Exercises For Comparatives: 1. Put The Following ADJECTIVES Into Their Comparative and Superlative Forms

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Exercises 2


1. Put the following ADJECTIVES into their Comparative and Superlative forms. -. -. -. -. -. Handsome Thin Good Thick Narrow -. -. -. -. -. Useful Lazy Fat Expensive Generous -. -. -. -. -. Far Stubborn Healthy Busy Polite -. -. -. -. -. Calm Energetic Wet Old Violent

2. Translate into English. -. -. -. -. -. Hoy hace fro, pero ayer hizo ms fro. Fue el da ms fro del ao. La pelcula no es tan buena como yo crea. l es el chico que estudia ms. Ella es la chica ms guapa del mundo. Tu amigo es menos inteligente de lo que l se cree.

3. Change the following sentences as it is indicated. -. -. -. -. -. -. Margaret isnt as beautiful as Susan. => Superiority John isnt as tall as Henry. => Equality The first film was more interesting than the second. => Inferiority His opponent didnt play as confidently as he did. => Superiority My friend ran faster than I did. => Equality She behaved more calmly than you did. => Inferiority

4. Write comparative sentences with these pair of elements. -. -. -. -. Your life now / Your life five years ago Peter weighs 70 kilos / Ronald weighs 70 kilos Spain / Another country Your level of English two years ago / Your level of English now

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