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Make It Explicit In Your Topic Sentences & Explanations

REMINDER : How you craft your topic sentence affects the rest of the paragraph. Your topic sentence should address the question directly.

Is it acceptable to use technology only for financial benefit ?

Intro / Thesis Statement : What is tech for ? What can it do? Make the world better ! As such, I disagree with such a narrow mercenary focus. Using it only for financial benefit suggests that tech may not necessarily be used in areas where it is needed if this is unprofitable. This creates or worsens inequity, which is not acceptable ! Focussing only on financial benefits suggests that there is no need to care how the tech is used as long as it makes money This is not acceptable ! It could cause problems for social welfare 3

Is it acceptable to use technology only for financial benefit ?

Sample Topic Sentences/Points For Paragraphs : It is not acceptable to use technology only for financial gain because ... 1. tech would only be used by those who can afford it, thus aggravating inequity. 2. tech would be applied to lucrative efforts instead of problems that desperately need attention. 3. tech could be used to exploit the consumer just to get their money (planned obsolescence, ineffective products, addiction). 4. tech would be sold without questioning what the intentions are. 5. the tech is used to increase production without care for the environment (wastefulness, depletion, pollution) 6. ironically, tech would not be successful as an income generator, if the desires and welfare of the consumers were not taken care of 7. Wrap Up : Using tech only for money goes against the spirit of science & tech to understand the world & make it better

Does science and tech really solve the worlds ills ?

Intro / Thesis Statement : What is sci & tech for ? For a better world ! To solve the worlds ills !

How effective is sci & tech ? Does it really / truly work ? Sci & tech does offer answers ... but it is not a magic bullet or panacea

Does science and tech really solve the worlds ills ?

Sample Topic Sentences/Points For Paragraphs : It does offer solutions some can be effective, enduring However, these solutions may be imperfect 1. Cause their own set of problems 2. May not always tackle the root causes of the problems 3. The problem of distributing or accessing the sci & tech hinders its effectiveness cost factor, political or legal hurdles 4. Time is needed to realise the potential of sci & tech (the tech is not ready yet) Resolution / Conclusion : Sci & tech alleviates but may not be truly able to eradicate the worlds ills.

REMINDER : Stick to the topic and keywords even as you explain. Do not let other factors hijack your topic.

The economic competitiveness of a country is largely determined by the quality of its people. Do you agree ?

Intro / Thesis Statement : I agree ... and other factors that contribute to economic competitiveness are not as significant as the need for quality people OR I disagree ... Other factors are just as significant or even more crucial for a countrys economic competitiveness
How could the paragraphs be written for this stand ?

The economic competitiveness of a country is largely determined by the quality of its people. Do you agree ?

Sample Paragraph: Peace and political stability has a great impact on economic competitiveness. Without peace and stability, the country would not be able to pursue economic growth even it had a large pool of talent. When there is conflict, people live in fear and many sectors come to a standstill or infrastructure is destroyed. Such chaos also makes it difficult for a country to put in effort to develop the quality of its people. Education and training could be disrupted. The opportunities to make use of those skills are also limited

The economic competitiveness of a country is largely determined by the quality of its people. Do you agree ?

Sample Paragraph: For some developing countries, the population size is a great determiner of economic competitiveness, rather than the quality of its people. A large population size is difficult to groom uniformly, so a significant proportion of the population will not be skilled enough since development takes time and the countrys current resources are stretched. In such a situation, the country is likely to use its numbers as economic leverage to build low-end manufacturing industries since its workforce is under-skilled and cannot produce high-end or hightech goods.

REMINDER : Do not lose focus of the topic and keywords even as you explain. The more requirements there are, the more careful and focussed you must be.

Examine the claim that whatever is new is always better.

Intro / Thesis Statement : I disagree with such an absolute statement There are situations where the new is better (than the old) But there are also situations where the old is just as good as, or even better than, the new. OR : Depends on whether ... the new effectively meets the needs of the current context. the people know how to make best use of the new. the gains of having what is new outweigh the losses of giving up the old

Examine the claim that whatever is new is always better.

Sample Topic Sentences / Points : The new (methods, things, ideas) can be better Healthcare nutrition, disease control, treatment Globalization transport/travel and trade Ideas in Education, Politics However, there are situations where the old is better or just as good Old places, traditions, culture identity, rootedness The wisdom of the enduring values, principles, practices Modern-day problems mental, emotional, social, health (compare with the past) Advertising, consumerism detrimental promotion 13 of the new

Examine the claim that whatever is new is always better.

Sample Paragraph (for a dependent factor): The new can be better than the old if people know how to make the best use of the new. New technologies and gadgets convenient, saves time, portable, multi-function digital natives will appreciate all these improvements. On the other hand, those who have trouble adjusting prefer the familiarity of old methods or devices think new technologies are complicated to master, troublesome & waste of time to keep relearning changing to the new also takes up money think they are worse off with the new

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