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Stage 3 - Study of a Cultural Group

Southeast Asia

Term: 1 2 3 4 Weeks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Overview: This unit provides opportunities for students to develop understanding and appreciation of traditional Southeast cultures and how it has changed as a result of interactions with other cultures.

Outcomes and Indicators

CUS3.4 Examines how cultures change through interactions with other cultures and the environment. Examines cultures within another nation. Compares cultural change in Australia with cultural change in other nations. Identifies the impact that the environment can have on any culture. Identifies the influence of technology on cultural change, eg television, Internet, satellite, short-wave radio, and fax. Examines how cultural diversity causes cultural change, including conflict. Recognises examples of stereotyping, sexism and racism. Explores cultural change in their own country of origin or in a country of interest. ENS3.6 Explains how various beliefs and practices influence the ways in which people interact with, change and value their environment. Examines factors that may give rise to different views about the care of places, eg economic circumstances, occupation, age, gender, interest in heritage. Evaluates alternative views about the use of natural and built environments, eg economic versus sociocultural perspectives. Examines how natural, cultural, religious, historical, economic and political factors can influence peoples interactions with environments. Examines issues associated with differing values about natural and built environments, using a variety of sources, including the media. m Ask About Asia Teacher Resource Book Various books from Scone Public School Library


English: The structure and language features of the text types students create and interpret (see above). Science and Technology: Content from the Built Environments strand. Creative and Practical Arts: Performance, models.

Links to other KLAs

Learning Experiences
General Introduction to Southeast Asia Ask whether any students have visited any countries in Southeast Asia. Ask if any students can name any of the countries in South East Asia (these include Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam) Display map of Southeast Asia on the board (see attachments). Discuss the various countries and their features. Hand out attachment 2 and together with students, read aloud and answer questions. To help give students an idea of significant places in Southeast Asia view: After viewing the presentation discuss with students why people choose to visit Southeast Asia as tourists, would they consider one day visiting Southeast Asia themselves or a particular country in Southeast Asia, why or why not. For more detailed overview and for further discussions on individual countries please visit: it is a great, and simple site to use Country Study-Group Study * RESOURCES ON SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE NEXT FEW LESSONS. * INFORM STUDENTS THAT AT THE COMPLETION OF THE 3 WEEK COUNTRY STUDY THEY WILL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AN ASSESSMENT ON THAT COUNTRY. Divide students into 7 groups. Give groups a choice of 7 countries (our suggestions are Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam as these will have the most information). Hand out group work role cards and discuss what each role entails. (We suggest swapping roles each week) Hand out to students Country Study Overview and explain in detail what will be required of them each week. Students complete part one of the project. Country Study-Group Study Students re-group into their project groups. Hand out group work role cards and discuss what each role entails. (We suggest swapping roles each week) Explain requirements in detail what will be required of them for this week. Students complete part two of the project.







Country Study-Group Study Students re-group into their project groups. Hand out group work role cards and discuss what each role entails. (We suggest swapping roles each week) Explain requirements in detail what will be required of them for this week. Students complete part three of the project. Country Study-Group Study Groups are required to present their country in an interesting and informative manner. Assessment Task: Hand out assessment task sheet to students to complete on their researched country individually. Special Days Students form their previous groups. Hand out copies of the calendar worksheets Students are to research significant days for their country throughout the year. Once all groups are complete bring students onto the floor for a whole class discussion. Discuss with students the similarities and differences between an Australian calendar and their countrys calendar. Gender Roles and stereotypes Students form their previous groups. Hand out copies of the Whats Their Role worksheets Students are to research information in accordance with the worksheet for their country. Once all groups are complete bring students onto the floor for a whole class discussion. Discuss with students the similarities and differences between an Australian gender roles and their countrys gender roles. Discuss with students what a stereotype is and what stereotypes they think are associated with gender roles both in Australia and in their country. Discuss with students that if they were to live in their chosen country what gender would they prefer to be and why. Endangered Animals/Environments Students form their previous groups. Students are required to research one endangered animal for their country. ( can link you to each country) Students should include: Brief description Habitat Food Why is it endangered Action to protect this animal













Once all groups are complete bring students onto the floor for a whole class discussion. Students are to present their findings to the class. Discuss what each country is doing to preserve these endangered species in comparison to what Australia does for its endangered species. Discuss if these animals were located in a country like Australia or even America, would they still be on the endangered list.

Extension Activities Individually students are to produce a front page cover for a newspaper from their chosen country (article ideas could be based on endangered animals, stereotypes and significant days)
OR Individually students are to produce a travel brochure for tourists advertising their chosen country.

Maps of Southeast Asia

Information on Southeast Asia

Group Work Cards

LEADER Your job is to: Makes sure that every voice is heard Focus work around the learning task Expressions you may need to use: RECORDER Your job is to: Compile group members ideas on paper Writes on the board for the whole class to see during the presentation Expressions you may need to use:

Lets hear from ____ next.

Thats interesting, but lets get back to our task.

PRESENTER Your job is to: Presents the groups finished work to the class Expressions you may need to use:

I think I heard you say________; is that right? How would you like me to write this?

How would you like this to sound?

ERRAND MONITOR and TIME KEEPER Your job is to: Briefly leaves the group to get supplies or to request help from the teacher when group members agree that they do not have the resources to solve the problem. Encourages the group to stay on task Announces when time is halfway through and when time is nearly up Expressions you may need to use:

Do you think its time to ask the teacher for help? Ill go and get the things we need. We only have five minutes left. Lets see if we can wrap up by then.

Southeast Asia Group Project

Introduction Your job will be to research your chosen country from Southeast Asian. You should use several different kinds of sources, such as the Internet or reference books. All research projects should include a bibliography that gives credit to the sources that were used. You are to use the information you gather to create a poster about your Southeast Asian country. You will be required to complete each step and be prepared to show your teacher each part of your project. It will be signed off by your teacher upon seeing what you have completed each week. Step One: Completed ______________ Signed:_____________ Hand out group work cards Pick a Southeast Asian Country from the list: Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Begin to find information on your country and make sure you print out or record where you found the information for next time. Step Two: Completed ______________ Signed:_____________ Hand out group work cards Find information to answer these key facts: Country name Capital Population Area Currency Geographical coordinates Climate Major cities Types of Government Languages spoken Religions National Symbol Major tourist attractions Find and print a picture of your countrys current leader Find and print a detailed map of your country (ensure you highlight the capital and major cities) Draw your countrys flag and national symbol Find and put into your own words a brief history of your country Step Three: Completed ______________ Signed:_____________ You will be presenting your work on 1 sheet of cardboard. You must include a heading Writing must be clear, neat and spelt correctly Pictures must have a border Try to make your project colourful BUT not too busy Step Four: Completed ______________ Signed:_____________ You will be presenting your work to the class Each member of your group must present one aspect of your project Try to make your presentation unique, interesting and entertaining!!

Southeast Asia Assessment Task

1. Fill in as many key facts on your researched country as you can think of:
a) Country name:__________________________________ b) Capital: _______________________________________ c) Population: ____________________________________ d) Area: _______________________________________ e) Currency: _____________________________________ f) Geographical coordinates: _________________________ g) Climate: ______________________________________ h) Major cities: ___________________________________ i) Types of Government: ____________________________ j) Languages spoken: _______________________________ k) Religions: ______________________________________ l) National Symbol: ________________________________ m) Major tourist attractions: _________________________
(1 mark each)

2. Draw your countrys Flag and National Symbol:

(1 mark each)


National Symbol

3. Brief history of your country:

(5 marks)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Calender Special Days

Gender Roles / Stereotypes January February March










Research how men and women are treated in your chosen country. Do they both have equal opportunities for education? Careers? Worship? Child Raising? What other areas can you find in which they differ? Male Female

Go to school

Complete primary school

Complete secondary school

Get a job

Work after marriage

Role in a family

Choice of clothing

Allowed in sacred areas

Raise children

Make decisions about money

Endangered Animals Chosen Animal: Brief Description:

Habitat: -


Why is it endangered?

Action to protect this animal:


Interesting fact:

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