Soalan Sains Sec A Sec B THN 5

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SULIT SECTION A (30 marks) Answer all questions 1. Diagram 1 shows three types of microorganisms.

018 038

Diagram 1 Microorganisms are.. A B C D 2. living things that have wings living things that live in water small living things that can be seen with the naked eyes very tiny living things that cannot be seen with the naked eyes

The picture shows a piece of cake.

Predict what will happen if we eat the cake. A B C D We can become sick. We can get food poisoning. We can have coughs. We can get measles.

SULIT 3. Diagram 2 shows four types of fruits.

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Diagram 2 Which of the following about the dispersal of their seeds is true? By wind A B C D Q and R R Q Q By explosive mechanism P S P P and S By animals S P and Q R and S R

4. Hatches its eggs Feeds its young Lays eggs in the nest and high place Animal X has the characteristics above. Determine animal X. A B C D Penguin Duck Hen Eagle

SULIT 5. Diagram 3 shows one food chain.

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Diagram 3 Identify the producer. A B C D 6. Leaf Caterpillar Chicken Eagle

Diagram 4 shows a food web. Caterpillar

Duck Snake

Paddy plant


Bird Diagram 4


Which of the following is not true about the food web? A B C D Paddy plant is the producer Snake and eagle are carnivores Rat, bird and duck are herbivores There are four food chains in the food web

SULIT 7 Energy is needed by living things to carry out life processes. Which of the following is not true? A B C D 8. Moving. Breathing Reproducing Growing

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Diagram shows a circuit. dry cell bulb wire

switch Diagram 5 What is the change of energy when the bulb in Diagram 5 lights up? A B C D 9. Chemical energy heat energy + light energy Electrical energy light energy + heat energy Heat energy light energy electrical energy Light energy heat energy electrical energy

The following are non-renewable energy resources except I II III IV A B C D Coal Wind Solar Petroleum I and II only II and IV only II and III only III and IV only

SULIT 10. Diagram 6 shows two types of circuits P and Q.

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P Diagram 6 What are P and Q? A B C D 11.

P is a parallel circuit while Q is a series circuit. Q is a parallel circuit while P is a series circuit P is a short circuit while Q is a parallel circuit P is a short circuit while Q is a series circuit

What will happen if a person touches a socket with his wet hand? A B C D It can cause an electric shock It can cause disease It can cause fire It can cause a blackout


The Diagram below shows an investigation of light.

Diagram 7 Which of the following makes the light of the candle disappear from sight? A B C D The distance between cardboards is changed. The cardboards are not in a straight line. The hole on the cardboard is made smaller. The candle is placed far away from object. 6

SULIT 13 The following table shows an object and the principle of light involved. Which one is matched correctly? Light travels in a straight line A B C D Periscope Kaleidoscope Side mirror of a car Shadow show Principle of light reflection Mirror in the barber shop Periscope Shadow show Periscope

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Of the following processes, which one released water vapour in the air? I II A B C D Boiling Evaporation I and II only III and IV only I, II and III only I, II, III and IV III IV Condensation Freezing


Three beakers are filled with some water. The initial temperature of water in the beakers is the same. The beakers are then heated for 15 minutes. Their final temperatures are shown in the table. Beaker Temperature (C) P 60 Q 80 R 100

What inferences can you make from the result of the investigation? I The water in R is already boiling. II R contain the most amount of water. III The water in Q will start to boil earlier that in P. IV The water in both P and Q will start to boil at the same time. A I and II only C I and III only B II and III only D III and IV only The figure shows four containers of different sizes filled with the same amount 7

16 .

SULIT of water. All the four containers are put under the sun for 45 minutes ? Which of the container will empty first ? A

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17. Which one is true based on the condition of material? Solids A B C D Book, pencil Ice, sponge Iron, syrup Jelly, cork Liquids Lime juice, water vapour Mercury, oil Steam, water Milk, oxygen


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Diagram 8 shows a glass of hot water.

Diagram 8 What process is taking place? A B C D Boiling Melting Evaporation Condensation


The Diagram below shows the formation of cloud and rain. Cloud Water vapour Rain Water on the Earth Diagram 9 Which of the following processes are involved in this phenomenon? A B C Evaporation and condensation Condensation and freezing Boiling and evaporation 9

SULIT D Melting and boiling

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20. porcelain plate water bunsen burner

Diagram 10 What are the processes involved in the experiment shown in Diagram 10? I II III IV A B Freezing Vaporisation Boiling Condensation I and III only II and IV only C D I, II and III only II, III and IV only


Diagram 11 shows an investigation carried out by pupils on liquid X.

Diagram 11 Liquid X is most probably 10


018 038 C D orange juice liquid detergent

A toothpaste B cooking oil


Diagram 12 shows a constellation.

Diagram 12 The constellation shows the pattern of a................. A Lion B Bear C Scorpion D Stingray


Diagram 13 shows three constellations.

Diagram 13 Which of the following is true about the direction shown by the constellations? P Q R



018 038 East West North North West North South North South East South South



Table shows the position of shadows in the morning and evening. Time Morning Evening Position of shadow West East

Based on the information, what conclusion can be made? A The Earth rotates on its axis B The Earth rotates from east to west C The Earth rotates from west to east D The Earth rotates at an angle to the vertical

P 25. Sun Earth Diagram 14 What is the shape of the moon phase when the moon is at position P in Diagram 14? A B C D Moon



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What cause the changes of length and position of the shadow throughout the day? A B C D Rotation of the Moon on its axis The Earth revolves around the Sun Rotation of the Earth on its axis The Sun moves from East to West.


Which of the following statements are true? I II III IV A B C D The Earth completes one rotation every 24 hours. The Earth rotates on its axis from east to west. The Earth moves around the Sun every 6 months. The Moon rotates on its axis. I and II only I and IV only I, II and IV only I, III and IV only


The Diagram 15 shows an object.

Diagram 15 Predict a few objects that have the same shape as the diagram above. I II III IV A B C D Chalk Battery Aquarium Straw I, II and III only I, II and IV only I, III and IV only II, III and IV only 13


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Which model is the most stable?


Diagram 16 shows four glasses with different amount of water.

Diagram 16 Arrange the glasses from the least stable to the most stable. A K, N, M, L B N, M, L, K C D L, M, N, K K, L, M, N



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SECTION B ( 20 marks) Answer all question 1. A pupil compares the characteristics of two animals as shown below.


Number of eggs


a) What is your observation based on the table above? ___________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) __________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) c) State another way how turtle ensure their species? __________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) 15


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d) In this investigation, state.. i) What to change : _________________________________________________

ii) What to observe :_________________________________________________ (2 Marks) 2. The chart below shows the results of an investigation carried out by a group of pupils. Temperature of water (C)
6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 E a st

Time (min)


State the pattern of the changes of the water temperature.

______________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) b) What is the aim of the investigation? ______________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) c) State the relationship between time and temperature

______________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) d) Give a reason for your answer in (c) 16


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______________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) e) Predict the temperature of water at 12th minutes

______________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) 2. The picture below shows the relationship between three similar handkerchiefs hanging in different ways by changing the surface area.

Q P (a) What is the aim of this investigation?

__________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) (b) State one hypothesis based on the aim of the investigation as stated in (a).

__________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) (c) In this investigation, state i. what to change. _____________________________________________________ ii. what to keep the same.

______________________________________________________ 17


018 038 iii. what to observe.

______________________________________________________ ( 3 Marks )


A group of pupils arrange the models as shown in the diagram below to investigate the stability of the structures.
models of polystyrene


When the cardboard is inclined slowly, the pupils recorded their observation as follows: Model Z toppled over first followed by model Y, then model X. a) State the aim of this investigation. ________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) b) Write a relationship based on the aim of your investigation stated in (a). _________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) c) State the following 18


018 038 Things to change: _______________________________________________ Things to observe: ________________________________________________ (2 Marks ) What conclusion can you make from this investigation? _________________________________________________________________ _ (1 mark) END OF SECTION B

i. ii. d)


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