of the company. The wage revision is done one in every 4 years at the memorandum of understanding. Payments and benefits:Salaries, Wages and Bonus 6, 44, 65, 737 5, 55, 24, 991

Employers Contribution Towards: Employees State Insurance 2, 20, 525 Providence Fund Family Pension Scheme Death Relief payments 15, 37, 952 35, 46, 495 1, 50, 000 14, 07, 831 10, 14, 500 33, 83, 160 0 51, 42, 886 2, 03, 313 77, 259

Group Gratuity assurance scheme 60, 33, 144 Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 2, 13, 029 Administrator Charges On PF Trust Staff Welfare Experience 80, 950

28, 84, 822

18, 03, 208 3, 43, 557

Rent for residential accommodation to Officials 3, 83, 528 Workmen Compensation --------------Total 0 1, 89, 535

--------------7, 95, 16, 182 6, 90, 90, 240


Welfare Measures:For the Welfare of the Workmen canteen is running on a subsidiary rate mutually agreed and for the transportation buses and run by the company. Safety Measures:Personal protection equipment such as goggles, safety shoes, gloves, masks, helmets, asbestos, apron, Pve/Rubber protective clothing, car duffs etc., safe Environment are provided. Administrations: The personnel and overall administrations of the company is under the control of managing director with board of directors as follows. Chairman from singareni coal collieries Ltd.,(Sccl) Managing Director from Sccl Bifrs Special director Idbis Nominee Director Director from Scci Director from Andhra Pradesh Development Corporation Director from Bhel 3 Director from share holders side. . Introduction:This was a subsidiary of the singareni collieries Co. Ltd.This was situated in kondapalli of Andhra Pradesh heavy, Machinery and engineering Ltd., APHMEL. The company was started in the year 1976. It was incorporated in September 1976 with main objectives of designing, developing & Manufacturing the entire range of casting of all types & heavy industrial machinery, machines tools Etc., Objectives:-


To understand the organization structure of APHMEL & observe the herm practices adopted. Examine the grievance read procedure adapted by APHMEL. The study issued involved in industry relations. To advise some useful suggestions to improve the overall performance of organization. Export Oriented Effort: APHMEL has Negotiated & Got orders for manufacture & supply of conveyor idlers & 18 tons winches at an appropriate value of 120Lakhs to U.S.Sr. There is a possibility of getting further orders & APHMEL would like to bag as orders as possible in this line. Man power planning: The management of APHMEL has realized that is very difficult to get trained personnel at a time when the need arises setting up the factory. Hence a decision to result recruit people at various levels & train them at once. Top improve establish production. In pursuance of this decision recruitment is being made & major department like:Designs, planning manufacture etc., have been established in addition to the personnel & account department & the short generation period. The company has recruited engineering with vast experience from reputed public & private sectors. Training & placements:Human resource department act includes hiring, training, recruitment, solution & performance appraisal. Recruitment:The department head shall inform the recruitment of personnel based on availability of vacancies on his department with vice chairman & manager directors approval the industry. Placements:-


The placement such of person has been made in the factory as their sentence has been done by written, test & viva. Licensed capacity:- The company has licensed capacity as given below S.NO Item 1st phase products:1) Material handling equipment (Mining & conveying equipment) 2) 3) 4) 5) Chemical & pharmaceuticals machinery Size reduction equipment etc., Size leather processing machinery Textile machinery 2nd Phase products:6) 7) 8) Pollution control equipment Read headers Mini cement plants 3000 8.Nos 1000 2000 2000 500 160 4710 licensed capacity

Foreign collaboration: -

The Company has the following foreign collaboration.

1) M/S Environment element corporation, U.S.A. For the manufacture of air pollution control equipment like Esps, fabric filters & dusts collections. 2) M/S Voest - Alphine, Austria for the manufacture of road headers (tunneling equipment) The proposed collaboration is: I) Scrapers with M/S tekraf, East Germany.

II) Long wall roof supporting systems with M/S Licensed in Torg, U.S.S.R Production target:The company has fixed production target of 1595 lakhs for year 1986-87. Out of this first phase product are 810 lakhs & 2nd, products are 785 lakhs. Director General Pemb during review meeting of the company has suggested that the company has to produce 1st phase product 800 lakhs during the year.


Development of small scale industry:The company has been off loading low technology item on local small scale units an sub contract of foundries & fabrication units. Results:The company during this year has achieved a production 892.62 lakhs up to December. Project cost:S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Land & site development building Buildings Plant and machinery 35.06 Cost in lakhs 40.60 211.60 633.19 India

Technical know-how fees & expenses On & foreign technicians 5. Miscellaneous fixed assets preliminary & operation expense 6. Marginal for working capital --------------1422.00 Safety Measure:-




Personal protection equipment such as goggles, safety shoes, gloves, masks, helmets, asbestos, apron, Pvc/Rubber protective clothing, car duffs etc., safe Environment are provided. This committee is chaired by the general manager, the members of all services depot. Are the members of the committee & safety manager is convener. He is a member of committee. This forms the management side. There are 5 representatives of employees in the committee meeting are of the takes play safety provisions & precautions in the man tool division press division & discussed.


The agenda prepare by the union is based on the observations made by the union regarding any deficiencies in the safety procedure that are being followed by the management. The item in the agenda are discussed in the meeting & the a decision are limited to the services section for necessary clearness is needed from the finance department most of its recommendations till data have been implemented there was a demand from weakness of section for a special. Customers:All the machinery manufacture is well received in the market. Some of the important customers of the machinery are: Material handling equipment like conveyor equipment, haulages, widches etc., Coal India limited sccl Nic Ltd., Western Coal Fields CCF Ltd., Madras, Port Trust Nmdc, Vsp Etc., USSR, Thus Mamca Size reduction equipment Chemical equipment Silk reading machines : Bhel : Bhel, Bjav, Nalco,Etc., : Director sericulture of A.P Tamilnadu & Manipure Leather machinery Pollution control equipment Focus Road headers General engineering : Coal India Limited, Sscl : Vsp, Kcp, Sheer center etc. : Tanneries in various states. : Apseb, pan yam cements

Activities of different department:In this industry the candidates selected for the job by so many ways. In the respective of executive selector has been done by written test & viva.


Performance appraisal: - in this company the performance appraisal of the employee is mentioned by personnel department. They also maintain performance appraisal reports for promotion (or) duration activities. APHMEL is using HR is (Human Resource Information system) for gathering & maintaining the data describes Human Resource transforming the data into conformation & they reporting employee compensation. The translation process executed by the clerks concerned involves in preparing the documents describes training specification, personnel data pay rate hours worked pay checks & termination notice the persons involved in operation control are Dy. Manager of personnel department. He requires decision procedure of action such a hiring training termination charging pay rates & using benefits. Management control system support management by providing Reports & Analysis showing the vacancies resulting from difference between planned & actual performance. It required information about No. Of employees hired, Cost of recruitment composition of skills investing, Cost of training, salary paid distribution of wage rates. The above activities are performed by strategic planning. It includes with evaluation attains for rewriting salary, training & benefits. Analysis of shifting pattern of employment education & wage by are the country information is required for strategic planning.

Awards:1) Received an award for best machine produced with Indigenous Know How far splitting machine at international leather trade fair at madras on 04.02.1981. 2.) For the year 1982 the company bagged productivity Award from ministry of Labor from government of A.P. 3). for the year 1983 the company once again received productivity Award from Government of A.P.


4) APHMEL has received the maiden award for best technological development in search and development from the year 1984 the federation of A.P chamber of commerce and industry. 5) In 1984 the company received an award for Distinct contribution towards increased production and productivity and maintenance of better industrial relational from the Labors department government of A.P. Thus the company is truly a peoples company. The high yield formula:Men, machines & material the three basic input of any industry are the assets of APHMEL too but with a difference. As a policy & philosophy the growth here is achieved from within. Setup a training center that impacts all necessary skills to their men. it has already trained 600 artisans in different trades & also 50 graduates & 100 diploma holders to meet their requirements under special employee scheme the company training 220 artisans per year in addition to training programmers. End Users:All the machinery manufactured by APHMEL has gained a good reputation & are well received in the market. Some of the important end users of their machinery 1) Material handling equipment Like conveyer equipment Handlings, winches stacker Recliners of all capacity Size reduction equipment Chemical equipment Dairy equipment power generating industry Fertilizer corporations Nddcs & Sddcj various Coal Mines, ports trusts & steel plants

Leather machinery agents all training & leather industry & these machinery. Corporate rate:-


The company has prepared & corporate plan up to 1997-98 aiming a turnover if about 120 crores employment potential of 3000 in year 97-98. Taxes & Duties:The company during 650 lakhs as taxes and duties. Standing Orders:Workman:It has been classified into permanent, temporary, probationer, causal, and training. Permanent:Workman Is A workman who has engaged on a permanent bases and includes any person who is having satisfactory completed a probationary period of 12 consecutive months in the aggregate of such extended probationary period the aggregate period of probation shall include brakes due to sickness accident, leave lock-out, strike or involuntary closure of the establishment. Temporary:Workman means A workman who is engaged for work which is an especially of a temporary nature likely to be finished within a limited period. Probationary:He is a workman who is provisionally employed to permanent vacancy in a post and has not completed his provisionary period of 12 consecutive months. Casual workman:Means a work man who is employed in any work of an occasional or casual or intermittent nature. Training:Is a learner who may or may not be paid salary or stipend during the

period of training and who is not an apprentice under apprentice act? Conduct, Displain, Appeal Rules:Restriction for taking parts in political organizations. No employee shall take part in or associate him with or subscribe way or in aid of or otherwise assists in any political organization or its activities.

General conduct:Every employee shall at all times maintain absolute integrity & devotion to duty & conduct himself in manner conductivity to the best interest of the company. Acquisition / disposal of employee:When ever arm employee or disposes of any immovable property by lease mort age, purchase sale gift or otherwise member of his family, he should from the component authority of the company. Restriction on other employee: No employee shall Directly Or Indirectly Engage In Any Other Occupation Or Not Count Side The Policy Laid Down By The Management (Line To Line) Expect With The Permission Of The Competent Authority. Restriction on publications No employee shall expect with the previous sanction of the competent authority contribute any article or write to news paper or other periodical publication concerning company or government interest /policy.

Inventions & patents:No employee shall without the previous consents in writing of the vice chairman & managing director / executives apply for a patents or executive private in respect of any invention made by his concerning the companys business during his service in the company shall not apply for a patent respect of products similar to that of the company ford period a by from the data of his coasting to be in service of the company. Gifts: -


All Employee receiving gifts from individual or business houses valued over 100/-mist declare them to the component authority retained by the employee. If the value of such gifts less than 450/- such gifts may be retained by employee. In the event the value of gifts is more than 450/- such gifts shall be deposited with company & receipt obtained there off. Influence: No employee shall bring or attempt to bring nay outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to Fortier his interest in respect of matter pertaining to his service in the company. Punishment for misconduct:Any one or more of the felonies punishment may be imposed by the competent authority based on the serious of the misconduct. Warning, Suspension, with holding of increment, with holding of promotion, recovery, from pay or such other amount as may be due to him of whole part off any pewriary loss caused to the company by negligence or breach of order. Nature of Activity:APHMEL designs, engineering develops manufacture & market heavy industrial machinery plants & equipments including components & services for power, coal mines, steel chemicals, petro-chemicals shipping space & engineering industries Etc., Strengths:Good modern manufacturing facilities backed up by excellent quality control step. Company has got good reputation for its quality & workmanship of its products. Quality approved by international agencies like bureau vertias, IIlods, pavy power gas Etc., Disciplined dedicated & skilled work fork. Good design & engineering infrastructure. Weakness:38

Company net worth has totally eroded. Total working capital is net through high interest bearing cash credits facilities from state bank of India. Second third line management is inadequate in the areas of marketing design, finance of project department.





Objectives of the Study: to present a theoretical framework of job satisfaction and to discuss its implications for organizations; to conduct an attitudinal survey on job satisfaction in the selected organization ; and To offer some useful suggestions for the improvement of employment conditions in the organization under study. Methodology of the Study : Selection of Sample Organization:


Since, Vijaya Dairy a cooperative sector service organization, which is governed by State Government rules and regulations, it was expected that job satisfaction has been a critical factor for the success of this organization. Hence, this organization has been selected for the present study. b) Selection of Sample Respondents: The present study uses simple random sampling technique to choose sample respondents from the employees working in Vijaya Dairy. The total number of respondents is 50 in which 28 are male respondents and 22 are female respondents. These are drawn from various sections of the selected organization. Collection of Data Data have been collected from both primary as well as secondary sources. For collecting primary data, a structured questionnaire has been designed and administered among the sample respondents in order to elicit their views on the level of satisfaction towards their jobs. The questionnaire consisting of 20 questions, used various predetermined close-ended responses i.e. Satisfied, Moderate, Dissatisfied, Excellent, Good, Bad. d) Data Analysis and Interpretations: The collected data from the primary source were consolidated, tabulated, analyzed and interpretations were drawn. For the purpose of analyzing data, tools like graphs, tables, percentages and weighted average method have been adequately utilized. On the basis of information generated from the analysis, conclusions were drawn and suitable suggestions were also made. In fact, the study made a comparative analysis between male and female respondents. Similarly, weighted average method is used for arriving at averages or mean values of the responses towards all the statements. In this method, certain weights are assigned to each dimension as below: Limitations of the Study:


The present study is geographically confined to Vijayawada because it is close to the place of the researcher. Hence, the study suffers from both geographical as well as time constraints. Information regarding the outcome of survey may not be generalized because it is subjected to many limitations as mentioned below: Sample size is restricted only to limited number of employees. Due to lack of time, the study could not cover all the employees

DATA ANALYSIS 1. How satisfied are you with the present working environment? Table-:1 Respondents, feelings towards the working environment OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 33 9 0 0 7 73 20 0 0 % OF RESPONDENTS


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x33+3x9+4x0+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.26



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with working environment, 73% of employees are satisfied with working environment, 20% of employees are so-so with working environment, and none of the employees are dissatisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with working environment in APHMEL.

2. How satisfied are you with the prevailing safety conditions? Table-:2 Respondents, feelings towards the safety conditions OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 6 24 15 0 0 13 53 34 0 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x6+2x24+3x15+4x0+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.2



The above table represents that 13% of employees are very satisfied with safety conditions, 53% of employees are satisfied with safety conditions, 34% of employees are so-so with safety conditions, and none of the employees are dissatisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with safety conditions in APHMEL.

3. How satisfied are you with the nature of relationships with your superior? Table-:3 Respondents, feelings towards the nature of relationships OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 39 0 0 3 7 86 0 0 7 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x39+3x0+4x0+5x3 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.13



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with nature of relationships, 86% of employees are satisfied with nature of relationships, none of the employees are so-so and dis-satisfied with nature of relationships and 7% of employees are extremely dis-satisfied with nature of relationships in APHMEL.

How satisfied are you with the wages and allowances paid to you? Table-:4 Respondents, feelings towards wages and allowances OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 21 12 6 3 7 47 26 13 7 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x21+3x12+4x6+5x3 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.66



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with wages and allowances, 47% of employees are satisfied with wages and allowances, 26% of employees are so-so with wages and allowances, 13% of the employees are dissatisfied and 7% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with wages and allowances in APHMEL.

How satisfied are with the medical facilities provided by your organization? Table-:5 Respondents, feelings towards medical facilities OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 9 21 12 3 0 20 47 26 7 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x0+2x9+3x21+4x12+5x3 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.2



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with medical facilities, 20% of employees are satisfied with medical facilities, 47% of employees are so-so with medical facilities, 26% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 7% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with medical facilities in APHMEL.

How satisfied are you with the number of hours of work? Table-:6 Respondents, feelings towards number of hours of work OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 33 9 0 0 7 73 20 0 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x3+2x33+3x9+4x0+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.13



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with number of hours of work, 73% of employees are satisfied with number of hours of work, 20% of employees are so-so with number of hours of work, and none of the employees are dis-satisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with number of hours of work in APHMEL.

How satisfied are you with the internal training programmes? Table-:7 Respondents, feelings towards internal training programmes OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 9 12 21 3 0 20 26 47 7 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x0+2x9+3x12+4x21+5x3 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.06



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with internal training programmes, 20% of employees are satisfied with internal training programmes, 26% of employees are so-so with internal training programmes, and 47% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 7% extremely dis-satisfied with internal training programmes in APHMEL.

How satisfied are you with the employee welfare facilities? Table-:8 Respondents, feelings towards welfare facilities OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 12 6 18 6 7 26 14 40 14 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x3+2x12+3x6+4x18+5x6 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.26



The above table represents that 7% of the employees are very satisfied with employee welfare facilities, 26% of employees are satisfied with employee welfare facilities, 14% of employees are so-so with employee welfare facilities, and 40% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 14% extremely dis-satisfied with employee welfare facilities in APHMEL.

9. How satisfied are you with the present shift system? Table-:9 Respondents, feelings towards present shift system OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 9 30 6 0 0 20 67 13 0 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x9+2x30+3x6+4x0+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.13



The above table represents that 20% of employees are very satisfied with present shift system, 67% of employees are satisfied with present shift system, 13% of employees are so-so with present shift system, and none of the employees are dissatisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with present shift system in APHMEL.

10. How satisfied are you with the security of your employment? Table-:10 Respondents, feelings towards security of employment OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 24 12 6 0 7 53 27 13 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x24+3x12+4x6+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.46



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with security of employment, 53% of employees are satisfied with security of employment, 27% of employees are so-so with security of employment, and 13% of the employees are dis-satisfied and none of the extremely dis-satisfied with security of employment in APHMEL. 11. How satisfied are you with the nature of communication in your organization? Table-:11 Respondents, feelings towards nature of communication OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 18 18 9 0 0 40 40 20 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x0+2x18+3x18+4x9+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.8



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with nature of communication, 40% of employees are satisfied with nature of communication, 40% of employees are so-so with nature of communication, and 20% of the employees are dis-satisfied and none of the extremely dis-satisfied with nature of communication in APHMEL.

12. How satisfied are you with the existing promotion system? Table-:12 Respondents, feelings towards existing promotion system OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 6 9 18 12 0 13 20 40 27 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x0+2x6+3x9+4x18+5x12 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.8



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with existing promotion system, 13% of employees are satisfied with existing promotion system, 20% of employees are so-so with existing promotion system, 40% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 27% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with existing promotion system in APHMEL.

13. How satisfied are you with recognition of your services by the management? Table-:13 Respondents, feelings towards services by the management OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 12 15 9 6 7 27 33 20 13 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study

5-point scale: 1x3+2x12+3x15+4x9+5x6 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.06



The above table represents that 7% of the employees are very satisfied with services by the management, 27% of employees are satisfied with services by the management, 33% of employees are so-so with services by the management, and 20% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 13% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with services by the management in APHMEL.

14. How satisfied are you with your career growth in this organization? Table-:14 Respondents, feelings towards career growth in this organization OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 12 15 6 9 7 27 33 13 20 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x12+3x15+4x6+5x9 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.13



The above table represents that 7% of the employees are very satisfied with services by the management, 27% of employees are satisfied with services by the management, 33% of employees are so-so with services by the management, and 13% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 20% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with services by the management in APHMEL.

15. How satisfied are you with the interpersonal relations at the workplace? Table-:15 Respondents, feelings towards interpersonal relations at the workplace OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 21 15 6 0 7 47 33 13 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x21+3x15+4x6+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.53



The above table represents that 7% of the employees are very satisfied with interpersonal relations at the workplace, 47% of employees are satisfied with interpersonal relations at the workplace, 33% of employees are so-so with interpersonal relations at the workplace, and 13% of the employees are dis-satisfied and none of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with interpersonal relations at the workplace in APHMEL.

16. How satisfied are you with the attitude of your superiors? Table-:16 Respondents, feelings towards attitude of superiors OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 36 6 3 0 0 80 13 7 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x0+2x36+3x6+4x3+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.26



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with attitude of superiors, 80% of employees are satisfied with attitude of superiors, 13% of employees are so-so with attitude of superiors, and 7% of the employees are dissatisfied and none of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with attitude of superiors in APHMEL.

17. How satisfied are you with the management policies? Table-:17 Respondents, feelings towards management policies OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 12 15 15 3 0 27 33 33 7 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x0+2x12+3x15+4x15+5x3 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.20



The above table represents that none of the employees are very satisfied with management policies, 27% of employees are satisfied with management policies, 33% of employees are so-so with management policies, and 33% of the employees are dis -satisfied and 7% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with management policies in APHMEL.

18. How satisfied are you with the recreation facilities provided? Table-:18 Respondents, feelings towards recreation facilities provided OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 3 12 3 18 9 7 26 7 40 20 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x3+2x12+3x3+4x18+5x9 45 VS S S-S D ED = 3.40



The above table represents that 7% of employees are very satisfied with recreation facilities provided, 26% of employees are satisfied with recreation facilities provided, 7% of employees are so-so with recreation facilities provided, 40% of the employees are dis-satisfied and 20% of the employees are extremely dis-satisfied with recreation facilities provided in APHMEL.

19. How satisfied are you with the leaves sanctioned to you when needed? Table-:19 Respondents, feelings towards leaves sanctioned OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 6 33 6 0 0 13 74 13 0 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x6+2x33+3x6+4x0+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.0



The above table represents that 13% of employees are very satisfied with leaves sanctioned, 74% of employees are satisfied with leaves sanctioned, 13% of employees are so-so with leaves sanctioned, and none of the employees are dissatisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with leaves sanctioned in APHMEL.

20. Considering the above all aspects, how best are u satisfied with the job? Table-:20 Respondents, feelings towards above all aspects considering. OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENT S Very satisfied Satisfied So-so Dis-satisfied Extremely dis satisfied Total 45 100 0 18 24 3 0 0 40 53 7 0 % OF RESPONDENT S


Source: compiled from the collected data of study 5-point scale: 1x0+2x18+3x24+4x3+5x0 45 VS S S-S D ED = 2.67



The above table represents that 13% of employees are very satisfied with above all aspects considering, 74% of employees are satisfied with above all aspects considering, 13% of employees are so-so with above all aspects considering, and none of the employees are dis-satisfied and extremely dis-satisfied with above all aspects considering in APHMEL.

SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS SUGGESTIONS: Though the job satisfaction is helping the employees in APHMEL, kondapalli, it could be better by following the suggestion given below; To get better response from employees the management should mostly concentrate on promotional aspects based on the merit and seniority. They should be better co-ordination and communication in order to maintain better relationship among the employees.

The management should also take proper care in handling dissatisfied employees, because they may create problem in the organization.

The management should help employees to overcome the stress and strain at their work place. A competitive environment at the work place should be maintained.

The management should also encourage the efforts and suggestion from employee.


The employees should inculcate in themselves a feeling of family in the organization.

CONCLUSIONS: Having done a work on job satisfaction at APHMEL, kondapalli, the following conclusions are down, these are done after observing the job satisfaction at the organization. One could say that the organization has been motivation their employees to work more by job satisfaction. As the feedback from the employee reveal that job satisfaction is helpful in archiving the goals and objectives of the organization. Most of the respondent thinks that the job satisfaction helps them in acquiring competency, which is necessary in fulfilling the objectives of their organization. It is been found that the respondents are satisfied with the existing job. The job satisfaction gives important in the identification and definition of training and development requirements.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography:


Aamodt, M. G. (1996). Applied industrial/organization Psychology, (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, USA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Aldag, R. J., & Kuzuhara, W. (2002). Organizational behavior and management: An integrated skills approach. USA: Thomson Learning.

Andres, T. D. (2001). Filipino behavior at work: Human relations and organizational behavior in the Philippine setting. Quezon City, Philippines: Giraffe Books. Andres, T. D. (1992). Managing schools by Filipino values. Philippines: Society of the Divine Word. Apdon, J. V. (June 2006). History of CCRD campuses. Puerto Princesa City, Philippines: Palawan State University. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.(1997) Resolution No. 435 . Company magazines and books. Google search. Survey Questionnaire on Job Satisfaction of APHMEL Employees Dear Sir/Madam, Good Morning! I am Achyut Kumar, pursuing MBA in the Department of Business Administration, Laki reddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering, Mylavaram. As a part of my Project Work, I am conducting this survey on Job Satisfaction of employees. I request you to give your apt replies. I assure you that the responses obtained by me will be used only for completing my project work. Personal Profile of the Respondent Age: Male / Female:




No. of Years of Service with APHMEL: 1. How satisfied are you with the present working environment? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 2. How satisfied are you with the prevailing safety conditions? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 3. How satisfied are you with the nature of relationships with your superior? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 4. How satisfied are you with the wages and allowances paid to you? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 5. How satisfied are with the medical facilities provided by your organisation? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 6. How satisfied are you with the number of hours of work? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 7. How satisfied are you with the internal training programmes? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 8. How satisfied are you with the employee welfare facilities? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 9. How satisfied are you with the present shift system? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 10. How satisfied are you with the security of your employment? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( )


11. How satisfied are you with the nature of communication in your organization? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 12. How satisfied are you with the existing promotion system? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 13. How satisfied are you with recognition of your services by the management? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 14. How satisfied are you with your career growth in this organization? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 15. How satisfied are you with the interpersonal relations at the workplace? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 16. How satisfied are you with the attitude of your superiors? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 17. How satisfied are you with the management policies? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 18. How satisfied are you with the recreation facilities provided? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 19. How satisfied are you with the leaves sanctioned to you when needed? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( ) 20. Considering the above all aspects, how best are u satisfied with the job? Very Satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) so-so ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Extremely Dissatisfied ( )


Thank you for your time and cooperation.


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