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grade 10

revision for the first term

(the school year 2012-2013.

I. Pronunciation Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1. A. cook B floor. C. good D. foot 2. A. dirty B. pity C. first D. girl 3. A. respect B. text C. end D. temple 4. A. cure B. mute C. sure D. pure 5. A. only B. oral C. sport D. talk 6. A. world B. connector C. Earthquake D. excursion 7. A. June B. shoe C. school D. look 8. A. deaf B. fifteen C. teacher D. believe 9. A. closed B. played C. laughed D. opened 10. A. seat B. pleasant C. team D. heat 11. A. work B. love C. early D. Shirt 12. A. help B. exam C. left D. website 13. .A. height B. radio C. table D. brain 14. . under B. study C. understand D. mature 15. A. blind B. life C. wind D. find 16. A. touch B. mouse C. ourselves D. hour 17. A. maps B. books C. seats D. pictures 18. A. dead B. scream C. heat D. meat 19. A. needed B. worked C. started D. wanted 20. A. idea B. bike C. opinion D. library 21. A. star B. far C. marvelous D. war 22. A. boss B. doctor C. more D. Job 23. A. pagoda B. term C. about D. other 24. A. university B. study C. subject D. funny 25. A. furniture B. mature C. picture D. adventure 26. A. choose B. tooth C. book D. cartoon 27. A. name B. cake C. make D. Surface 28. A. subject B. just C. put D. study 29. A. determine B. settle C. letter D. bed 30. A. together B. work C. about D. today 31. A. play B. radio C. newspaper D. graphic 32. .A. feature B. deafness C. healthy D. weather 33. A. school B. room C. cartoon D. flood 34. A. harrow B. replace C. romantic D. passion 35. .A. crop B. export C. shortage D. resort II. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. A. VERB TENSES. 1. The World War II 1939 and .in 1945. a. begins/ ends b. had begun/ ended c. has begun/ had ended d. began/ ended 2. According to the research reports, people usually .in their sleep 25 to 30 times each night. a. turn b. are turning c. have turned d. turned 3. The new came as no surprise to me. I for some time that the factory was likely to close. a. knew b. had known c. have known d. know 4. We this town for a long time. We .here sixteen years ago. a. had been/ come b. have been/ came c. were/ came d. are/ came 5. Id like to borrow this book. .it yet? a. Did you finish b. Had you finished c. Have you finished d. Do you finish 6. Trees ..more quickly in summer than in winter. a. grow b. grew c. grows d. have grown 7. In 1788 he ..his last great work in Vienna.

a. writes b. has written c. wrote d. had wrote 8. The last time I swimming was when we were in Spain. a. go b. went c. have gone d. had gone 9. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybodyto bed. a. goes b. went c. has gone d. had gone 10. ...a long time for the bus. a. We have to always wait b. We always have to wait c. We have always to wait d. We have to wait always 11.The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he.before. a. hasnt flown b. didnt fly c. hadnt flown d. wasnt flying 12. At 7:00 last night, the old farmer ..with his fellow peasants. a. chat b. chatted c. was chatting d. were chatting 13. It is cloudy and windy. It . a. is raining b. is going to rain c. will rain d. rained 14. How often .your car serviced since you bought it? a. do you get b. did you get c. had you gotten d. have you gotten 15. By the time I the party, my classmate . A. came/ had left b. come/ leaves c. had come/ left d. came/ left 16. When he in the forest, it a. walks/ rains b. walked/ rained c. was walking/ rained d. walked/ was raining 17. I to play tennis arm. a. wasnt/ broke b. havent been/ broken c. wasnt/ had broken d. havent been/ had broken 18. When I arrived the theatre, the play I missed the first part. a. had started b. started c. was starting d. has started 19. Lan and Minh have lived in Ho Chi Minh City ..1999. a. for b. since c. ago d. from 20. About one hundred buildings and houses in the earthquake. a. destroy b. destroyed c. have destroyed d. have been destroyed 21. Another book .by the students. a. is reading b. is read c. is readed d. read 22. My school library 8:00 am and .at 5 pm. a. open/ close b. opens/ closes c. opens/ close d/ open/ closes 23. Who was in red dress? Did you know? No, I who was she. I her before. a. didnt know/ hadnt seen b. didnt know/ hasnt seen c. hadnt known/ hadnt seen c. dont know/ hasnt seen 24. Before Jenifer won the lottery, she.any kind of contest. a. hasnt entered b. doesnt enter c. wasnt entering d. hadnt entered 25. My parents ..tomorrow to stay with me for a few day. a. come b. will have come c. are coming d. came B. TO INFINITIVE/ BARE INFINITIVE/ V-ING 1. You shouldnt spend all your time a. study b. to study c. studying d. to studying 2. There is nothing you can do about the situation, so its no use .about it. a. to worry b. worrying c. worry d. in worrying 3. Would you like somewhere for a rest? a. going b. to go c. go d. to be gone 4. Im sure youll have no the exam. a. difficulty to pass b. difficulties to pass c. difficulties passing d. difficulty passing 5. The guide encouraged the tourists.the Prado Museum in Mandrid. a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. visited 6. It takes him 45 minutes a. get ready b. gets ready c. getting ready d. to get ready 7. He is tall enough ..a policeman. a. be b. is c. to be d. being 8. Dont forget .home as soon as you arrive at your destination. a. to call b. calling c. have called d. to be called 9. Look at those windows! They really need .

a. to clean b. cleaning c. to be cleaned d. b, c are correct 10. The children are looking forward .their grandma again. a. seeing b. to see c. to seeing d. to be seen 11. Our teacher made me.all the questions. a. answer b. to answer c. answering d. answered 12. I dont mind home but Id rather ..a taxi. a. to walk/ to get b. walking/ to get c. walking/ get d. to walk/ getting 13. I must go now. I promised ..late. a. not being b. not to be c. to not be d. be 14. My teacher always expected me..well in exams. a. do b. to do c. doing d. to have done 15. The researchers found the the wall. a. climb b. to climb c. climbing d. climbed C. WH-QUESTIONS 1. .is this building? Its a bout hundred years old. a. How long b. How far c. How old d. How 2. bag are you carrying? Julys. a. Which b. What c. Whos d. Whose 3. did the Second World War end? a. Where b. When c. What time d. How long 4. How far is it form here? a. Two kilometers, at least b. Yes, you do c. Yes, its rather far d. Flat 42B, 225 Hung Vuong street 5. How often do the buses run? a. Twice a day b. An hour and a half c. seven thirty d. From that bus stop 6.hand do you write with? My right hand. a. Which b. What c. Which kind d. What kind 7. is your national flag? Red and yellow. a. What b. Which of colour c. What colour d. Which a half of football? Forty-five minutes. a. What time b. How often c. How long d. When 9. How long does it take to get to Daves place from your flat? a. Its a long way b. About one kilometer c. Thirty five minutes d. 5.000d 10. ..did the package come from? London. a. Where b. When c. Which d. Who D. OTHER STRUCTURES. 1. This is the first time I to Ba Na Hill. a. go b. went c. have gone d. had gone 2. In spite of , we decided to go out. a. we felt tired b. feeling tired c. tired d. all of us felt tired 3. ..his illness, he had to cancel the appointment. a. although b. because c. because of d. despite 4. Jack me that he was enjoying his new class. a. told b. said c. talked d. talked about 5. The old a lot of experience of life and can deal with most situations. a. has b. have c. is having d. had 6. I didnt like the noise in the city at first. But now here. a. I got used to living b. Im used to living c. I used to live d. I used to live 7. Claude didnt .in Canada. a. lived b. use to live c. used to live d. used to living 8. The street is very noisy, .makes us difficult to sleep. a. that b. who c. which d. whom 9. People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose 10. She prefers .books totelevision. a. read/ watch b. to read/ watch c. reading/ watching d. reading/ watch 11. The government should do more for the a. poor b. poors c. poverty d. rich

12. .July,2009 .July, 2011 he worked as a tourist guide in the travel agency. a. on/ on b. in/ on c. from/ to d. to/ from 13. Your career should focus on a field in .you are genuinely interested. a. which b. what c. that d. whom 14. She reassured me that she..the card. a. had posted b. has posted c. was posting d. posts 15. Im taking my driving test tomorrow. When I saw Rachel, she said .. a. she was taking her driving test the next day. b. she is taking her driving test the following day. c. I was taking my driving test tomorrow. d. she was taking driving test tomorrow. 16. If I..the bus this afternoon, Ill get a taxi instead. a. miss b. will miss c. missed d. had missed 17. If I make a coffee, ..the cake? a. do you cut b. will you cut c. are you cutting d. dont you cut 18. Well be late we leave now. a. if b. unless c. provided d. as 19. She is used early to study. a. get b. to get c. to getting d. getting 20. The meeting had been cancelled .the chairmans absence. a. because b. because of c. although d. in spited of iii. Vocabulary: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1.The alarm goes off at 4: 30. I get up and to boil some water for my morning tea. A. goes wrong B. goes away C. goes out D rings 2. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready. A. to go B. to prepare C. to wake up D. to go around 3. We are...............with what we do. A. proud B. worried C. contented D. interested 4. What is Mr. Lams occupation? - a mechanic. A. jod B. possesion C. thing D. boss 5. Lan often English lesson on Friday. A. gets C. takes C.have D. both A & C 6. . Be patient with _______________ work . A. time-consumption B. time-consuming C. time-consumed D. time-consumable 7. Marie Curie harbored the dream of a............ career which was impossible for a woman at that time.
A. scientist B. scientific C. science D. scientifically

8. Would you like to go out with us? - . A. No thanks B. What a good idea C. I love to 9. Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries.
A. good crop B. poor crop C. early crop

D. Id love to
D. bad crop

10. Tom: - Hello, Mary! How are you? - Mary : __________ A. Hi, Tom! Fine. Thanks B. Yes, I am fine. C. Bye. See you later D. And you? 11. "Would you like a coffee? - ................................................................................................. A. Not at all B. Yes, let's C. Yes. I'd love one D. Yes, I would 12. We had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ends....... . A. met B. meet C. get D. gather 13. TMy parents dont want to let me stay the night ...........home. A. far B. away C. from D. away from 14. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood. A. take over B. find out C. make up D. put up 15. Most students find the course very ...................... A. anxious B. enthusiastic C. convenient D. enjoyable 16. Mr Hung continued the............................until the students understood the lesson. A. demonstration B. demonstrate C. to demonstrate D. demonstrating 17 .Some new amusement and ________ areas have been set up since last year . A. entertain B. entertained C. entertainment D. entertaining 18. She taught in a school for the deaf and the dumb. A. people who are mentally ill. B. people who are unable to hear and speak

C. people who are unable to see. D. people who have a bad memory 19. ________ presents information and entertainment orally. A. Radio B.Newspaper C. Television D. The internet 20 .A computer consists of hardware and software. A. screen B. keyboard C. programs D. physical part keyboard 21. He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to _________ him. A. believe B. permit C. persuade D. take 22. My aunt has just bought an _________________ cooker A. electric B. electrical C. electricity D. electrician 23.. We chat about our work .
A. learn B. discuss C. announce D. talk in friendly way

24. I go home after work, I usually___________a short rest, watch TV or listen to the radio. A. give B. get C. Take D. Spend 25. My brother always goes to bed early, but he___________gets up early. A. not B. ever C. Never D. Always 26. Mr. Ba is a cyclo driver. Most of his__________are foreigners. A. customers B. passengers C. Friends D. Children 27. When were you born? refers to ____________. A. date of birth B. place of birth C. address D. job 28. 12. Mr. Vys occupation is a farmer. A. peasants B. peasant C. doctor D. teacher 29 I forgot to enclose the________vitae with my application form. A. curriculum B. resume C. background D. summary 30. I have taken a photo_________________hanoi. A. on B. in C. at D. from 31. What makes a computer such a _______ device? a. micacle b. miraculous c. miraculously d. wonder 32. We are going on a _________ to Vung Tau next week. a. two week trip b.two- weeks trip c. two- week trip d. twoweek trip 33. Without the Braille Alphabet it would be very difficult for ______. a. the disabled b. the deaf c. the mute d. the blind 34.. If you want to go camping, you must ---------- your parents permission. a. get b. allow . c. ask d. have 35. Documentary is a film or a radio or television program giving facts about something. A. things B. numbers C. truth D. news 36. We're reading a _______ book this week. A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently 37. After the accident he suffered from loss of _______. A. memory B. memorize C. memorable D. memorably 38. Keep _______ by eating well and exercising regularly. A. health B. healthful C. healthy D. healthily 39. ......... have the future in their hands. A. the injured B. the young C. the unemployed D. the rich 40.Their lives had changed a lot ........... the knowledge their children had brought home. A. thank to B. thank for C. thank of D. thanks to Iv. READING A. Read the passages and then choose the best answer for each question 1. The first school for blind, deaf, and mute children in the Tibet Autonomous Region celebrated its first anniversary on Friday. The school is built in the eastern suburb of Lhasa, a capital of Tibet, and is designed to hold 200 students. It covers 20,000 square meters. The school curriculum includes Braille and sign language training. Tibetan, mathematics, writing, ethics training, physical education, arts, handicrafts, speech and walking courses. At the cerebration, the audience was touched by a silent song expressed by the students with sign language. Baiba Toinnzhub, a 10-year-old child, can speak fluent Chinese and is good at singing and dancing. He told the visitors that life in boarding school was comfortable. 1. What type of the students attend the school? a. Children who live in the Tibet Autonomous Region. c. Children who are visually impaired b. Children with a variety of disabilities d. Children who cant see, hear, or speak

2. The school is located in a. the capital of Tibet b. the eastern of Tibet 3. The school is. a. able to hold 200 students c. 20,000 square meters in area 4. Which subject is taught in the school? a. Physics b. Foreign languages 5. Which of the following is not true?

c. 200,000 square meters.

d. the suburb of the capital

b. the first boarding school in Tibet d. A and C are correct c. Computers d. Braille

a. Tibet is the first deaf- mute school celebrated its first birthday b.The visitors were welcomed with a beautiful song.

c. Life in the boarding school comfortable d. Baiba Toinzhub can sing and dance very well 2. Have you ever visited London, one of the most famous cities in the world? London is divided into three parts, The City, The West End and the East End. The City is Britains commercial and banking center. The West End is the part where rich people live. The East End is the part where poor people live. Lenin visited London before Great October Socialist Revolution. He often came to work at the British museum. He gathered material for his works. Lenin studied the life of the British workers and British labour movement. He attended meetings and gatherings. He spent much time in learning English in order to master it. Lenin liked to walk around the city to learn more about the British capital. He called London the city of striking contrasts. 1. London is one of the..cities in the world. a. poorest b. smallest c. most famous d. biggest 2. How many parts is London divided into? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 3. When did Lenin visit London? a. Before the October Revolution b. After the October Revolution c. During the October Revolution d. At the beginning of the October Revolution 4. Lenin liked to walk around the city to.. a. learn English b. know more about the British capital c. have a sightseeing tour d. go shopping 5. Lenin called London the city of a. fame b. the rich Londoners c. The poor Londoners d. striking contracts 3. My village was never a big village, nor was it particularly successful or well-known. It was a place where simple people worked on their land, tending citrus groves and running poultry farms. The most exotic plantation grew avocados, and palm tree nursery was something of an attraction. The village was established by a group of Greek immigrants in 1937in what was then known as Britishcontrolled Palestine. When we first moved here, one could still hear some Greek in the street, the local store sold original Greek delicacies and from time to time we were invited to sit on a neighbors porch and share some ouzo at the end of the working day. In the last few years, my village has changed dramatically. Very few people work in agriculture now, they can no longer support their families growing oranges and chickens. As a result, they must find their income outside the village and rent out their land or sell their little family farms altogether. Some of the land is still used for agriculture, but no longer for the family farms. Now it is the agriculture of luxuries. 1. What was true about the writers village? a. It is a big village b. It was successful c. It was famous d. It was established by the Greek 2. According to the passage, what did the people in the village Not do? a. Worked on their land b. Tended citrus groves c. Grew avocado d. Raised animals on the farms 3. The founders of the village were immigrants from a. Palestine b. Greece c. Britain d. family farms 4. What can best describe the change of the village recently? a. the change is very fast b. the change is very slow c. the change is normal d. there is not much change 5. How do the villagers earn their livings? a. They grow oranges and chickens b. They run family farms c. They work in the outside villages d. They hide out their land and sell their farms 4. Im always tired in the morning, and I dont like to get up early. I go to bed at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m, because I always do a lot in the evening and at night at a restaurant in the city. It is about 5kms from my family. I love weekends. I get up late, at 10:00 or 11:00, and I go to bed when I want. 1. Why doesnt she like to get up early? A. Because she goes to bed at 1 : 00 or 2 : 00 a.m. C. Because she goes to bed when she wants. C. B/c she always does a lot in the evening and at night D. Because she is always tired in the morning. 2. What time does she go to bed? A. at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. B. at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m C. at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m D. at 1:00 or 2:00 p.m

3. Where does she work? A. at school B. at her home C. at a restaurant D. at a hospital 4. How far is it from her house to the restaurant? A. five kilometers. B. four kilometers. C. six kilometers. D. about five kilometers. 5. When does she work every day? A in the evening B. in the morning C. at night D. A & C 5. As a home entertainment, television rapidly became more popular than any other forms. A news broadcast became more immediate when people could actually see the scene in question and the movements of the figures. Films could be viewed in comfort of the home and variety shows were also available. One of the advantages of travel programs was the glimpse of far away places which many viewers would not otherwise have seen. Though much of the entertainment was of a popular kind like quiz competitions, some remarkable cultural programs were also broadcast. Just as with radio in earlier days, the publicity given to actors and actresses on the screen meant that a group of personalities became familiar in every household. 1. The paragraph is talking about____________________________. A. the popularity of television films and shows B. disadvantages of using television C. advantages of travel programs on TV D. television as a home entertainment 2. What made television become more popular than any other forms? A. Its remarkable cultural programs B. Its news programs C. Its use as a domestic entertainment D. Its information about far away places 3. When the news is broadcast on TV, it becomes more_________________. A. livingly B. lovely C. immediately D. lively 4. Thanks to the travel programs on TV many people could sit at home and______________. A. shake hands with people far from their home B. go to remote places C. view places far from their home D. have places far from their home 5. What are advantages of using television as a home entertainment? A. A news broadcast became more immediate when watching it on TV B. Films could be viewed in comfort of the home C. Variety shows were also available on TV D. All the letters: A, B and C 6. Few men have influence the development of American English to the extent that Noh Webter did. Born in West Hartford, Connecticut, in 1758 his name has become synonymous with American dictionaries .Graduated from Yale in 1778, he was admitted to the bar in 1781 and there after began to practice law in Hartford. Later he turned to teaching, he discovered how inadequate the available schoolwork were for the children of a new and independent nation. In respond to the need for truly American textbook, Webster published A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, a three- volume work that consisted of a speller, a grammar, and a reader. The Compendious Dictionary of the English Language was published in 1806. In 1807 Noah Webster began his greatest work. An American dictionary of the English Language .In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other of language, and seven more years to the writing itself . Published in two volumes in 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States. Webters purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciation and spelling from those of British Engish. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling form : develop instead of the British form develop, theater and center instead of theatre, centre, color and honor instead of colour and honour. 1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? a.Websters work b.Websters school b.Websters Life d. Websters dictionary 2.How old was Webter when he graduated from Yale? a.18 b.19 c.20 d.21 3.Why did Webter write A Grammatical Institute of the English Language ? a.He wanted to supplement his income b.There was no books available after the Revolutionary War c.The children didnt know how to spell d.He felt that British book were not appropriate for American children 4.In how many volumes was An American Dictionary of the English Language published? volume b two volumes c. three volumes d. four volumes 5.According to the author,what was Websters purpose in writing An American Dictionary of the English Language? a. to respond to the need for new school books b. to demonstrate the distinct development of the English language in America.

c. to promote spelling forms based upon British models d. to influence the pronunciation of the English language B. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank 1. Many people in America now think that teachers give students (1. .homework. They say that it is unnecessary for children (2. at home in their free time. Moreover, they agree that most teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks they give (3. .students. The result is that students have to (4. .tasks which they (5. at school. 1. . too many b. too much c. a lot d. lots 2. a. work b. working c. to work d. worked 3. a. to b. in c. on d. up 4. a. repeat b. repeating c. repeated d. be repeat 5. a. already done b. has already done c. have already done D. had already done 2. Well, I (1. .worried when my son bought a computer. After all lots of children have parents (2. .dont understand computers. But when my secretary asked me (3. a computer in the office, I really became worried. So I decided (4. ..some lessons in computing and my son became my teacher. He was very helpful. He invited me to sit down in frond (5. .the computer screen. I didnt know what it was called. 1. a. am mot b. wasnt c. werent d. didnt 2. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 3. a. on b. in c. about d. for 4. a. taking b. take c. to take d. took 5. a. of b. in c. on d. to th 3. Marie Curie was born in Warsaw (1. ..November, 7 , 1867. she received general education in local schools and some(2. .training from her father. As a brilliant and mature student, she (3. ..the dream of a scientific career, (4. ..was impossible for a woman at that time. To save money for a study tour abroad, she had (5. as a private tutor, and her studies were interrupted. 1. a. on b. in c. at d. of 2. a. science b. scientist c. scientific d. scientists 3. a. harbour b. to harbour c. harboured d. harbouring 4. a. what b. that c. who d. which 5. a. work b. to work c. working d. to working 4. Finally,in 1891,Marie, with very little money to live...(1. ...... , went to Paris to realize her dream at the Sorbonne. .. (2. ...... her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard.She earnrd a degree in Physics (3. .........., went on to take another degree in Mathematics. She met Pierre Curie in the school of Physics in 1894 and a year later they got married. From then on,They (4. ......... togerther on their research..In1903, Marie became the first woman(5. .......a PhD from the Sorbonne. 1. A. on B. in C. of D. about 2. A. Althought B. In spite of C. Because D.despite of 3. A.easy B. difficul C. successful D. with flyig colours 4. A.worked B. had worked C. were working D. work 5. to recieve B. recieve C. recieving D. recieved 5. Lans class is going to go .... (1. ...a two- day excursion to visit some caves near Huong Pagoda. They want .(2. ........with their own eyes what they (3. ....... in their geography lessons recently and relax after their hard work, as well. They have planed their trip carefully. For Lan, the only problem is(4. ......... her parents permission. She will try ....... (5. that she will be able to join her classmates on the excursion. 1. B.on C. out D. up 2. A. to see B. seeing C.see D saw 3. A learned B.were learning C. learn D. have learned 4. A. getting B.asking C.having D. recieving 5. A. persuade B. persuading C. persuaded D. to persuade 6. Many years ago, my village was very poor. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ends..(1. ............ Their lives were simple and they were ...(2. ...........need of many things. Many people had to live in houses made ....(3. .........straw and mud, and few families had a radio and a TV set. However, ....(4. .......the shortages, the villagers managed to send their children to school and college. They hoped that with education of science and technology, their children could find a way of .......(5. .........their lives 1 A. come B. meet C. get D. gather 2.A. in B. out C.on D.

3. A. in B. of C. from D. 4. A. because of B. because C. althought D. in spite of 5. A. better B. raise C. raising D. bettering v. writing A. Error Identification: Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting. 1. I'll fly to Mars next week. I've already gotten a ticket. 2. Although the house was in bad condition, it wasn't sold at a high price. 3. We are looking forward to see you soon 4. The young has the future in their hands. 5. If you didnt work hard, you ll fail the exam. 6. He said that he hasnt seen her for a long time. 7. Mrs. Thuy doesnt mind taking care for disabled children 8. Have you finish the report yet? 9. This is Mr White, whom has helped hundreds of deaf people 10. Did you used to go on business? 11. How many students there are in your class? 12. The rich finds it easy to earn money. 13. Pressing the button POWER if you want to turn on TV. 14. Mary told me she will leave the key at home. 15.I decided to change my job because my boss made me working over time. 16.Because the bad weather, we cant go to the cinema with our friends. 17.She advised me study hard to pass the examination. 18.He told me that he is enjoying his new class then. 19.A clock is an instrument who tells you the time. 20.My father stopped smoke many years ago. 21.My mother made me doing my homework so I couldnt go out. 22.Can you tell me where were you born? DaNang. 23.The stories what I have told you are true. 24.Hong Son usually goes to school by the bicycle. 25.Marie Curie went to school in Warsaw which she was born. 26.In spite of stay up late, she got up early the next morning. 27.She was born in Warsaw, so her date of birth is Warsaw. 28.My brother stopped to smoke because its harmful to his health. 29.Jane couldnt come to my party, that made me feel sad. 30.They wanted stay at home to watch TV in the evening. 31.We used to going fishing on this river when we were small children. 32.The class was cancelled because of there werent enough students . 33.Hanoi, that is the capital of our country, is a city of peace. 34.We havent seen Jim since he has left school in 2006. 35.There is a good play on TV tonight. Are you going to watching it? B. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original. 1. They are going to hold next years congress in San Francisco? A. . Next years congress are going to be held in San Francisco? B. . Next years congress is going to be held in San Francisco? C. . Next years congress are going to hold in San Francisco? D. . Next years congress is going to hold in San Francisco? 2. Mary is lazy. This makes her parents sad . A. . Mary is lazy, which makes her parents sad. B. .Mary is lazy that makes her parents sad. C. . Mary who is lazy makes her parents sad. D. . Mary is lazy which makes her parents sad. 3. This is the first time I have met him. A. . I have never met him before. B. . They have met him recently C. . I have met him many times D. . I want to meet him. 4. Jane finds it difficult to drive on the left. A. Jane is not used to driving on the left B. Jane is not used to drive on the left C. Its difficult for Jane to drive on the left D. Both A and C are correct 5. I sent a letter, then I came here. A. . Before I come here, I had sent a letter. B. . Before I came here, I sent a letter.

C. . Before I came there, I had sent a letter. D. . Before I come here, I had send a letter. 6. Nobody has ever seen these documents. A. . These documents have never been seen. B. . These documents have ever been seen. C. . These documents have been ever seen. D. . These documents have been never seen. 7. This is the first time I have met him. A. . I have never met him before. B. . They have met him recently C. . I have met him many times D. . I want to meet him. 8. They usually walk in the park after dinner. A. . They are used to walk in the park after dinner. B. . They used to walk in the park after dinner. C. . They are used to walking in the park after dinner. D. . They used to walking in the park after dinner 9. We started learning English seven years ago. A. . We have learned English since seven years. B. . We have learned English for seven years. C. . We used to learn English for seven years. D. . We have learned English seven years ago. 10. What about going to My Khe Beach this weekend? A. . Why didnt we go to My Khe beach this weekend? B. . How about going to My Khe beach this weekend? C. . Ought we going to My Khe beach this weekend? D. . All are correct. 11. The last time I was in this village was in May. A. . I wasn't in this village since May B. . I haven't been in this village in May. C. . I haven't been in this village since May. D. . I am not in this village since May. 12. This is the first time I have met him. A. . I have never met him before. B. . They have met him recently C. . I have met him many times D. . I want to meet him. 13. This is the girl. I saw her at school yesterday. A. . This is the girl who I saw at school yesterday. B. . This is the girl whose I saw at school yesterday. C. . This is the girl which I saw at school yesterday. D. . This is the girl whom I saw at school yesterday 14. They have just bought a very expensive English dictionary. A. . A very expensive English dictionary have just been bought. B. . A very expensive English dictionary had just been bought. C. . A very expensive English dictionary has just been bought. D. . A very expensive English dictionary was just been bought. 15. Nobody has finished the work. A. . The work has been finished by everybody. B. . The work has not been finished. C. . The work have not been finished . D. . The work has been finished 16. I started learning English five years ago . A. It was five years since I learnt English. B. I have been learning English for five years C. I have learnt English since three months D. I didnt learn English for five years 17. The house needs painting. A. The house hasnt been painted for a long time B. Nobody painted the house C. The house is going to be painted D. The house needs to be painted 18. Jane finds it difficult to drive on the left. A. Jane is not used to driving on the left B. Jane is not used to drive on the left C. Its difficult for Jane to drive on the left D. Both A and C are correct 19. The teacher is introducing a new game. A. . A new game is being introduced by the teacher. B. . A new game is introduced by the teacher. C. . A new game is being introducing by the teacher. D. . A new game is being introduce by the teacher. 20. This is the girl. I saw her at school yesterday. A. . This is the girl who I saw at school yesterday. B. . This is the girl whose I saw at school yesterday. C. . This is the girl which I saw at school yesterday. D. . This is the girl whom I saw at school yesterday

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