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Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba July 9, 2013: The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs today passed a resolution at their 25th Annual General Assembly to support Red Sucker Lake First Nations No Free Entry Declaration. The Governments of Manitoba and Canada continue to ignore the spirit and intent of Treaties by imposing their narrow interpretation and promoting their paternalistic and colonial laws and policies which has prevented First Nation resource equity development in our ancestral lands said Grand Chief Derek Nepinak. We are only looked at as expenses on a balance sheet instead of being looked at as equal partners thereby denying our full participation in any negotiations as it pertains to industry exploration and extraction activities. Treaties recognize and entrench the inherent and original freedoms of Indigenous Nations who entered into these sacred agreements as free, autonomous, and self-sufficient Nations. The time has come for us to demand that governments recognize and reconcile First Nation sovereignty and desist from asserting jurisdiction on First Nation ancestral lands. This is why the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs decided to support this resolution, Grand Chief Nepinak concluded. After thirty years of drilling on Red Sucker Lake First Nation traditional territory without due consideration for the protection of the environment and community benefits by Mega Precious Metals, the citizens of RSLFN voted to stop all mineral explorations. The Chief and Council then flew to Twin Lakes to post a Stop Work Order and Eviction Notice. This resulted in Mega Precious Metals to obtain a court injunction on July 3, 2013 preventing RSLFN from trespassing at their project sites. This order also prevents any person or organization from counselling or physically obstructing the project site. It was never the intent of our ancestors to move from a nation to nation relationship based on equality into a relationship where we as a people are marginalized and living in poverty. This is the reason why we developed this declaration and why we are happy the AMC has voted to support us in this manner said Chief Les Harper, Red Sucker Lake First Nation.

For more information please contact: Sheila North Wilson Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 204- 805-1759

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