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Running head: PHASES OF THE MOON

Phases of the Moon

Amanda Rion

Ivy Tech Community College

EDUC 110 10F

Deb Losch

September 4, 2011


Name: Amanda Rion Grade: 6 Objective: The students will use oil pastels to demonstrate shape, hue, and value to draw and define the phases of the moon. IN Standard: 6.2 Understanding the relationships between celestial bodies and the force that keeps them in regular and predictable motion. Indicator: 6.2.1 Describe and model how the position, size and relative motions of the earth, moon and sun cause day and night, solar and lunar eclipses, and phases of the moon. Content: The students will study the phases of the moon and then recreate them using Oreos, and then will use an oil pastel medium to incorporate shape, hue, and value into their drawings. The students will draw and label the different phases of the moon. Materials/Media/Technology: black poster boards, oil pastels, science books, Oreos, hot glue gun, glue sticks for glue gun, plastic spoons, dental floss, napkins, ______________________________________________________________________________

I. MOTIVATION: The students will use Oreo cookies to make a model of the moon phases. The students will then draw a poster that illustrates the different phases of the moon. The students will learn a new art technique to incorporate into their drawings.

GOAL FOR LEARNER: The students will incorporate art and science while learning to identify the different phases of the moon. The students will learn a new art technique to use in their drawings.

II. PROCEDURE: As a group we will read the chapter in the textbook that refers to the phases of the moon. I will allow the students to take turns reading and asking questions as I go along. After reading the chapter I will give each student Oreo cookies, a plastic spoon, napkin, and dental floss. I will model to the students how I would like them to show the phases of the moon. Once the students have their cookies ready I will help the students glue them onto their display board. The students will then use oil pastels to draw the phases of the moon in order. I will talk to the children about shape, hue, and value, and the students will incorporate this into their drawings. The students will use a blending technique to make the moon look more realistic.


NEW INFORMATION: I will emphasize the art techniques required to draw the different phases of the moon. I will model to the students how to properly blend the oil pastels to make the surface of the moon look realistic. I will explain shape, hue, and value to the children to help them incorporate an art technique into their drawings.

CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: After reading the chapter that talks about the phases of the moon I will ask the children questions to make sure they understand why the moon has different phases. I will ask the students questions at each different step in the process of making their poster boards. I will ask: Can you name the different phases? Why does part of the moon look like it is not there? How do the changing angels of the sun and earth affect the moon? What does the term waxing moon mean? What does the term waning moon mean? I will then explain the art technique we will be using. I will ask the children questions: Why would we use oil pastels instead of crayons for this project? Do you think chalk would work the same way as the oil pastels? How can we blend colors together to make the moon look realistic? Should we blend darker colors to lighter or lighter to darker? Why?

MODELING: I will first model to the students how to split up the Oreos and use the plastic spoon and dental floss to create the moon phases. I will then model to the students how to use the oil pastels to draw the phases of the moon. I will demonstrate to the children how to use proper art techniques when blending the oil pastels.

GUIDED PRACTICE: I will demonstrate a specific art technique when drawing the phases of the moon. I will expect the children to use this technique in their own drawings. The students drawings will all be slightly different when using the same technique.

CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: The students completed poster boards will demonstrate their understanding on the phases of the moon, their ability to follow directions, and their use of art techniques.

PRACTICE: The students will create their own poster boards that will use art techniques to display their understanding of content knowledge.


ASSESSMENT: I will observe the children creating the phases of the moon. When the children can successfully identify the phases of the moon in the correct order I will know the students have a full understanding of the content. When the children can demonstrate proper blending techniques and can answer questions regarding shape, hue, and value, I will know the student has a full understand on the content.

EXTENSION: After completing the poster boards we will use flashlights and balls to create our own phases of the moon. This will allow the children to visually see how the light affects the way the moon looks at different times. The students will also be allowed to eat the Oreos and Oreo pieces they did not use on their poster board. This lesson will go hand in hand with the lesson on the sun, the lesson on day and night, and the lesson on solar eclipse.

CLOSURE: I will display the students poster boards around the classroom until we have completed our science chapters on the earth, sun, and moon. I will then encourage my students to keep their posters at home for future use. We will then take a class field trip to the local planetarium.

III. EVALUATION: I will make sure the students use their art techniques to demonstrate their content knowledge on the phases of the moon.

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