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I Found Life Was Full of Joy found- life- was- full- of- joy/ Februray 4, 2013

I Found Lif e Was Full of Joy when lived wit h an open heart and hands in a childs playf ul laught er in a lovers warm and welcoming arms and kiss in f ields of wildf lowers by a mount ain st ream under a night s f ull moon when I asked f or less and enjoyed what I had more when I believed t he best and st opped t hinking t he worst in t he sweet company of f amily and f riends when I knew someone needed me and I needed t hem when I respect ed my own soul and it s needs in t he places my eyes f east ed on beaut y when I st opped t o celebrat e t hem when I gave wit hout demanding t o be given in ret urn when I enjoyed what came, accept ed what I lost , andt reasured everyt hing t hat t ouched me I Found Lif e Was Full of Joy

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