HRM Practices in IT Industry

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International Human Resource Management

CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Human Resource Management....................................................3 1.2 Need of Human Resource...........................................................3 1.3 Examples of Good Practices........................................................4 1.4 Key Functions of HRM............................................................... .5 CHAPTER 2: MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AT INFOSYS 2.1 Introduction.............................................................................6 2.2 Overview.................................................................................7 2.3 History....................................................................................7 2.4 Leadership and Culture..............................................................9 2.5 Management of the HR Assets....................................................11 2.6 Selection.................................................................................13 2.7 Training and Development.........................................................13 2.8 Careers...................................................................................15 2.9 Performance Appraisal...............................................................17 2.10 Compensation........................................................................18 2.11 Infosys Overseas HRM.............................................................19 2.12 Future Plans...........................................................................21 CHAPTER 3: MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE AT TCS 3.1 Introduction.............................................................................23 3.2 Background..............................................................................24 3.3 Overview of HR in TCS...............................................................25 3.3.1. Diversity in Workplace...........................................................25 3.3.2. Learning and Development.....................................................26 3.3.3. Initial Learning Program (ILP).................................................27 3.3.4. Continuous Learning Program (CLP).........................................27 3.3.5. Leadership Development Program (LDP)..................................28 3.3.6. Foreign Language Initiative (FLI)............................................28 3.3.7. Workplace Learnings.............................................................28 3.3.8. EVA & Compensation Management..........................................28 3.4 The EVA Model.........................................................................29 3.4.1. Strategic Benefits of EVA.......................................................30 3.4.2. Incentive Scheme.................................................................30 3.4.3. Separation...........................................................................31 3.5 Journey Ahead.........................................................................32 3.6 Exhibits...................................................................................35 3.7 Bibliography...........................................................................39

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an

organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. 1.2 WHY IS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT NEEDED? Effective HRM at a strategic level is a crucial source of sustaining an Institutes particularly When it enables the following outcomes: Employees to contribute more fully to organisational objectives and Organisations to respond more positively and creatively to changes in their environment. It is a truism that nothing happens without people making it happen and systems, tools and techniques are becoming increasingly more sophisticated and useful. However, these systems cannot operate at all unless people use them by providing appropriate inputs and make interpretations and decisions based on the information available. Human resources, people, are THE critical ingredient in organisational success. For companies, people are an integral part of that competitive edge that lies between a community that is engaged with learning and a community that is not. They are critical in building the respect and value that the
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International Human Resource Management

community has to have for companies to become the knowledge provider of choice. Management practice has evolved to a point where HRM is a distinct function that must be aligned with other strategic functions and directly affects the performance and sustainability of an Institute.

1.3 EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE Key Elements of HRM Plans include:







commentary on how it aligns with the Institutes strategic objectives

Modern employment relations practices linked to strategic objectives A performance management system that includes a system for matching an individuals development to the organisations strategic needs

A program to achieve workforce productivity and flexibility Valuable Enterprise Agreements and processes Documented recruitment and selection processes, based on job analysis and core competencies A Succession Plan A documented HR strategy which specifies that workforce development will facilitate the achievement of business objectives and bring about the changes required

Regular review and assessment of HRM implementation, including an annual review and of workforce that development enable clear objectives and and achievements




communication between staff members and their managers.


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Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning - Narayana Murthy, Former CEO Infosys 2.1 INTRODUCTION Infosys, a consulting and software services organisation, includes its human resources on its Balance Sheet to affirm their asset value. Investors examine financial and non-financial parameters that determine long-term success of a company. These new non-financial parameters challenge the usefulness of evaluating companies solely on traditional measures as they appear in a typical financial report. Human resources represent the collective expertise, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurial and managerial skills endowed in the employees of an organization. As a knowledge-intensive company, Infosys recognizes the value of its human assets in maintaining and increasing its competitive position. At the same time, Infosys realises that these assets can easily walk away, as competitors in India and abroad covet its IT talent. Consequently, the challenge facing Infosys is: How can it attract, retain and develop its human assets in a highly competitive and dynamic environment? The answer to this question may lie in the management of the 9,000 plus Infocians (as the employees are referred to), and that of many more to be hired in the future.

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Infosys, one of the Indias leading information technology (IT) services companies, uses an extensive non-US based (offshore) infrastructure to provide managed software solutions to clients worldwide. Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Infosys has seventeen state-of-art software development facilities throughout India and one development center in Canada. These enable it to provide quality, cost-effective services to clients in a resource constrained environment. Through its worldwide sales headquarters in Fremont, California (and nineteen other sales offices located in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Australia, Japan and India), Infosys markets its services to large IT-intensive businesses.

2.3 HISTORY Seven software professionals founded Infosys in 1981 with the goals of leveraging sweat equity and creating wealth leagally and ethically in India. This was a daunting task in a country like where the government was allegedly more concerned with redistributing wealth han creating it. Most of Indias commerce was owned and controlled by an oligarchy of families to which Infosys had no ties. Infosyss competitive advantage has historically been derived from low wage costs in India relative to service providers in the United States and Europe. Their initial foray into the U.D market was through a company called DATA BASICS CORP. as a body-shop or on-site developer of software for U.S. customers. Later, in 1987, Infosys formed a joint venture with Kurt Salmon Associates to handle marketing in the U.S. These initial entries in to the U.S. market were a stepping stone for Infosyss growth in later years. In 1991, partly from International Monetary Fund pressure and shrinking currency reserves, the Indian government began liberalising the economy.
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The office through which an IPO was valued was abolished and the market was allowed to decide what the stock premium would be. The government also abolished duty on all imports brought in for exports purposes and foreign investment was allowed. This governmental change brought both new opportunities and new threats to Infosys, opportunities to raise capital and threats from increased competition. In 1993, Infosys went public on the Indian stock exchange with a market capitalization of $10 million. Infosyss IPO raised approximately $4.4 million in gross aggregate proceeds. In 1999 Infosys was listed on NASDAQ with a market capitalisation of $10 billion. A NASDAQ listing was significant for Infosys in many ways. As Nandan Nilekani, co-founder of Infosys explained, We wanted to be recognised as a global company, and it was imperative that we were listed on the largest and deepest capital markets in the world. A NASDAQ listing also helps Infosys in other ways. For example, it helps it build brand equity that enhances the companys visibility beyond India. It also enables Infosys to offer employees stock options overseas. This will enable Infosys to attract top-notch talent globally. The liberalisation of the Indian economy also brought unprecedented competition to India. Such multinational corporations as IBM, Sun Microsystems, and Motorola could leverage their vast financial resources to compete for Indias most valuable resources, its people. MNCs could provide the Indian people with never before available salaries and compensation competitive on a global scale. Competition for IT talent was further aggravated in 2000 by the increase in the quota of H-1 visas that allow organisations to hire professionals overseas.


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Most of the current human resource practices at Infosys result from the vision of the leaders and the culture that they have created. Narayana Murthy, known for his leadership and vision, is the public image of Infosys. His leadership style is humble and straight-forward, quite uncommon in the world of Indian business. Narayana Murthy believes in sharing wealth with his employees and in leading by example. In a knowledge-based business like Infosys, he sees the importance of consistency in rhetoric and action in empowering employees. Narayana Murthy is credited with creating a culture of closeness and empowerment at Infosys. His management style, rare among Indian business leaders, is based on Western management. The other founding members of Infosys contribute their own specialities. Though less known, they each play a critical part in shaping the culture and running the operations at Infosys. These unique personalities, with their particular strengths, create the basis for an uncommon culture at Infosys. Infosys was voted Indias most admired company by a January 2005 survey in The Economic Times. According to Narayana Murthy, what Infosys has on its side is youth, speed and imagination and they are constantly innovating in every area of their operation. The founders efforts have been paying-off. According to a California-based management consultant working in India, Infosys has been critical in changing the mind-set of India. Transparency is one of the important values held by Infosys. A practice illustrative of this value is its very early decision to adopt the U.S. GAAP standards, the most stringent standards, for reporting its financial results. Hema Ravichandar, the Senior VP of Human Resources, sums up the characteristics of the culture that distinguish Infosys from its competitors:

Our emphasis on transparency and communication sets us apart from prevalent family owned businesses operating in India. Our emphasis on
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getting the employees emotional buy-in into the company distinguishes us from the MNCs that have recently entered the Indian business scene.

The attempt to ensure motional buy-in is evident in their effort to provide a self-sufficient work environment for their employees. Infosys inaugurated its facilities in Bangalore under the name of Infosys City in November 2000. Spread over 44,225 acres, it is claimed to be largest software services campus in the world. It has the largest video wall in Asia which allows for video conferencing simultaneously from multiple centers. The existing buildings also form part of the Infosys City. The City contains food courts that serve Chinese, North Indian, South Indian and Western cuisine. A state-of-the-art gym, golf course, pool tables, table tennis tables and dance floor are already in place. The sauna, grocery store, an Infosys Store, 50,000 square feet swimming pool, and a lake with paddling boats. The eco-friendly campus includes beautiful landscape as well. Besides the enticing work environment, Infosys provides state of the art technology its employees. For example, PCs used by Infocians are upgraded every two years.


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As of March 31, 2008, Infosys had approximately 15,400 employees. The current employee strength represents a growth rate between 40-50% since 1996. Of these about 86% are engaged in software development (including trainees) and the other 14% are in support services. Infosys invests heavily in its programs to recruit, train, and retain qualified employees. Further, management believes that Infosys has established a reputation as one of the most preferred employers for software engineers in India. Elsewhere in the software industry, employee attrition rate is around 30%; Infosys boasts an employee attrition rate of only 9.8%.

2.6 SELECTION The first step in the strategic management of a companys human

resources is selection of assets with skills and potential consistent with its business requirements. Infosyss business requirements are flexibility and innovation. Accordingly, it has developed clear selection criteria consistent with this business need. Selection is based on an individuals ability to learn, academies achievement and conceptual knowledge, as well as temperament for Infosyss culture. Further, because of Infosyss reputation as a premier employer, it can select from a large pool of qualified applicants within India. Competition among applicants is intense. One selection criteria in particular stand out: the learnability. At Infosys, learnability is defined as the ability of an individual to derive general conclusions from specific situations and then apply them to a new unstructured situation.

P.S Srivathsa, the Senior Manager of Human Resource Development, adds:

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Learnability is considered an important criterion because the project life cycle is short and technology is changing rapidly- so the ability of the person to take the concept learnt in one setting and to apply it to another is very important. At Infosys learnability is assessed through written tests that include analytical questions geared towards assessing the aptitude of a person to derive generic patterns from a situation. For its entry-level positions, Infosys focuses its recruiting efforts on students with excellent academic background from engineering departments of Indian schools. The first step in the hiring process is manpower planning, where the numbers are determined. This planning usually takes place 20 months ahead of the hiring process. Recruitment includes campus interviews, as well as inviting applications over the Internet, newspaper ads, through job fairs, and HR consultants. The initial screening is based on such criteria as academics and experience. The test comprises two main components: arithmetic reasoning and logical reasoning. Because of time pressures involved in testing the large volume of candidates across the country, the reading comprehension section has been eliminated, cutting down the testing time to one hour, Tutorials or coaching classes offered by third parties are popular among individuals who wish to prepare for these competitive tests. Infosys has a question bank system from which questions are picked randomly for each test center. Those who score above the cut-off in the selection test are called for an interview. Interviews are conducted jointly by the human resource managers and the technical manager. At the interview stage, screening criteria used are aspirations, expectations, flexibility, presentation skills and communication skills. Rejected candidates may reapply after nine months. People do come back and, if they have picked up the necessary skills, they are hires.
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2.7 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT At Infosys, training and development constitute the next step in building its human assets where the objective is to match the available skills and abilities to its business requirements. In the headquarters at Bagalore, the education and research center in a building that can train 1,000 software engineers simultaneously. It comprises fully equipped classrooms, labs with video-conferencing units, individual faculty rooms, and 30,000 square foot library with a capacity for 10,000 books. In addition, under construction are a management development training center and a Wireless Center for Excellence to be built by Nortel Networks. The Wireless Center is expected to be the e-commerce research center with a capacity for 650 people working on research in wireless Internet capabilities. The education and research department of Infosys offers over 400 courses, including courses in business, database management, ecommerce, quality systems, programming language (e.g., Java, C++), networking concepts, software development, languages (e.g., French, Japanese), interpersonal skills (e.g., communication), and managerial skills (leadership, team management, negotiation). Full-time faculty teaches 75% of these courses; professionals teach 10% of the courses and the outside vendors offer rest of the courses. All fresh technology entrants receive 14.5 weeks of training: 3 days of orientation (e.g. corporate culture, customers), 5 week of foundation courses (e.g. programming, systems development, interpersonal skolls), 7 weeks of technology courses (e.g. C++,UNIX,HTML), and 2 weeks of group project. In addition, training is provided as a part of the continuing education.

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Beyond entry-level training, people may nominate themselves for the scheduled courses. Close to 100 courses are offered each quarter, with duration from 1 day to 6 days. Most courses are presented in classrooms, some in labs. In addition, course may be offered on request. Training needs are assessed through various mechanisms; the objective is to fine-tune them to business needs. First the corporate management determines segment-wise technology requirements. These expectations are communicated to the education and research department. So, for instance, the education and research department may be informed of the requirement for 500 people with knowledge in Internet technology in the near future. Specific skill needs such as interfacing with Microsoft or Java may be determined through a deeper analysis. Typically, about 3-6 months advance notice is provided. Training needs may also be assessed through the regular planning meetings. In these meetings, the expected projects for the coming year are forecasted. These projects determine skill requirements (e.g., 300400 project managers for 500 projects). Based on current skill availability and skill demand, training needs are determined. The education and research department also tracks specific technologies; the number of requests for the technology from clients may also determine course offerings. Infosys also offers training and development support to academic institutions by providing exposure to industry, in the form of sabbaticals at Infosys, training programs, and sharing courseware.


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Charged with the responsibility of developing human assets in a fast paced environment, career management at Infosys faces two challenges: a shift from a focus on technical expertise in the career to a focus on management expertise, and the speed with which this refocusing must be accomplished. Nandita Gurjar, the Corporate Development Manager describes the first challenge as follows: Management skills have become increasingly relevant for Infosys because of its ever-increasing volume of business as well as its shift towards consulting business. As the number of projects to be handled has increases, the demand for project management skills in goal setting, communication, coaching, delegation and team management has also increased. Invariably the technical personnel are chosen to move to a management track. This choice is ironic in some ways because the better an individual is in technical skills (such as writing code) the more likely he/she is to be moved away from using the technical expertise into a management track requiring management expertise. Technical expertise provides an individual legitimacy and respect from co-workers making them a natural choice as a team leader. Within a short time span the team leaders are required to manage projects, clients and the people working on these projects. It, therefore, becomes necessary for the individual to abandon their technical expertise- something that has been very salient to their identity in the course of education and early career, when they aspire to be smart techies, and start collecting a repertoire of managerial capabilities. While developing management skills by attending management

development programs 2-3 years ago was one of the nice things to do, it has now become a business necessity. The nature of management skills required is further complicated by the fact that at Infosys, managers are also required to manage from remote. Team members are apread
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geographically and may not meet each other or the team leader for a year or perhaps never. As hiring overseas gathers momentum, the demands may be further exacerbated by the fact that team members may belong to different backgrounds and may not completely understand the organization and the country culture. The second challenge facing career management is compression in career, an effect of the speed at which employees must move from one stage in their career to another. The new hires are very young (22 years old) and they are put under managers who are 24 years old. At 30 these employees are managers of managers. At 35 an individual can potentially become a vice-president. Management skills become necessary at a very earlt stage in life and career of an individual at Infosys. Rapid change is a constant challenge. It is a challenge to teach a 24-year old to become a manager. The young individual believes, I have not yet grown, but you are saying, you have to do it. Just when you become used to something you are pulled out of it and it is time to move on to something else. Those who can cope with this change emerge as leaders (perhaps at the age of 32); others fall back and become comfortable where they are. The whole career development progress in Infosys is therefore comparatively shorter than in other companies. To address the pressing need for management development, Infosys has put in place some training programs. These include:

First time manager program: This is a 5-day program for new managers, designed to change a managers mind-set from an individual to a more managerial one, where the focus has to shift from managing individual performance to managing team performance.

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The manager of managers program: The program is geared towards teaching managerial skills (such as delegation, team management) to more senior managers.

Infosys leadership program: The program emphasizes the dynamic environment outside of Infosys and the adaptation to its environment. Once again, the objective is to create a mind-shift for the senior managers, from looking inward at the internal operations to become aware of external change factors.

Compressed careers bring with them other challenges: stress and burnout. With technology-assisted communication devices (e.g., Palm Pilots, cell phones and home computers) employees are multi-tasking, even in meetings. The potential for stress is enormous, intensified by the time zones differences that make the employees accessible around the clock. Thus, working around the clock, coupled with extensive travel and minimal time to manage work and non-work needs may cause many employees in the future to burnout.

2.9 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance appraisal is a rigorous comprehensive process at Infosys, tied to the future development of the individuals skills and capabilities. First, an evaluation of performance skills is carried out for the tasks assigned to an individual during the appraisal period. The criteria used to evaluate performance on tasks are derived from the business goals and include; timeliness, quality of work, customer satisfaction, developing others, knowledge dissemination, peer satisfaction in the team, increased business potential, and developing optimal task solutions. The evaluation of personal skills and abilities is carried out for the following: learning and analytical ability, decision making, team leadership, change management, communication skills, teamwork, planning, and organising skills. Each
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criterion is described and measured on a 5-point scale. Further, each of the scale points are anchored to descriptions of expected behaviour. Performance appraisal is carried out semi-annually, in July and January. A 360-degree appraisal is carried out for all employees. Appraisals are sought from peers, direct supervisors, subordinates, and customers. A minimum of 6 to 7 appraisal reports are collected for each employee. All appraisal forms are completed online and the data is maintained in a central database. The appraisal information is used to identify training courses and other developmental interventions. Future objectives for both task accomplishment and individual skills development are based on the results of the semi-annual evaluation.

COMPENSATION We compensate out human assets in three ways. We add learning value through training and development and appraisal practices. We add emotional value through initiatives directed towards supporting employees with their work and personal needs, and we add financial value through monetary compensation. - Hema Ravichandar, Senior VP, HRM Although Infosys faces strong domestic and international competition for its human assets, through enticing offers from competitors, the compensation level at Infosys equals the average industry level for each country. It is neither above market nor below the market level. The belief is that financial value, when combined with learning and emotional values, yields a total compensation greater than that offered elsewhere in the industry.

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Infosys is one of the first Indian companies to offer stock option plans to their employees. Currently Infosys offers three option plans that cover all Infosys employees. In addition to such statutory benefits as pension, medical and leave, Infosys also offers a loan program that employees find very attractive. Loans may be taken for pursuing a degree program such as an MBA, or to meet such personal needs as purchasing a car or a house. The interest rate varies (4% for a car purchase and 0-4% for a house purchase). To date, almost all loans have been repaid.

2.11 INFOSYS OVERSEAS HRM Overseas, the main thrust of HRM at Infosys has come from its Global Delivery Model. The objective of this model is to support customers using virtual teams that span geographic locations. Recently, however, the focus has shifted from producing at lowest cost and selling at maximum price to producing at locations that provide other benefits. For example, production demands arising from customer needs in Canada, London, or the USA may require that production be carried out in that specific country. Or, in another instance, the dot com customers require the latest technical expertise that may not be available in India, so that development must be hired from Silicon Valley in California. Currently, the greatest need at Infosys is to hire people at all overseas locations, with about 1,000 hires in the next year in the U.S. and 100 in Canada. Before the NASDAQ listing, Infosys could not pay overseas hires, because Indian stock options are not fungible. However, since 1999, Infosys has been recruiting actively in North America (including Canada). A drawback that Infosys faces in attracting candidates is that it has very low brand equity for Infosys in its own immediate market, but to most people it is still relatively unknown.
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The recruitment strategies being used at the campuses in the U.S are similar to those used by all other companies. These include lobbying with campus career centers, giving talks to student groups, sending email campaigns, participating in career fairs, and so on. However, certain aspects of the recruitment unique to Infosys offer are a recruiting advantage. They offer extensive training, which few other companies will offer. The training includes classroom training and mock projects. After a year our employees are as good as the best Bachelor of Computer Science in the world. Subsequently, employees have the opportunity to sign up any course as a part of their continuous learning process. With an increasing hiring rate, Infosys plans to set up training facilities in U.S itself. The other aspect of recruitment that provides an advantage to Infosys is our willingness to hire anyone with any reasonable math or science background (for example, economics, math, statistics, physics or chemistry). This is a departure from the hiring practices of other firms that focus on the traditional computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering backgrounds. This approach to hiring is attracting a lot of attention. Given our proven track record of training non-computer background people in India, we can do it again here, as long as there is some degree of analytical background in the curriculum and the person has a good GPA. Although learnability is an important criterion for hiring even in North America, the written test used in India to screen out applicants cannot be used in the USA. Instead the screening criterion is GPA of 3.0. This compares to a 70% cutoff used by Infosys for students from Indian Universities. The other characteristics considered important are interpersonal skills and communication ability, ability to work under pressure, and to travel extensively. While hiring in North America, Infosys particularly emphasizes communication and interpersonal skills, because of their experience that candidates in north America possess these more
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than candidates in India. In contrast employees hired in India are stronger in technical skills. A team compromising both skills is therefore very advantageous, and can potentially create learning from each others skills. Subject knowledge is a distant third or fourth level criterion, based on a assumption that, if the person has applied his/her mind to understand a concept in his/her own discipline, then it is very probably not difficult to teach the person software programming. Overseas, Infosys maintains the same compensation strategy as in India, namely, that they are not industry leaders in pay. To attract candidates they emphasise the entire employment package. Features of the package include career advancement opportunities, autonomy, and more early career responsibility compared to competitors. Culture has so far not been a major barrier in Infosyss ability to do business in India.

2.12 FUTURE PLANS Infosys plans to maintain its growth rate in India and to expand overseas. It has already set up a software development center in Toronto and plans to set up more centers soon. It plans to hire a substantial number of employees over the next few years in its overseas offices. As a part of its growth strategy, Infosys is exploring possible candidates for acquisitions in the US. Infosys believes that pursuing selective acquisitions of IT services and software applications firms could expand its technical expertise, facilitate expansion into new vertical markets, anf increase its clients base. As part of its business strategy Infosys is gearing to move up the value chain and provide end-to-end solutions to clients.
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Infosys will have to achieve these objectives in the face of many challenges. These include increased global competition and labour cost, rapid growth, and increased employee diversity. As Infosys expands overseas, it will experience increased competition from firms with potentially lower labour costs and with greater ability to respond to changing client IT preferences. Historically, Infosyss labour costs have been lower than those of service providers in the United States and Europe. However, because wages in India are currently increasing at a faster rate than in the US, Infosys will experience shrinking profit margins in the future. The rapid growth of Infosys challenges its ability to attract and retain skilled personnel. Overseas hires and acquisitions will result in Infosys experiencing increased employee diversity of cultures. Increased diversity will also come from a different set of skills required for expansion into consulting business.



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TCS plans to recruit 30,000 persons in this financial year up to March 2007." - S. Padmanabhan , Executive VP, Global HR, TCS 3.1 INTRODUCTION India's largest tech company is also its best IT employer. It is not the pay alone. What is the key to the ever-complicated HR management puzzle? Well, asking the brains at TCS could help. When an above 70,000 employee-strong organization emerges as the best employer, one cannot help but wonder what it really takes to keep such a huge workforce added both organically and inorganically-really satisfied in these trying times. The company hogs the limelight when it is managing to maintain the lowest attrition rate in the industry. The figure is around 10% when the industry average hovers around 20%. Currently, 7.5% of TCS' workforce belongs to other nationalities and are spread across the globe. True to the characteristics of a global organization, TCS has added a local flavor to all its existing HR policies. S. Padmanabhan, Executive VP, Global HR, further asserts that, "The DNA of the company is to create an easy work environment and this has been built over years of effort." Not considered the best paymaster in the industry, TCS' compensation structure is also based on a simple philosophy - it is not sufficient to give a lot, but give it to the right people. Managing the people, revenues and the customers constitutes an ideal organization. TCS seems to be the perfect depiction, at least in the Indian IT scenario. What is there in TCS' HR practices that make it the best and biggest? Can it keep its head above water, in its efforts to grow even bigger?

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3.2 BACKGROUND Sticking on to the tested and tried procedures does not qualify the existence of a company in the present environment, which is never the same on two consecutive days. It takes timely alterations in its HR practices to keep it abreast with the others in the race. When it comes to TCS, not just being in par is key, but leaping forward at a staggering pace ahead of its competitors holds the key. The company should effectively harness its human capital by making the necessary modifications in its HR practices from time to time. The HR practices should be in alignment with the overall strategy and processes for the company to keep going in the rat and mouse game. TCS has been thriving for this many years in a big way, and it becomes evident that HRM is in line with the strategy. In fact, TCS was the 'live case study' that capped off a six-day 'strategic leadership-training program' organized by the All-India Management Association and conducted by faculty from the Harvard Business School at the Tata Management Training Centre, Pune. The strategists speak volumes about the company. Appreciating the fact that, TCS was a role model, how about the torrential times ahead? The company is getting bigger and the competition more heated up. Hats off to TCS HR strategies till date. It is not the past but the future that counts. The company is assured of a bright future if it frames the HR strategies that is really becoming, as it has done in the past. Keeping the tempo going, but modifications and interventions at the right time in the proper way will keep its position intact. Easier said than done. The big H - HOW? Thus strategic HRM comes to the forefront submerging HRM. The following discussion sheds light into the techniques of HRM adopted by TCS that enabled smooth functioning and growth in the global scenario.

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3.3 OVERVIEW OF HR IN TCS 3.3.1 Diversity in Workplace According to Anjali Prayag, "For Indian companies, managing a diverse workforce is no longer a choice but an imperative." TCS is an equalopportunity employer and TCSers come from many nationalities and speak many languages. TCS has the culture of celebrating everything under the sun, singing carols at Christmas and doing the dandiya dance at Navrathri with equal enthusiasm. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) will recruit 4,000 foreign nationals in the forthcoming fiscal, including 800 people in the US and 1,000 in Latin America and the rest in China and Eastern Europe, according to Mr. S. Padmanabhan, Executive Vice-President of Global HR. The company intends to build a workforce with over 7.5% representation of foreign nationals. It is noteworthy that more than 25% of the employees are females. The company has adopted the diversified workforce approach in order to create a comfortable environment for clients and employees who work along with it on specific projects. The HR practioners who make a large hue and cry about bringing out the best using a diverse workforce can really quote TCS as an example. One of the chief reasons for the diversity drive was the 9/11 disaster. The move was initiated as a risk mitigating mechanism wherein, the company does not have to take the risk of losing its entire workforce due to a single catastrophe. The far sightedness of the company in this regard is further revealed by the strategy they plan to recruit the diverse workforce. In order to do this, the company is looking to implement the campus recruitment framework that it has in India in foreign countries. The company has established
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relationships with 180 campuses in India where it held recruitments and made 8,000 offers in the first quarter of 2006-07. Abroad, it is still in the process of building relationships with universities and colleges such as Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and some universities in China. Acquisitions of Australia-based Financial Network Services, a 200-people strong company that offers retail-banking solutions, and Chile-based Comicrom, banking and pensions BPO that has about 930 people on its rolls, was also done as an effort to widen the foreign employee base of the company. The Indian IT scenario as such is transforming. Infosys has also announced an intake of 300 graduates from universities in the US in 2006 and about 25 from universities in the UK in 2007 as part of its commitment to create a diversified workforce. Though companies like Infosys and Wipro also go for the same, they are not successful with respect to TCS. Wipro is finding it a real challenge to manage the diverse workforce. TCS is fitting in the present. 3.3.2 Learning & Development (L&D) L&D Mission - "To enhance the competency capital of TCS, through cocreation of learning experience continuously and consistently, so as to facilitate delivery of world-class human capability to the customer, enabling the company to achieve its vision." TCS invests about 4 per cent of its annual revenues in Learning and Development, to build competency capital within the company in cutting edge technologies, domain and functional areas. Special emphasis is placed on providing necessary learning interventions to associates with potential of being leaders in the company. Thus, it is evident that focus is divided equally between the regular employees and managerial employees alike. All the learning programs are
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mapped to competencies and address learning needs at different proficiency levels. Learning and Development managers closely work with business to develop and deliver programs that will make our associates deliver value-for-money to our customers. Assessment centers are also being used by TCS. Inarguably, TCS is one of the real pioneers in the training. The state-of-the-art center in Thiruvanantapuram is by far the best than its adversaries. Several levels of learning are provided in TCS. Each of the levels is unique, aimed with varying objectives. The proactivity of the company comes to light, with the inclusion of newer modules as per the requirement. 3.3.3 Initial Learning Program (ILP) TCS Initial Learning Program is designed to provide a smooth transition from Campus to Corporate environment. The program is designed to transform graduate engineers into IT Consultants with global mindset. The participants are put through a rigorous 47-day program that has good mix of technical skills and soft skills. 3.3.4 Continuous Learning Program (CLP) Continuous Learning Program (CLP) is a manifestation of the company's commitment to the continuous growth of associates, in line with the core value of Learning & Sharing. Programs under the CLP umbrella arise out of business strategies, project needs, technology and business directions and individual aspirations, and span across Technologies, Domains, Processes and Soft-skills. This lay emphasis on long-term, short-term and medium-term needs of the organization alike. 3.3.5 Leadership Development Program (LDP) The program is to churn out the future leaders for the company. Associates are carefully assessed for leadership potential and then put
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through rigorous branded programs. TCS also encourages associates to attend various programs at premier B-schools across the globe. 3.3.6 Foreign Language Initiative (FLI) Foreign Language Initiative is to help the associates to communicate effectively with the customers. Under this initiative, associates are encouraged to learn one or more foreign languages. This initiative also helps associates to use English effectively for business communication. This is highly beneficial in a company with a diverse workforce. The crosscultural issues are curtailed with the proper use of communication. 3.3.7 Workplace Learning Apart from all these initiatives TCS encourages "workplace learning". Associates are encouraged to learn while at work. To facilitate this, TCS has subscribed a huge library of e-Learning courses and online books. The classroom session and e-Learning materials complement each other. 3.3.8 EVA & Compensation Management An extremely competitive compensation scale, is rendered solidarity by a highly effective 'economic value added' (EVA) model, first of its kind to adopt the practice in India. It is a basis for measuring performance and bonus, and is measured at the enterprise and department levels. The EVA system calculates profits after considering all costs, including that of capital. If the revenues are in excess of the costs, including operating expenses, costs of developing and investing in the people, products and business, then value has been created. 3.4 THE EVA MODEL In giving shape to the EVA model, an organization needs to keep its focus towards the ultimate goal of aligning its people to the corporate mission,
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creating an entrepreneurial culture through an empowered work force, and building ownership with accountability. TCS worked out an EVA framework to align corporate value with the performance of the constituent business units and the individuals who comprised these. It translated to a compensation model, where the employee had a share in the corporate pie with add-ons from the profits of the Business Unit and the Individual Performance Factor. At the individual level, an employee needs to know the drivers to tweak to enhance the EVA of the company, of the business unit, and his own contribution towards all these. There are three basic drivers - revenue, cost, and capital charge. Revenue is driven by the rate or license price put into the product, sales, billable hours, response time, and domain skills. The individual works towards the improvement of the benefit package, which essentially has three components - the Corporate EVA, the Business Unit EVA, and the Individual Performance Factor. Out of the total EVA payment, a certain percentage goes to each employee on the basis of corporate EVA improvement. Secondly, if your business unit did better than another business unit, then automatically you got more than the other business unit. Again it is a team reward concept. The third one depends on the evaluation of individual performance.

3.4.1 Strategic Benefits of EVA With the introduction of EVA, yet another plank has fallen into place in the systemic efforts towards optimization. With the introduction of EVA, the company has to take a fresh look at the integrated system in a holistic perspective, and evolve ways and means of optimizing it.

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Implementation of EVA requires the integration of the planning and the tracking process. TCS sought to achieve this through a home grown tool called e-Pilot, which essentially drills down from strategy to day-to-day activity. This facilitates the integrated planning approach, in defining the corporate EVA, linking it to the business unit/cell, and further to various components down the line, all the way to the drivers connected to each activity. 3.4.2 Incentive Scheme A comprehensive EVA-based Incentive Compensation Plan is designed for the employees. Building the incentive scheme requires a detailed exercise in arriving at the target EVA. The TCS model was defined backed by a market analysis and a study of 24 competitors, largely outside India. The framework had specifications for target EVA, with carefully defined EVA intervals and provision for the positioning of zero EVA. The gradation continued through incentives corresponding target attainment, the double incentive. TCS is also implementing the bonus bank at the individual level. This exercise begins with a target bonus being ear-marked for allocation on corporate target realization, with a built in multiplication factor for exceeding the targeted EVA. When the corporate target is exceeded, a 'potential bonus' is declared. This accrues to the bonus bank of the individual as two components: Component A, the result of the share in the corporate pie; Component B, a composite factor depending on the business unit and individual performance. The accruals are cumulated over the years and the pay out each year is decided as a portion of this cumulative balance, leaving a surplus in the bonus bank. This concept of bonus bank allows an unlimited multi-year decision horizon, replacing the traditional thresholds and caps. It demands sustainable performance

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improvements, and maintains the important cumulative relationship between pay and performance.

3.4.3 Separation Following steps as part of my separation/ exit process :

1 months notice period has to be given. Fill formal forms to get NOC from HR( for not owing any money to tcs, and for not being leggaly bound in anyway for any contract penalty). NOC for IT (laptop phone etc) NOC for library. Transitioning of the project after a backup/ replacement guy is recommended by the person leaving the organization. Also the approval of the client is important for the backup personal. Transfer of knowledge and training of the team for the expertise of the person leaving the oraganization. This is achieved by HR creating some sort of backup or succession plan for each team member ahead of time and have regular training and knowlege transfer as well as rotations within the team.

3.5 JOURNEY AHEAD TCS seemed to have done everything right till now. Their HR practices are so unique and they do rely on the buzz word of the era "knowledge capital". They ascribe such importance to training and learning to tap the potentials embedded in their workforce. EVA seems to be a concept that is
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well-implemented that extracts optimum performance. Synergy is brought to the fore by the interplay of workforce across the globe. They are providing different kinds of benefits to its employees to keep them intact. Above all, they were able to rightly mould their procedures in a way it matched with the changing requirements of the environment. Does all this provide room for complacency? The answer would be no. It would be casuistry to assume that it will be able to fit in the environment in the turbulent years to follow. The company is sitting pretty comfortably as their attrition rate is way below the industry average. They seem to underplay the fact that these figures are on the rise and have climbed to two figures from 6.1% in 2003-04. The gap between TCS and others are threateningly closing up. TCS cannot afford to relax and dwell on the previous statistics. Innovative interventions, as they have done in the past, are the real need of the hour. The big H-How is left to the strategists of the company. The message is transparent - curb the attrition rates. Too many cooks spoil the broth is an old saying that has its complete essence in the context of TCS. The company is widely practicing the concept of diversity and believes to generate the best out of it. So far so good, but how long it can be sustained? An unprecedented rise in the number of foreign nationals to increase the diversity in all probability will froth the cross-cultural issues and will start to be dysfunctional. Incidents related to diversity problems are being reported. A diverse organization is shaped or influenced by the basic corporate culture, geographical culture and personal culture of the people at various levels in the organization, which in turn is affected by the client culture. Thus, the cultural implications of diversity in an area that is to be looked into. TCS, known to have a good work culture can it maintain the status quo? Diversity management is not just managing gender diversity and
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ethnicity. The art, if not mastered, can impede the smooth functioning. It also means revising the retention strategies. "No two countries have the same retirement benefits," asserts Padmanabhan. So are the reward strategies and other parameters. It takes efforts to manage these effectively. Padmanabhan himself admits, "We have been dealing with and are used to working with foreigners as clients or business associates, but certainly not as team members." The chief factors causing problems between onshore and offshore workers were different communication styles (76 per cent of the times), different approaches to completing talks (53 per cent), different attitudes toward conflict (44 per cent) and different decision-making styles (44 per cent). The company should work out the threshold regarding diversity as they are bounded by capabilities. Daring to cross or accidentally crossing it would result in a debacle. TCS should be able to cut the line. The limiting point is again left in the hands of strategists. TCS is considered as one of the real aces when it comes to training and learning. But the modes of training might again prove to be obsolete tomorrow. They have to adopt newer modes of training, in a scenario when the competitors with Infosys in particular are picking up real pace. With reference to the effective learning and training approach as given in Exhibit 2, how the company can cope? Unless it is taken care of, it might prove detrimental for their growth. EVA has got its own inherent dangers. EVA was done with a view to inculcate long-term orientation in the minds of the employees. Effective implementation demands short-term targets. This reverse impact was unanticipated by the think-tanks of TCS. It all converges to the same point. What does the future has in store for TCS? There is no other side for the argument that it has to change to seal their secured future. The discussion unfolds here. Which path to opt? The tools and techniques that the company has to adopt, especially when it is
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in a growing mood. The company is the biggest and best but how can it retain the same status in its future efforts to grow. Neither of the attributes (big or best) can be compromised. An HR strategy in alignment with the future strategies of the company, addressing quality, clients, innovation and global outlook is the panacea. But How?

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

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Exhibit 3

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Exhibit 3

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Exhibit 4

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