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Many People Put Off Till Tomorrow What They Should do Today Do you usually procrastinate things?

In our days, most of people is becoming very lazy. Everyday, some people is starting to postpone homework. They don`t do it when they can or have time. Some people waste time, and they start to accumulate things. Finally, they don`t do it. If people take advantage of the time, they could see how important it is. People should star being more organized. When most of people put off till tomorrow what they should do today, they just waste important time. They can get a schedule. Stop being lazy and maybe we can be helped by others. If people organize their time, they can know how important it is. By a schedule, people can star to organize their activities. They know what to do in the day, and they make the time very useful. They do the activities. We need responsibility too. We need to leave the laziness and we should work. Most of the time, we dont do the things only because we are lazy. We start to think like: ok tomorrow Ill do it. The day passed We almost always procrastinate, and finally we dont do the pendent activity. In the final case, we need help. When people continue being lazy, they need the control of others. If we have someone that is continuously saying us our activities, finally we do them. The best help could be from our parents. Yes, I procrastinate thinks. I have bad results, and them Im asking myself why I didnt do it before. People is lazy and irresponsible. We need help like having a schedule. We can ask for help too. We procrastinate. We lose important time. So, what are we waiting to use it right? Time well spent is like gold.

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