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MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up

Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete the following for time: 800 meter run 25 sand bag med ball lunges 400 meter run 50 sand bag kettlebell deadlifts 800 meter run 75 sand bag med ball squats Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 15 sand bag swings 10 push-ups 5 pull-ups Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific None Event Run a mock PFT Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific Sand bag med ball sit & reach Event Complete the following for time: 400 meter run 20 pull-ups 10 burpees 400 meter run 15 pull-ups 15 burpees 400 meter run 10 pull-ups 20 burpees Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete for individual time: 1.5 mile run in boots & utilities Cool down Flexibility Recovery

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up

Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete the following for time: 150 Burpees Cool down

Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Complete the following for time: 20 sand bag kettlebell cleans 400 meter run

Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete for individual time: 4 mile run in green-on-green Cool down

Core Specific None Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 15 buddy deadlifts 400 meter run 20 abdominal crunches Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete 5 rounds for time with 3 minute break between rounds: 20 pull-ups 30 push-ups 40 abdominal crunches 50 squats Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Cool down Flexibility Flexibility Recovery Recovery Recovery Flexibility

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event 5 mile hike with 50 pound pack Cool down Flexibility Cool down Recovery Flexibility


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 15 sand bag snatches 12 pull-ups WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following for time: 50 burpees 50 ball slams 50 wall balls 50 sand bag squat presses Cool down Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Recovery Flexibility Recovery Flexibility THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Complete 3 rounds of the following 100 meter buddy carries: 20 pull-ups 10 burpees 400 meter run 15 pull-ups Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific None Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 5 buddy squats 10 buddy deadlifts 5 bridal curls

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up

Core Specific Plank Positions Event O-Course x 3 for time Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Complete the following interval: 20 second jog 5 second sprint Interval is run consecutively for 5 minutes; 3 minutes rest; repeat

Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete 7 rounds for time: 10 ball slams 10 burpees 10 push-ups Cool down

Core Specific None Event Complete the following for time: 100 meter fireman's carry 200 meter run 100 meter buddy drag 200 meter run 100 meter cross-body carry 200 meter run 100 meter piggy-back 200 meter run

Core Specific None Event Complete for individual time: 1.5 mile run in boots & utilities Cool down Flexibility Recovery

Cool down Flexibility Flexibility Recovery Recovery

Cool down Flexibility Recovery

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Run 3 miles in rough terrain wearing boots & utilites Cool down Flexibility Recovery


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Plank positions Event 400 meter run 1 minute rest 200 meter run 2 minute rest 400 meter run 1 minute rest 200 meter run 2 minute rest Cool down Flexibility Recovery Flexibility Recovery Recovery Cool down Recovery Flexibility WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event possible in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats Cool down 800 Meter Swim Flexibility Cool down THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event 50 buddy dead lifts 50 buddy squats FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 50 meter buddy carry (your choice) 15 burpees 20 wall balls

Complete the following for time: Complete as many rounds as

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event Complete the following for time: 100 pull-ups 100 push-ups 100 crunches 100 squats


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Complete for individual time: 4 mile run in boots & utilities Cool down Flexibility Cool down Recovery Flexibility Recovery WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event 30 sand bag lunges 30 crunches 25 sand bag lunges 25 crunches 20 sand bag lunges 20 crunches 15 sand bag lunges 15 crunches 10 sand bag lunges 10 crunches 5 sand bag lunges 5 crunches Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Recovery Cool down 800 Meter Swim Flexibility Flexibility Cool down THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event O-Course x 3 for time FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Plank positions Event 30 sand bag squat presses 30 knees-to-elbows 20 sand bag squat presses 20 knees-to-elbows 10 sand bag squat presses 10 knees-to-elbows

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific None Event Run a mock PFT Cool down 800 Meter Swim Flexibility Recovery


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event Complete the following for time: 15 push presses 3 L pull-ups 12 push presses 6 L pull-ups 9 push presses 9 L pull-ups 6 push presses 12 L pull-ups 3 push presses 15 L pull-ups Flexibility Cool down Recovery Flexibility Recovery Recovery Cool down Recovery Flexibility Cool down WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball sit & reach Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 10 buddy dead lifts 20 overhead lunges 400 meter run THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following for time: 400 meter run 20 burpees 20 pull-ups 800 meter run 20 pull-ups 20 burpees 400 meter run Flexibility Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Complete the following interval: 20 second jog 5 second sprint Interval is run consecutively for 5 minutes; 3 minutes rest; repeat

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Plank positions Event 400 meter lunges with sand bag Cool down 800 Meter Swim Flexibility Cool down Recovery Flexibility Recovery


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 10 push presses 10 pull-ups Cool down Flexibility Recovery Cool down Flexibility Cool down Recovery Flexibility Recovery WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete for individual time: 4 mile run in boots & utilities THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Complete the following for time: 150 burpees FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 5 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 20 crunches 20 knees-to-elbows 20 box jumps (at 20 inches)

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Plank positions Event 21 buddy deadlifts 21 buddy squats 21 buddy push-ups 15 buddy deadlifts 15 buddy squats 15 buddy push-ups 9 buddy deadlifts 9 buddy squats 9 buddy push-ups Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Cool down


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 500 Meter Swim Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event 6 mile hike with 60 pound pack WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following for time: 100 pull-ups 100 dips Cool down Cool down Flexibility Flexibility Recovery Recovery Recovery THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 15 sand bag swings 10 sand bag cleans 5 sand bag snatches Flexibility Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event 3 mile run in green-on-green

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete the following for time: 400 meter run 1 minute rest 200 meter run 2 minute rest 400 meter run 1 minute rest 200 meter run 2 minute rest Cool down 800 meter Swim Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Cool down


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Complete 7 rounds for time: 20 30-pound ammo can push press 10 burpees WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete 8 rounds for time: 15 buddy deadlifts 10 buddy push-ups 5 buddy power-ups 100 meter fireman's carry Cool down Flexibility Recovery THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following interval: 5 second sprint 15 second rest Interval is run consecutively for 5 minutes; 3 minutes rest; repeat Cool down Flexibility Recovery Flexibility Recovery Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Plank positions Event O-course x 3 for time

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Plank Positions Event Complete the following for time: 800 meter run 30 pull-ups 20 Push-ups 800 meter run 25 pull-ups 25 push-ups 800 meter run 20 pull-ups 30 push-ups 800 meter run Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Cool down Core Specific


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 800 Meter Swim WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following for time: 50 knees-to-elbows 50 squats 50 push-ups 50 sand bag swings 50 box jumps 50 Lunges 50 pull-ups 50 sand bag push presses 50 dive bombers 50 burpees Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Recovery Cool down Flexibility THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific None Event Complete 5 rounds for time: 15 sand bag swings 10 sand bag cleans 5 sand bag snatches Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Sand bag med ball core series Event Run 3 miles in rough terrain wearing boots & utilites

Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event Complete for individual time: 6 mile run in green-on-green

MONDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Plank positions Event Complete the following for time: 15 push presses 3L pull-ups 12 push presses 6 L pull-ups 9 push presses 9 L pull-ups 6 push presses 12 L pull-ups 3 push presses 15 L pull-ups Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Cool down


TUESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific Abdominal/Hyper extension series Event O-course x 3 wearing flak and Kevlar WEDNESDAY Dynamic Warm-up 7 Mile Warm up Run Core Specific Buddy abdominal exercises Event Complete the following for time: 50Burpees 50 Ball Slams 50 wall balls 50 sand bag squat presses Cool down Flexibility Recovery THURSDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1.5 mile sandbag buddy run Core Specific None Event Complete the following for time: 100 meter fireman's carry 200 meter run 100 meter buddy drag 200 meter run 100 meter cross body carry 200 meter run 100 meter piggy-back 200 meter run Cool down Flexibility Recovery Recovery Flexibility Cool down FRIDAY Dynamic Warm-up 1600 Meter Swim Core Specific None Event Run a mock PFT

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