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YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 3 Teachers Notes

Description This activity gives students practice in matching questions to appropriate responses. Time required: Materials required: 25 minutes Two-line dialogues written on slips of paper (see Before the class for details) Students Worksheet, one copy for each student Sample Task (one copy for each student): Page 31 of YLE Sample papers downloaded from the website: overs to introduce students to Part 3 of the Movers Reading & Writing paper and to the task type to focus on links in dialogues to give practice in close and silent reading


Before the class Write one part of some two-line dialogues onto slips of paper. There should be one slip of paper with half a dialogue on it for each student (you can repeat the two-line dialogues if necessary). E.g. Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do. Can you swim? Yes of course. Would you like a drink? No thank you. Shall we ride our bikes? Yes, lets! What colour are your socks? Theyre red. How many brothers and sisters have you got? Two. Procedure 1. Give each student one half of a dialogue youve prepared. If you have an odd number of students, give one slip to two children to work together. Tell the students they must find the other half of their dialogue, and must help each other as well. Allow a 3 or 4 minutes for this. 2. Ask each pair of students to read their dialogue. Point out that we answer in different ways depending on the question/ on what someone says. Tell them that they activity they are going to do will give them some practice with this.
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3. Hand out the Students Worksheet to each student in the class. Tell them to read question 1 and elicit the answer from the class (a). Elicit the context in which they might use/hear question 1 and its response (e.g. at the doctors). If you can, elicit questions for the other two responses e.g. Whats your brother called? / What day is it tomorrow? 4. Tell students to choose the best answer for the other seven questions. They do this individually first and then they compare their answers in pairs. 5. When checking answers with the class, elicit the context that each question and response might be used. See the key for possible answers. 6. Look at question 2 and the two wrong responses. Elicit some possible questions for a) and b). E.g. a) Shall we have some cake? b) Can you ride a horse? 7. Put students into pairs. Name the pairs lions, tigers and sharks (or similar). Lion pairs write questions for the wrong answers in questions 3 and 4; tiger pairs write questions for the wrong answers in questions 5 and 6 and shark pairs write questions for the wrong answers in questions 7 and 8. Go around the class and give help where it is needed. There will be more than one possible answer for each one. 8. Put students into groups of one lion, one tiger and one shark. They take turns to read their questions and responses to the other students who decide if they are appropriate or not. 9. Hand out the Sample Task to each student. Give them time to look at the picture, which will give them the context and to silently read the instructions. Elicit/tell students that in the exam, the questions and responses are part of one long dialogue. Note that the prompt may be a question, as here, or a statement. 10. Students complete the task. Give them a maximum of eight minutes. For the Reading & Writing Test, its important to train students to get used to a limited amount of time for each part, as in the test they need to manage the time themselves. 11. Check answers with the class. Focus on key words which helped them decide which the correct answer was. See key below. Remind them never to leave an answer blank. At the end of the test, if they still dont know the answer they should guess.

Suggest follow-up activities All kinds of matching games are useful for this task, such as the one described in Step 1. Dialogue writing is also good practice. Give students one part of a dialogue and ask them write the rest and then act it out. Use pictures to stimulate dialogues. Copy a tapescript of a short dialogue from the course book so you can cut the lines up. Give the jumbled-up dialogue to students. They try to put them in order before they listen to the correct dialogue.

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YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 3 Answer Keys

Key to Procedure steps Step 3 1) at the doctors, at the hospital 2) at school, at the library 3) many different possibilities 4) outside, parent to child 5) many different possibilities 6) friend inviting a friend 7) teacher/adult relation 8) school, friend

Step 7 3 a) Do you like skating? c) Could you swim in the lake?

4 a) Did your mum make that jacket? c) What colour is your dads car? 5 a) Do you like playing tennis? 6 b) Wheres the cinema? 7 a) Have you got a computer? 8 b) How old is your dog? b) Were you at home yesterday? c) How much is the cinema ticket? b) Can you help me? c) What colour is your dog?

Step 11 1) headache / toothache; have you got / no, I havent; 2) Would you like (request) / no, thanks , 3) have you got / no, I havent; 4) Do you want (offer) / yes, please 5) Shall I...? (offer); you/ I; thanks (acceptance) 5) mum / dad

Key to Students Worksheet 1 5 a c 2 6 c a 3 7 b c 4 8 b a

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Key to Sample Task 1 4 B A 2 5 B B 3 6 C C

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YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 3 Students Worksheet

Read and choose the best answers for number 18.

1 Whats the matter? a) Ive got a stomach-ache b) Hes called Peter c) On Saturday.

2 Shall I help you carry the books? a) Yes, lets. b) Yes, I can. c) Yes please.

3 Did you climb the mountain on your holiday? a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I did. c) Yes, I could.

4 Why are you wearing a jacket? a) No, I bought it b) Because Im cold. c) Its green.

5 What was the weather like last Friday? a) Yes, I like it b) No, I wasnt c) It was cloudy

6 Id like to go to the cinema. a) So would I. b) Its next to the hospital. c) Its four pounds.

7 Do you have to go to bed at nine oclock? a) No, I havent b) No, I cant c) No, I dont

8 Whats your dog called? a) Ben b) Its three years old c) Its black and white.

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YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 3 Sample Task

(Original can be found on Page 31 of the Sample Papers, which can be downloaded from

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