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Flight Flight is a drama film released November 2, 2012. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis. William Whip Whitaker is portrayed by the lead actor Denzel Washington. Supporting him is Tamara Tunie (Margaret), John Goodman (Harling), and Don Cheadle (Hugh), and Brian Geraghty (Ken). The film centers on Whip who is a respected airline pilot. He arrives to work high off of cocaine and drunk. Whip takes the plane up and almost immediately hits turbulence. Once the plane reaches cruising altitude, it takes a nose dive. Whip wakes up, retains control of the plane by whipping the plane around. He crash lands the plane into a field and later wakes up in a hospital. A representative of the pilot union informs Whip that his heroics saved 96 of 102 people. He is then caught up in a string of events where all Whip had to do was cruise control to freedom. Almost immediately, Whip is taken on a wild ride with the National Travel Safety Board (NTSB). At an NTSB trial hearing, Whip accounts for everything that happened during that tragic day. He lies about being intoxicated and other events up until the stewardess is mentioned. Not wanting to soil her name, he confesses that he was indeed intoxicated. Whip was later sentenced for manslaughter and is sent to prison. It is there he realizes the errors of his way and what effects his consequences had on others. While he is maintaining a respectable professional life, he is also maintaining an irresponsible personal life with cocaine addiction. His substance abuse carried over into his professional life which has affected relationships and job performance. The character

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development that follows Whip shows that he is a severely flawed character throughout the movie. However admirable his efforts were to land the airplane, one must question whether or not it is ethical to be irresponsible and reckless outside of work. There were frequent instances in the film where Whip is lauded for landing the plane. Without a doubt, it is a feat worthy of recognition. In the movie it was mentioned that a simulation of the malfunctioning plane was recreated. Under the same circumstances, 11 pilots couldnt save as many passengers as Whip. So it is evident that it wasnt a miracle, but a testament to the skill and ability of Whip as a pilot. Whips drinking problem is further exacerbated by the stress from the NTSB investigation of the crash. He brings Margaret, whom he met at the hospital, to his ranch to live. There is liquor everywhere in the home. His alcoholism was pushing them a part and the distance between him and his family is evident. Whip explains that he drinks simply because he can. He is tempted to drink whenever and wherever. He cant even be trusted to stay sober long enough for the hearing. Some scenes are framed with alcohol in the shot. It is either empty containers or full bottles that he later clears. Not only are these destructive for his body, but his mind and social life as well. Alcohol was a divisive barrier between Whip and others he was close to. The people he was close to were those who depended on him. At some point in the movie, it begs the question whether Whip could have landed that plane on or off drugs. Alcohol was such a major part of his life that it was harmful to others. His family wanted nothing to do with him and Whip was becoming very manipulative. He wanted

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other witnesses to distort the facts of the trial so that he looks more favorable. Whip is constantly running from his problems that shows how the substance abuse is very toxic for him. Whip could have lied his way to absolute freedom, but he still wouldnt have openly addressed his issues. He wouldnt have come to terms with his alcoholism, which he did; and he wouldnt have been able to repair his damaged relationships. Flight is an excellent story of choice and the impact of decisions. The movie also exemplifies the importance of character and integrity, something which Whip struggled with. At the end of the movie, Whip is in prison and hes reconciling with other inmates about his struggles and what hes learned from his experiences. He can finally accept the errors in his ways and start rebuilding relationships. Whip has even made up with his family. Viewers can really take away the importance of honesty and sincerity. I took a lot away from the film, and it became one of my favorites. While there wasnt a happy ending per se, I wouldnt have been satisfied if Whip had lied and gotten away with everything. That would have been more villainous and dishonest. He would not have learned anything, and he would still go back to drinking more alcohol. The ending was more honest and authentic. If anything, one can hope that Whip becomes a much better person with much better values.

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