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is the very early stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.

During implantation , outer layer of blastocyst attaches to endometrium by trophoblast villi Villi secrets enzyme to dissolve cells in uterine wall, forming cavity to allow the blastocyst to be embedded into the wall Villi (rich supply of blood capillaries ) extend into the endometrium to implant blastocyst. In endometrium, inner cell mass develop into embryo Villi and cells of uterine wall forms placenta Dissolved gasses and nutrients from mother diffuses into trophoblast villi that contain embryos blood 2months later, embryo develops into foetus Foetus then develop as baby.

Identical twins

Involve only one sperm and one ovum during fertilisation.

Formed when ball of cells from a fertilized ovum splits into two . Two embryo formed develop into two foetuses. Each foetus has own umbilical cord but shares same placenta Same physical characteristics , usually same sex.

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