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Site Location Model For Osmunda Finlayi

3 Creating Formatting Data Variables 1. Creating Tin Surface 2. Creating Raster Surface 5. Fuzzy Overlay

4. Raster Calculation

The main objective of this model is to produce a map of a raster layer displaying the most suitable location(s) around the Niagara College Glendale Campus for the reintroduction of the Osmunda Finlayi fern. A GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation will be conducted using the raster calculator approach coupled with a fuzzy overlay analysis. The criterion considered in this study are; aspect, hillshade, slope and soil type. Based on an overlay of the raster calculator and fuzzy overlay results there are a total of three locations most suitable for relocation; two on the lower left section of the escarpment and one location at the top right section of the escarpment

Keywords: Multi-criteria Evaluation, MCE, GIS, Finlays Fabulous Fictitious Fern, Osmunda Finlayi

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