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BLOCKING SCHEME Operating Conditions zone 1 operation  instantaneous "trip reverse Tone 3 op without Zone 2 op  transmit blocking signal

Zone 2 0peration without signal received instantaneous trip Special aspects to consider:A delay on instantaneous tripping (tp) after Zone 2 operation is required to allow time for a possible blacking signal to arrive from the relay at the other line end. Recommended Setting tp = signaling chancel P/U time + x (or nearest setting above this value) x = a 25 mS for quad/mho relay = 30 mS for mho/lenticular relay,

a =1 b

= 35 mS for mho/lenticular relay,

a = 0.69 b a = 0.41 = 40 mS. for mho/lenticular relay, b

a) Fault occurs

b) End A relay trips

In case (a) the healthy line end B relay has its Zone 2 element operated, but instantaneous operation is blocked by carrier signal transmitted from end A. When the relays near the fault, tripe current reversals takes place in the healthy circuit and end A ceases to transmit a blocking signal. However, it takes Zone 2 at end B a few mS to reset. If this relay looses the blocking signal before Zone 2 has reset in instantaneous trip will occur on the healthy circuit. A slight delay on rest of the signal received" is therefore, required to allow the relay zone elements to reset on current reset.
Recommended setting

tD = 0 if signaling channel reset time is 10 mS or greater tD = 12 mS if signaling channel reset time is less than 10 mS Ref to fig 71 chapter 2 for block diagram of Blocking scheme.

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