Alexander II - General Ppt. Presentation

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starter activity

On 13 March 1881, after a succession of attempts on his life, Tsar Alexander IIs (1855-81) luck finally ran out.

Does Alexander II deserve the title, Tsar Aims Liberator?

To produce a profile of Tsar Alexander II To evaluate the reforms of his reign

Your task

Read about the character & main achievements of Alexander II on p.8 of Murphy & 23-4 of Oxley. Write a profile (100 words) of Alexander II including: Character Key achievements Failings Other noteworthy facts

Your task
Work in groups. Read through the information and report back to the class on the reforms and their success or not that Alexander introduced. 1. Army (p.29) 2. Local government (p.30) 3. Law (p.30-1) 4. Censorship and the press (p.31) 5. Education (p.31-2) 6. Economy (p.32) 7. Nationalities (p.32) Extension: read the other sections and prepare 3 questions to ask the people feeding back to the class

According to one French writer, Alexander left Russia, an incomplete and uncomfortable dwelling where friends and opponents of innovation felt almost equally ill at ease. How true was this statement?


Complete section one of your study guide on Russia

Extension task

Write an obituary on Alexander II, mentioning his reforms. Write it from the point of view of a supporter, but then highlight and annotate all the things an opponent would disagree with.


Describe the personality of Alexander II List his main achievements and failings Does he deserve the title Tsar Liberator?

Extension: .


Read more about the achievements and failings of Alexander II in Chronicle of the Russian Tsars (Warnes)

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