TB. Maliku - BG. Sarana Jaya - Draft by PT. SUCOFINDO Balikpapan

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Certificate No.

Issuing Office Jl. Jend. A. Yani Km 7,8 No 21A Banjarmasin 70654, Indonesia Phone/Facs: +62 511 3271080/3258111 Email : rkt.bjm@sucofindo.co.id

Date: August, 28th 2012


VESSEL PRINCIPAL (S) : : TB. " MALIKU " / BG. " SARANA JAYA PT. DNX INDONESIA Park View Plaza, 1st Floor Jl. Taman Kemang No. 27, Jakarta - 12730, Indonesia 1 (One) Unit Tug Boat and 1 (one) Barge On board the vessel whilst berthed at Pulau Bakut, Barito Kuala Banjarmasin South Kalimantan August, 25th up to 26th 2012 - Per Email dated on August 24th 2012 - Summary Order No. BJM.BPP.2012.02082 Dated on August, 28th 2012


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Finding: I. Tug Boat MALIKU " A. Tug Boat condition a. The ships hull , generally in proper condition, provided with tire fender. b. Main Deck and equipment on deck generally in proper condition. c. Bridge Deck and Top Deck and railings generally in proper condition. d. Main Engine, Auxiliary Engine, Pumps and other equipment generally in operable condition. e. Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment in proper condition. f. Navigation Equipment provided on board. g. Towing equipment provided on board, generally in proper condition. h. Bunkers, lubricating oil and fresh water remained on board : - MDO = 1,070 liters - LO = 50 liters - FW = 5,000 liters B. Tug Boat Certificate - There are eight certificates provided on board when the surveyor inspection, all still valid. II. Barge SARANA JAYA A. Barge Condition a. Hull plate, deck plate and equipment on deck were found rust and proper condition. b. The barge was found not provided with anchor and navigation light c. Rampdoor rust and proper condition. d. Operating system of rampdoor by shore crane and assist by chain block. B. Barge Certificate - There are eight certificates provided on board when the surveyor inspection, all still valid. The attachment available is an integral part of this report.
This Certificate/report is issued under our General Terms and Conditions, copy of which is available upon request or may be accessed at www.sucofindo.co.id

Department of General Inspection



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