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Institute of Technology

Laxma Reddy Avenue, Dundigal, Quthbullapur (M), Hyderabad 500 043 Phone Nos: 08418 204066 / 204088, Fax : 08418 204088

Course No : Course Title : Computer Graphics

Course Overview
The subject computer graphics is aimed at learning the details of picture generation, simulation, animation, modeling and rendering 3-D objects, in order to create objects that look and behave as realistically as possible. The course progresses through a designed set of units, starting with simple, general applicable fundamentals and ending with more complex and specialized subjects. This course also provides a strong base for image processing research for the students



Introduction, Application areas of Computer Graphics overview of graphics systems, video-display devices raster-scan systems, random scan systems graphics monitors and work stations and input device.

Output primitives : Points and lines, line drawing algorithms, mid-point circle and ellipse algorithms. Filled area primitives: Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms UNIT III 2-D geometrical transforms: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformations, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates composite transforms transformations between coordinate systems. UNIT IV

2-D viewing: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-port coordinate transformation, viewing functions, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms, Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.

3-D Object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surface, spline representation, Hermite curve, Bezier curve and B-Spline curves, Bezier and B-Spline surfaces. Basic illumination models, polygon rendering methods.

3-D Geometric transformations: Translation, rotation scaling, reflection and shear transforms composite transformations. 3-D Viewing: viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, view volume and general projection transforms and clipping.

Visible surface detection methods: Classification, back-face detection, depth-buffer, scan-line depth sorting, BSP-tree methods, area sub-division and octree methods. UNIT VIII Computer animation: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions, raster animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion specifications. SUGGESTED BOOKS: T1: Computer Graphics C version, Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, Pearson Education. T2: Computer Graphics - Principles & Practice , Second edition in C, Foley, Vandam, Friner, Hughes, Pearson Education. REFERENCES: R1: Computer Graphics, Second edition, Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, PHI/ Pearson Education R2:Computer Graphics Second edition, Zhigand xiang, Roy plastock, Schaums outlines Tata Mc Graw hill education

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R3: Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, David F Rogers, Mc-GrawHill International, II Edition

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S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unit No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII Description Introduction & Application areas of Computer Graphics Output primitives 2-D geometrical transforms: 2-D viewing 3-D Object representation 3-D Geometric transformations: 3-D Viewing Visible surface detection methods Computer animation TOTAL NO. OF LECTURES 8 10 7 7 9 7 7 6

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Branch & Year: CSE-A & IV Faculty: GOUSE SHEIKH

Institute of Technology

Laxma Reddy Avenue, Dundigal, Quthbullapur (M), Hyderabad 500 043 Phone Nos: 08418 204066 / 204088, Fax : 08418 204088

Subject: COMPUTER GRAPHICS Semester: I Academic Year: 2013-14

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S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Unit No. Introduction


Lecture Number as per the period L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 T1 L5 L6 L7 CT L8 L9 T2 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 T3 L15 L16 L17 CT L18 L19 L20 T4 L21 L22 L23 L24 CT L25 T5

Date Planned

Date Conducted

Application areas of Computer Graphics Overview of graphics systems video-display devices


video-display devices video-display devices Tutorial video-display devices Raster-scan systems Random scan systems Graphics monitors and work stations & Input devices Class Test Points and lines Line drawing algorithm Line drawing algorithms Tutorial


Line drawing algorithms Mid-point circle Mid-point circle Ellipse algorithm Ellipse algorithms Tutorial Filled area primitives Scan line polygon fill algorithm Scan line polygon fill algorithm Boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms Class Test Introduction to 2D geometrical transforms, Translation Scaling , rotation transformations Reflection transformations Tutorial Shear transformations matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates Composite transforms Transformations between coordinate systems Class Test The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame Tutorial


Window to view-port coordinate transformation L26 Viewing functions Reddy Institutions COMPUTER GRAPHICS HAND BOOK 2013 35 Marri Laxman Cohen-Sutherland L27 36




DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. Distinguish between the Raster scan system & Random scan system 2. Discuss the Flat-Panel Display devices 3. Discuss the operation of Raster scan System with a neat sketch 4. Discuss the operation of Random scan System with a neat sketch 5. List the different Input devices .What are the application OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. The study of techniques to improve communication between human & machine. [a] a) computer graphics b) System control c) Frame buffer d) none 2. ___________ is the art or science of producing graphics images with the of computer. [a] a) computer graphics b) System control c) Frame buffer d) none 3. The primary output device in graphics system is ____________. a) video monitor b) audio controller c) radio controller d) none 4. The ________ is the smallest addressable screen element. a) Axis [b] [a]

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b) Pixel c) Scale d) none 5. A ________ is the contiguous piece of the computer memory. a) Video monitor b) Frame buffer c) Video buffer d) None 6. The ________ is stored in a memory are called refresh buffer.(picture definition) 7. Random-scan display are also known as ________.(vector display) 8. Shadow mask methods are commonly used in _________.(Raster scan system) 9. The ________ behaves like a CRT with a extremely long persistence phosphor. (DVST) 10. The ________ gun is used to store the picture pattern in DVST.(primary) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. Draw the cross-sectional diagram of a CRT device. Identify the major components and discuss their roles. 2. List & explain the applications of CG TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. .Assuming that a certain full-color (24-bit per pixel) RGB raster system has a 512 by 512 frame buffer, how many distinct color choices (intensity levels)would be available. 2.How much time is spent in scanning across each row of pixels during screen refresh on a raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024 and a refresh rate of 60 frames per second? Assume horizontal and vertical retrace times are negligible [b]

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the steps involve in Midpoint Circle algorithm Write an algorithm for line generation using DAA approach .Analysis its time & space Explain the steps involved in Scan-line algorithm for polygon filling Write an algorithm for line generating the intermediate points by using algorithm Bresenhams when two endpoints are given as inputs 5. Explain the role of stack in Flood-Fill Algorithm OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is true about the Bresnhams algorithm a) There is only one division operation b) Rounding operation is performed inside the loop c) There are no intensive computations, except multiplication by 2 d) Slope of the line is explicitly computed. 2. Comparing with circle ,ellipse generation requires more computation . this because ANS[c] a) Circle is described by an equation b) Shapes of the circle is regular c) Origin centered ellipse is not symmetrical x=y axis d) Aliasing problem is less in circle 3. If an algorithm uses the output of the pervious iteration , the computations of outputs in the current iteration , such algorithms are called as ANS[b] a) Double-differencing algorithm b) Incremental algorithm c) Successive approximation algorithm d) Scan-line algorithm ANS[c]

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4. In circle drawing algorithm ,when the circle is centered at an arbitrary point(x,y,c),how many reflections are required ANS[a] a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 5. Circle is not symmetrical about a) x=-y b) y=0 c) y=x+1 d) x=0 6. The _______algorithm for computing the incremental movement involve fractional number arithmetic.(DDA). 7. Bresenhams algorithm uses only ________ that can be to display circles as other curves(Incremental integer calculation) 8. The initial value of decision parameter circle is _______(p0=5/4-r) 9. A ________defined as the set of points that are all at a given distance r from a center position(x,y).(circle) 10. An _______ is an elongated circle(ellipse). ANS[c]

ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. What are the steps involve in mid point ellipse algorithm 2. By using Bresenhams line drawing , generate the intermediate points of lnes if the two end-points are given as (20,10) and (30, 18) using the above algorithm TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Show graphically that an ellipse has four way symmetry by plotting four points on the ellipse. X=acos+h

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Y=bsin+k. Where a=2,b=1,h=0 and k=0. 2. The circle with radius 10, demonstrate midpoint circle algorithm by determining along with radius along the octant in the first quadrant from x=0 to x=y.

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. List the basic transformation techniques. What are their respective mathematical and matrix representations? 2. Prove that a uniform scaling (sx = sy) and a rotation form a commutative pair of operations, but that, in general, scaling and rotation are not commutative 3. Show that the transformation matrix for a reflection about the line y=x is equivalent to reflection relative to the x axis followed by a counter clockwise rotation of 90 degrees 4. Show that the transformation matrix for a reflection about the line y = -x is equivalent to a reflection relative to the y-axis followed by a counter clockwise rotationof 90 degrees. 5. Perform a 45 degree rotation of a triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) about P(-1,1).Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) to thrice its sizewhile keeping B(1,1) fixed OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. if every point on the object is translated by the same amount ,such transformation is called as ANS[a] a) rigid-body b) transformation with deformation c) deformation in translation d) tightly coupled transformation


The transformation that alters the size of an object. a) Scaling b) Translation c) Rotation d) Shearing



The transformation that cause the image to slant a) Scaling b) Translation


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c) Rotation d) Shearing 4. The reflection about x-axis is given by matrix a) 1 0 5. b) -1 0 c) -1 0 [a] d)0 [b] c) -1 0 d)0 1 1

0 -1 0 1 The reflection about y-axis is given by matrix a) 1 0 0 -1 b) -1 0 0 1

0 -1

1 0

0 -1

1 0

6. If the rotation about an arbitrary point is to be performed, what is the sequence of operations to achieve the desired effect ___________(Translate ,Rotate & Translate) 7. If the object is to be rotate 30 anticlock wise , keeping the object stationary , the same effect achieved by rotating the coordinate system__________(30 in clockwise) The scaling factor in the scaling translation are ____________(Always positive)


9. Two successive translation can be represented as________(A single translation matrix) 10. Two successive translation is____________(Commutative) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. Prove that the multiplication matrices for each of the following sequence of operations is commutative i. Two successive rotations ii. Two successive translations iii. Two successive scalings. 2. (a) Show that the composition of two rotations is additive by concatenating the matrix representations for R (1) R (2) = R (1 + 2) (b) Give a brief note about the following transformations. i) Reflection ii) Shear TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Perform a 45 degree rotation of a triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(0,1) about P(-1,-1). 2. Obtain the reflection of the point A(10,10) about y=x+2

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. What are the stages involved in two-dimensional viewing transformation Pipeline. Explain briefly about each stage. 2. Draw the flow diagram or a brief step-wise procedure for implementing Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm 3. Explain the algorithm for line clipping by Cohen-Sutherland algorithm. Demonstrate an example all the three cases of lines. 4. Find the normalization transformation that maps a window whose lower left corner is at (1,1) and upper right corner is at (3,5) ontoa view port that is the entire normalized device screen anda view port that has the lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at(1/2,1/2) 5. Compute the transformation matrix that maps a window with (wxmin,wxmax)=(2,2)and (wxmax,wymax) =(4,6) onto a normalize device coordinated which has lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at (1,1) OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. A rectangular area with its edges parallel to the axis of NDCS is used to specify a sub-region of the display area that embodies the image. This rectangular areas is called as [c] a) Normalized device b) Physical device c) View-port d) Window 2. Which of the following bits (from right) is set to 1 in cohen-sutherland algorithm if Y<Ymin [a] a) bit 3 3. b) bit 1 c) bit 4 d) bit 2

The logical AND operation performed on the 4-bit codes correspond to the endpoints of the line segment consists same non-zeros, then the line segment is. [b] a) Partially visible or completely invisible b) Completely invisible c) Partially visible d) Completely visible e) 4. The dot product of two vectors is positive then the angle between those two vectors is defined in the range of [c] a) 0<<90 b) 90< <270 c) 0<<90 & 90< <270 d) 0< <180

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5. The dimensions of normalized space in viewing transformation are [d] a) 640 x 480 b) Xmax x Ymax c) Workstation dependent d) 1 x 1 6. The method for selecting and enlarging portions of a drawing is______ (windowing) 7. The ______ defines where is to be displayed 8. The ____ defines what to be viewed. ( view port ) ( window )

9. ______algorithm is used for polygon clipping.( cohen-sutherland & sutherland Hodgemman) 10. ______ polygons are correctly clipped by the sutherland Hodgemman. ( convex) none ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. What are the stages involved in Window-to-viewport coordinate transformation. Explain about each stage. 2. Explain the algorithm for line clipping by Cohen-Sutherland algorithm & SutherlandHodgeman algorithm. TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Find the normalization transformation that maps a window whose lower left corner is at (1,1) and upper right corner is at (3,5) onto (a) a view port that is the entire normalized device screen and (b) a view port that has the lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at(1/2,1/2) 2. Let R be a rectangular window whose lower left corner is at L (-3,1) and upper right- hand corner is at R(2,6). If the line segment is defined with two end points with A (1,-2) and B (3,3). (a) The region codes of the two end points, (b) Its clipping category Stages in the clipping operations using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. Distinguish between boundary representation and space-partitioning representation of solid object representation schemes 2. What is the blending function used in Beziers method for curve generation? 3. What are the steps involved in rendering a polygon surface mesh using Gouraud shading 4. Describe the phong illumination model. Explain the parameters used in phongs model. 5. Explain B-Spline curves. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. ________ is the polynomial with maximum power 3 a) Cubic polynomial b) Quadric polynomial c) Binomial polynomial d) Acute polynomial 2. A polynomial curve using a parameter called as [a]


a) Parametric polynomial curve b) Cubic polynomial curve c) Quadric polynomial curve d) Solid polynomial curve 3. A set connected polygon ally bounded planar surface is called as [a] a) polygon mesh b) solid object c)3D object d) Mesh-cube 4. ____ is not a common represented of 3D surface


a) polygon surface b) parametric surface c) quadratic surface d) neural surface 5. _______surfaces are defined on a plane, then the lanes normal is computed as. [c] a)cubic surface b) Bi-cubic surface c) quadratic surface d) binomial surface 6. the range of parametric variable t used in Bezier curve is________( 0,1 )

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7. _____ light has no spatial or directional characteristics______( ambient) 8. the _____ model ,sets the intensity of specular reflection proportional to cosns0 [b] _______(phong) 9. the range of values for the reflection coefficients followed in illumination model is _______(0 to 1) 10. ____ draw back is observed in Gouraud shading_______(mach bands) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the blending function used in Hermite curve method generation? Explain the terms involved in it? What are the properties of Hermite curve? 2. (a) Describe the properties of B spline approximations. (b)What is the difference between Bezier curve and B-spline curve? TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1.What is the blending function used in Beziers method for curve generation? Explain the terms involved in it?What are the properties of Bezier curve? 2.Different types of B-Spline curves

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1.Give a brief account on three-dimensional rotations. 2. Discuss about 3-dimensional viewing pipe line 3. Prove that the multiplication of three-dimensional transformation matrices for eachof the following sequence of operations is commutative. i. Any two successive translations ii. Any two successive saling operations iii. Any two successive rotations about any one of the coordinate axes. 4.Classify the projections. Explain the properties of each. Distinguish the parallel projection and Perspective Projection view volumes. Give suitable examples 5. Given a unit cube with one corner at (0, 0, 0) and the opposite corner at (1, 1,1), derive the transformations necessary to rotate the cube by degrees about the main diagonal from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) in the counter clock-wise direction when looking along the diagonal toward the origin. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. In 3D scaling transformation for transition with a unit along x-axis & b units along yaxis & c units along z-axis is [b] a)1 0 0 0 b)1 0 0 0 c) a b c 1 d) none 0100 0100 0001 0010 0010 0010 -a b 0 1 abc1 11 11 2. If the axis of rotation is X ,then the direction of positive rotation is a)y to z b) z to x c) x to y d) y to x 3. If the axis of rotation is Y ,then the direction of positive rotation is a)y to z b) z to x c) x to y d) y to x 4. If the axis of rotation is Z ,then the direction of positive rotation is a)y to z b) z to x c) x to y 5. In 3D space rotation of an object is done about d) y to x [b]

[a] [b] [c]

a) a point b) an axis c) a plane d) a hyper plain 6. ____ means of technique of projecting 3D object to 2D screen_____ (projection) 7 a parallel projection preserves ______ of object.(relative projection) 8. When the projection are perpendicular to the view plane then it is called_______ (Orthographic projection) 9. ortho graphics projections are often used to produce the front,side and ___ of an object ( top view ) 10. a top orthographic projection is called a ______(Plainview )

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ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. Consider a line from the origin of a right-handed coordinate system to the point P(x, y, z). Find the transformation matrix needed to rotate the line in to the positive z-axis. Follow the below mentioned sequence to achieve the desired transformation matrix: (a) Rotate about the z-axis into the (x, z) plane, (b) Then rotate about the y-axis in to the z-axis. 2. Classify the projections. Explain the properties of each. Distinguish the parallel projection and Perspective Projection view volumes. Give suitable examples . TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Find the transformation matrix which align the vector V=i+j+k with the vector N=2i-j-k. 2. A pyramid defined by the coordinates A(0, 0, 0), B(1, 0, 0), C(0, 1, 0) and D(0, 0, 1) is rotated 450 about the line L that has the direction V=J+K and passing through point C(0, 1, 0). Find the coordinates of rotated figure

DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. Distinguish between object-space and image space methods of visible surface detection algorithms. Give examples for each. 2. Explain the depth-buffer (z-buffer) algorithm for hidden surface removal. 3. Explain how the BSP-tree method is implemented for visible surface detection. 4. Assuming that one allows 224 depth value levels to be used, how much memory would a 1024 768 pixel display requires to store the z-buffer 5. Given points P (1, 2, 0), P (3, 6, 20) P (2, 4, 6) and a view point C (0, 0, -10), determine which points obscure the others when viewed from C. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. Coherence methods are used to take advantage of [a]

a)Regularities in a scene b) irregularities in a scene c)Computational power of computer d) Precision of image capturing 2. Coherence property is used un visible surface detection algorithms to [a] a) speed-up the process b) increase the precision c) Speed-up the process& increase the precision d) none 3. The equation of polygon surface is Ax+By+Cz+D=0. Examining of which coefficient is sufficient to determine the visibility of polygon surface a) A b) B c) C d) D


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4. Another name for depth-buffer method for visible surface a) z-buffer algorithm b) Depth-sorting algorithm c) scan-line algorithm d) Painters algorithm 5. In Z-Buffer algorithm , the Z-Buffer stores the value of



a) Depth b) Intensity c) Depth & Intensity d) Intensity & interaction number 6. In which of the following algorithm , the object surfaces need not be polygon _____ (Z-Buffer) 7. In which of the following algorithm the polygons in the scene are grouped into cluster_______( BSP tree algorithm) 8.In which of the following algorithm, is well suited when the view point changes____ (BSP tree algorithm) 9.The correct priority order polygon list can be obtained using ____in BSP tree ( in order tree walk) 10. How many buffers are used in Z-Buffer algorithm ___(2) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. Outline the z-buffer algorithm. List the advantages and disadvantages of the z-buffer 2. Explain about the octree method for visible surface detection. TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. Given points P (1, 2, 0), P (3, 6, 20) P (2, 4, 6) and a view point C (0, 0, -10), determine which points obscure the others when viewed from C. 2. Assuming that one allows 256 depth value levels to be used, approximately how much memory would a 512 512 pixel display require to store the Z-buffer?

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DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION 1. What are the steps in design of animation sequence? Describe about each step briefly. 2. What are the issues involved in design of a story board layout with accompanying key Frames for an animation of a single polyhedron. List the categories of animation Languages. Briefly explain the characteristics of each of these languages. 3. List the general-purpose animation languages. Explain the characteristics any are language 4. Discuss about the following graphical animation languages. (a)P-curve (b) DIAL 5. Discuss about the techniques to achieve the simple animation effects.

OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. Application of computer-generated animation are


a)Advertising b) Scientific c) Training d) All the above 2. Many applications of computer animation require _____display


a) Random b) Regular c) Realistic d) Motive 3. ____define the motion sequence as a set of basic events that are to take place [b] 4. 5. a) Action b) Storyboard c) Frame Films requires ____frames per second [b] d) none

a) 34 b) 24 c)23 d) 25 Within each frame, each object is positioned according to the ___for that frame [a] a) time b) Shape c)Size d) Orientation In the films , graphics terminals are refreshed at the rate of ____ frames per second (30 to 60) A single-arm robot has ___degrees of freedom (6) Morphing methods can be applied to any motion or transition involving a change in _______ (Shape)


7. 8.

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9. ____ forces affects object motion ( Magnetic,Gravitational &fraction) 10. _______requires the specification of the forces that produce the velocities & accelerations (Dynamics)

ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1.Discuss about the techniques to achieve the simple animation effects. What are the various types of interpolation used in animation? 2.What are the steps in design of animation sequence? . TUTORIAL QUESTIONS 1. What are the various types of interpolation used in animation 2.The typical tasks for which the animation function are defined in animation languages

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